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Reverse Transfer Policy

If you transferred to FLC from a two-year institution, you can combine your credits toward an associate degree while you work on your bachelor's degree through a program called Reverse Transfer.

There is no impact on your current academic standing or financial aid. This is simply a way to get the credentials you've already earned.

Eligibility for reverse transfer

  • You have completed 15 credit hours at a community college in Colorado
  • You have a minimum of 70 credit hours, including coursework at FLC
  • You transferred to FLC Summer of 2012 or later
  • Your completed credit hours meet the requirements for an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of General Studies (determined by degree audit)
  • You have not requested that your data be withheld
  • You have not already received an associate's or bachelor's degree.
  • If you are currently not enrolled at FLC but have been within the last two years and meet the above eligibility requirements, you may still be eligible. Contact us to find out.

How it works

  • If you are eligible for Reverse Transfer, you'll receive an email from us every year in March. If you want to participate, use the tool in that email.
  • If you attended any other higher education institutions, send your official transcripts to your community college so those credits can be considered toward your associate degree.
Learn more about transferring credits to FLC
Transferology Tool

Use Transferology, a third-party website, to see how your credits will transfer toward a degree at FLC. It is a quick and simple process to gain access to their widely-used database of colleges and universities around Colorado, the country, and the world.

If you don't see your course in Transferology, email

Waitlists for faculty and staff

Instructors do not need to manage their own waitlists; they are all automated. All classes have an available waitlist except courses with a required lab with a separate CRN (e.g., CHEM 150).

Students do not need instructor permission to join a course's waitlist unless they need an override to register. You can find more information from the student perspective on the registration page.

Uniform Schedule

Every course must meet under one of the formats described below unless an explicit exception has been made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (view or download a PDF of the Uniform Schedule Grid). Additional flexibility may be available for late-afternoon classes.

For instruction types not listed below, consult Appendix A of the Academic Credit Hours policy.

Abbreviations: M - Monday, T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday, R - Thursday, F - Friday

Class time per meeting Meetings per week Total classroom/instruction minutes for a 14-week semester (sans finals week) Instruction Type Credits Possible formats
55 minutes 1 770 Lecture 1 M,T,W,R, or F
55 minutes 2 1540 Lecture 2 MW, WF, MF, or TR
55 minutes 3 2310 Lecture 3 MWF
55 minutes 4 3080 Lecture (calculus sequence only) 4 MTWF or MWRF
85 minutes 2 2380
Transferring credits with a Pass/No Pass grading scale

We understand colleges and universities nationwide deviated from their traditional grading schemes for all Spring 2020 - Fall 2021 courses, with many moving to a version of Pass/No Pass grading scale. To account for this, we accept any course with transferable course content for which the student earned a P grade, provided that P is equivalent to a grade of C- or higher.

Time Conflict Overrides

The Colorado Department of Education's Commission on Higher Education requires students to have 750 minutes of seat time for each credit hour they earn. To prevent the College from running afoul of accreditation standards, we cannot permit time-conflict overrides under any circumstances, even if the amount of overlapping time is minimal.

However, instructors may arrange for students to take Independent Study credits instead of one of the classes. Departments can grant substitutions so that Independent Study credits satisfy a particular major or minor requirement.

Deadlines for Final and Mid-Term grade submissions


Workday grade submissions will begin during the Summer Semester of 2024.

Summer grading windows are as follows:  June 8-10, June 22-24, July 13-15, and July 26-29 (all grades due by 3 pm Monday, July 29)

Fall & Spring

Workday grading opens on the Monday morning of finals week through 3 pm the Monday after finals week. You will receive an email notification when the grading function has been turned on.

Don’t forget to submit grades for independent study and non-scheduled courses.

Incomplete Grades for Instructors

"Incompletes" are issued at the instructor's discretion -- you are not required to allow a student to take an "Incomplete" for any reason. You can allow students up to one year to complete the outstanding coursework (you are not required to give them the whole year).

  • An Incomplete will appear on a student's transcript with an "I" in place of a grade until one of two things happens:
    • The student completes the required coursework within the time allowed, and you submit a Grade Change form to the Registrar's Office or
    • If the student fails to complete the required coursework, the "I" will be changed to an "F" on their transcript.

What do you need to do once the student has completed the work?

For the student to get a grade for the class, you must submit a Grade Change form to the Registrar's Office. We will not accept Grade Change forms submitted by anyone other than the instructor.

FERPA for faculty & staff

All faculty and staff are required to protect students' privacy under FERPA. FERPA violations can seriously affect the institution and the faculty/staff involved. See our detailed FERPA page for specific information regarding your responsibilities as an FLC employee.

Learn more about FERPA
Distance Education courses

Please see our Approved Distance Education courses page for an updated list.

Financial Aid disbursement

In most cases, the student's financial aid will be automatically credited each term when the student confirms full-time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours), registers early as a full-time student, and their financial aid file is complete.

Any financial aid funds awarded more than the direct charges due and payable to the institution will generally be made available to the student on the first day of class. The initial refund is created for the student when all aid credits simultaneously.

If the Federal Direct Parent Loan disburses after other aid has been credited, a refund will be produced for the parent borrower unless designated otherwise on the Federal Direct Parent Loan promissory note.

Learn how to view and accept your financial aid
Summer Session Financial Aid

Fort Lewis College does not have designated aid for summer. Summer financial aid is usually limited to Federal Direct Loans and, in some cases, a Federal Pell Grant. To be considered for summer financial aid, students should:

  • Be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours during the summer to be considered for Federal Direct Loans
  • Have a valid FAFSA application on file
  • Not be on academic disqualification
  • Not be on financial aid suspension
  • Not have borrowed their annual loan limits
  • Not have reached their lifetime Pell Grant or Federal loan limits

Students MUST consult with the Financial Aid Office before adjusting their summer schedule to avoid having to pay back any of their summer aid.

After registration, the Financial Aid Office will email students starting in April each year with a link to view their summer financial aid package.

Learn more about Financial Aid
Incomplete Grades for Students

Considering taking an "Incomplete"? Here's what you need to know:

  • Incomplete Grades are issued at the instructor's discretion -- instructors are not required to allow a student to take an Incomplete for any reason.
  • The instructor can allow you up to one year to complete the outstanding coursework. They are not required to give you the whole year to complete the coursework.
  • If your instructor agrees to let you take an Incomplete, you have the option to fill out the Incomplete Grade Request form.
    • You will outline the agreed-upon terms on the form, including the coursework you need to complete and the time frame for completing it.
    • Both the student and the instructor must sign the form. 
  • An Incomplete will appear on your transcript with an "I" in place of a grade until one of two things happens:
    • You complete the required coursework within the time allowed, and your instructor submits a grade change form to the Registrar's Office. Registrar's Office staff will then replace the "I" on your transcript with the grade assigned by your instructor.
    • You fail to complete the required coursework, so the "I" will be changed to an "F" on your transcript after one year unless approved for an extension.
Get help from an advisor
How to accept a financial aid package

Learn how to accept your financial aid package with this handy checklist.

Apply for graduation

All degree- and certificate-seeking students must submit an Application for Graduation. Refer to the Graduation Guide for the step-by-step process.

Application for Graduation deadlines:

    Fall (December) Graduation is due by May 1
    Spring (May) Graduation is due by December 1
    Summer (July) Graduation is due by December 1

Graduation Guide

Contact us

Skyhawk Station

Phone: 970-247-7301
Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday


Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.