
Search results

How To View FLC Course Catalog and All Course Sections
  1. Log in to Workday and search "Advisor Dashboard" in the "Search" bar. Select "Advisor Dashboard" from the results that populate
    1. The Advisor Dashboard houses the "View Course Catalog at FLC report" Under the Advisor Reports header on the right side of the dashboard. This report displays all courses offered without academic period parameters. There are many filtering options and a search bar to browse course sections.
    2. The Advisor Dashboard also includes the report "Find Course Section Definitions- Updated Facets." This report displays both published and unpublished courses. You can see unpublished courses by filtering the report by Section Status on the left and selecting "Preliminary" status.  
View Student鈥檚 Program of Study, Academic Progress Report, and Registered Courses
  1. From the Workday home page, click on the "Search bar." Type "Student:" then the student's first and last name. Choose the correct name from the results that populate.
  2. You should now be viewing the student's profile. In the blue column on the left, select the "Academics" sections.
    1. The "Overview" tab from this section displays the student's declared program(s) of study, majors, minors, and certificates.
    2. Click on the "Current Courses" tab. This displays all courses the student is registered for in the current term.
    3. The "Plan" tab refers to a customizable education plan advisors can create with students. Not all students will have a plan at this time.
    4. The "Academic History" tab is the equivalent of viewing the student's unofficial transcript. You can see all the courses they have taken and their earned grades in chronological order. Each academic period can be collapsed to help view one year at a time for multiple years in the history.
    5. Click on the "Academic Progress" tab to view the student's Academic Progress Report, which will replace the uAchieve degree audit. The report compiles the status of the program of study and unmet requirements for the student to complete their program of study.
  3. The External Records tab shows test results and courses from other institutions attended. (ex. Advanced placement test scores, SAT scores, FLC placement scores, and completed transferred courses and credits from other institutions.
Transcripts & Diplomas
Update Personal Information - Workday

You can edit your personal information from your Workday profile, such as your Legal Sex, Date of birth, Pronouns, Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity, Tribal Affiliation, Citizenship status, and Gender Identity, and add disabilities or military service:

  1. Select the photo icon at the top right of your Workday portal. Select "View Profile."
  2. Under your name and 900 ID, select the "Actions" button in the blue column on the left of the profile.
  3. Hover over the Personal Data action and select "Change My Personal Information."
  4. Select the pencil icon next to the section you want to edit.
  5. Activate the empty fields to select answer choices.
  6. Select the check mark box in each section to save after making edits.

Adding a Disability or Military Service

  1. Select the "Add" button.
  2. Activate the empty field to select a choice.
  3. Complete any date fields that populate and select the check mark box to save.
  4. Select "Submit" at the bottom to complete your changes.
Look up a Student and View their Academic info using Find Academic Records

If you need to look up students in Workday under a program of study or can’t remember their exact name, you can utilize the Find Academic Records report. 

  1. From the Search bar at the top of your Workday portal, search “Find Academic Records” and select the report from the search results. 
  2. From the report, you can use the report search bar to type part of the name or utilize filters on the left side of the list to find a student based on their Academic Unit, Primary Program of Study, Academic Level, or Academic Record Status. (For example, I need to find a student in my engineering class, but I can’t remember their exact name. I can use this report to filter the results by the Engineering primary program of study). 
  3. When the correct result appears, select the student’s name in blue to drill into their profile.  
  4. You can save search results by clicking Save under Current Search.
Student Employment at FLC - Workday

If you are completing a work-study at FLC, you can View Employment Profile information directly from your personal profile by switching the view:

  1. Navigate to your profile by clicking the person icon (or photo) at the top right of the Workday portal, then click the View Profile button.
  2. Your profile opens to the Summary section by default.
  3. If you have an active work-study, you will see a heading for Worker and Student on the right side of this section.
  4. *Note your name under Worker in blue, and below the name is your position name. Note your name under Student in blue includes your 900 ID number, and below the name restates “Student.”
  5. To view your employment profile information, click your name in blue under the Worker header.
  6. You will now see different sections in the left blue profile area that reflect employment information, such as compensation, job info, pay, absence, and more.
  7. You can navigate to your student profile information in the Summary section by clicking your name under the Student header (includes your 900#). Alternatively, your profile will default back to student information if you navigate away from the profile. (For example, if you view your worker profile and then click on the Fort Lewis College icon at the top left to take you to the home screen and then go back to your profile, the information displayed will be your student information).

Review the following job aids for submitting timesheets, requesting time off, and reviewing payslips and pay information: ·

Change Preferred Name - Workday

Your preferred name will be used for all campus communications. Individuals you authorize under FERPA can view - and may be informed about - the preferred name and pronouns on your record.

  1. Select the photo icon at the top right of your Workday portal. Then click View Profile
  2. Click the Actions button in your Profile.
  3. Hover over Personal Data, then click Change My Preferred Name
  4. Determine if you would like to keep the box checked next to Use Legal Name As Preferred Name. (You may need to change your legal name first).  
  5. Enter your updated information in the comment box.  
  6. Click Submit.  

How to view students assigned to a Faculty Advisor using the Advisor Dashboard

Advisors can view which students are assigned to them from the Advisor Dashboard in Workday!

  1. Log in to Workday and search “Advisor Dashboard” in the "Search" bar. Select "Advisor Dashboard" from the results that populate.
  2. The "Advisor Dashboard" lists "My Students and their contact information.
Basic Navigation - Workday
  • Menu Navigation: Click the "MENU" icon at the top left to access commonly used apps like Academics and the Financials Hub.
  • Home Page Shortcut: Use the "FORT LEWIS COLLEGE" icon at the top left to return to the Workday home page anytime.
  • Notifications: The "bell" icon at the top right displays your Notifications. A number on the bell shows unread items. Click to view your notifications.
  • Action Items: The "mailbox" icon next to the bell represents My Tasks for important action-required messages. A number indicates pending actions.
  • Personal Profile: At the far top right, your "photo" icon leads to Profile. You can view and update your personal details, academic records, and more here.
  • Home Page Access: The Workday Home page features a Your Top Apps box for quick access to Academics and the Financial Hub and an Awaiting Your Action box for outstanding tasks.
  • Search Bar Note: Currently, the search bar's functionality for students is limited, so you can skip using this feature for now.
How To Set Search Bar to Prioritize Student Results

If you frequently need to look up students in Workday, you can configure your search results in Workday to bring students up before other result categories.

  1. Type anything in the "Search bar" at the top of your Workday portal and click enter (ex. "Student"). Do not select a result. This will bring you to a full "Search Results" page.
  2. On the bottom left of the page, click "Configure Search."
  3. Drag and drop search categories to the Saved Categories at the top to prioritize what results you would like to see first when you use the search bar. The first category will appear and descend in priority with additional Saved Categories. To prioritize student names, drag the "Student "category up to Saved Categories in the order you would like to see it. (For example, set your Saved Categories to People results first, Tasks and Reports, then Student.)
  4. Click "Save" when done.
View Teaching Schedule/ View Course Roster Overview
  1. Select the Teaching App from the MENU at the top left of the Workday portal.
  2. Select the report View Teaching Schedule.
  3. Select the Academic Period field, Current Periods, and the correct year and term. Select OK.
  4. To drill into a course section enrollment list, select the blue number in the Number of Students Enrolled column and view the pop-out list of students enrolled in the course.
How to Submit Grades for a Course Section
  1. Log in to Workday, select the "MENU button" on the top left of the portal, and enter the "Teaching app."
  2. Under Grading, select "Assign Final Grades"
  3. Choose "My Assigned Course Sections" in the pop-up window.
  4. Select the appropriate term/semester from the options.
  5. Choose your desired "Course Section." Select "Ok."
  6. When your class roster appears, click the blank box in each student's Final Grade column and select the correct final grade from the letter grade choices.
  7. If you enter grades for all students and are finished, select the blue "Submit" button. Otherwise, you can click the "Save for Later" button to save changes and complete grading later.
Using the Troubleshooting Console

When a student tries to register for a specific course section in Find Course Sections, there may be factors that do not allow them to register for that course, even if they are in their appropriate Registration Appointment. When selecting a course section, the student may not see a Register button but instead a Troubleshoot button. Use the Troubleshooting Console to assist the student in determining why they are unable to register for that specific course section.  

  1. Advisors, faculty, or staff can utilize the Registration Troubleshooting Console by searching for this in the Workday Search bar and selecting the result. 
  2. In the next window, select the bubble next to Student. Click into the field and type the student’s name to choose. (Search hint: Type part of the student’s first name and part of their last name, then Enter to reduce search results) 
  3. Type the semester name and year in the Search Date Within field, then Enter to reduce search results. (ex. “Fall 2024” for fall semester 2024) 
  4. Click the Course field to find the course by category, or type part of the course name and then Enter to reduce search results. 
  5. Click into the Course Section field, then select All. This will filter available sections (meeting times) by all available in the Course you selected in the previous field. Select the course section of interest.  
  6. Select the OK button.  
  7. In the top area of the console, you will see one piece of information that may be of use: 
    1. Active Record During Academic Period: Yes or No (Is the student active for this semester?) 
  8. There are tabs below the basic course section information that can indicate other reasons for registration prevention: 
    1. Summary: will display an overview of potential issues preventing registration (Is there a hold? Does the student have registration access? Are they eligible for the course or section? Is this course section published?) 
    2. Enrollment Access: This tab explains the logic behind the course section access grading policy and may be useless. 
    3. Appointments and Date Controls: Identifies parameters of registration appointments based on graduate or undergraduate registration window parameters. This may help determine if there is a different registration appointment (window) for an undergrad for this course vs. a graduate student.  
    4. Course Eligibility: The student may not be eligible for the course section (yes or no). If the answer is No, a Course and Course section rule in blue can be selected to drill into the specific eligibility requirements of the course and section under the Meaning.   

All data that is blue can be selected and drilled into further. (Ex. If the student has two holds, you can choose the number 2 in that area to drill into the hold information.  

Explore the Teaching App

The Teaching App will be the primary location for instructor reports and tasks in Workday.

  1. Select the MENU button at the top left and then select the Teaching app from the Apps list.
  2. From the app dashboard, you will see reports to View the Teaching Schedule and the Course Section Roster.
    You can also complete the tasks Verify Participation for My Course Section and assign grades.

Learn more about Completing Instructor Tasks in the Teaching App.

View Course Section Roster Report

You can view your course roster from a different report that displays the capacities set for the course section and more information about the students registered.

  1. From the Teaching app, select the task View Course Section Roster.
  2. Activate the Course Section field and select My Assigned Course Sections.
  3. Activate the blank Published Course Section field and choose the correct term/semester.
  4. Select the Course Section you wish to view. Click Ok.
  5. The Course Section Roster will appear at the bottom of the page.
  6. A column next to each student displays the student’s Program of Study on the right-hand side.

Contact us

Skyhawk Station

Phone: 970-247-7301
Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday


Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.