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FERPA resources

Resources from the federal FERPA website: 

Directory information disclosures

Fort Lewis College may, but is not required to, disclose "directory information" without a student's consent or knowledge. Students may request confidentiality of their directory information at any time.

Access the searchable student directory behind CAS

Directory information at FLC includes:

  • Student name*
  • Fort Lewis College e-mail address
  • Address (including local mailing, permanent, and graduation addresses)
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Photos and videos taken or maintained by the College, including SkyCard ID picture
  • Hometown (city and state)
  • Major and minor fields of study, concentrations, and certificates
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degree information (including conferral date)
  • College-recognized honors and awards
  • Classification level (e.g., first-year, sophomore, graduate student, post-baccalaureate)
  • Enrollment status (full-time, half-time, and part-time, not credit hours)
  • Participation in officially recognized College activities and sports, including the height and weight of athletes
  • Most recent school attended

IMPORTANT: Although Fort Lewis College has designated the information listed above as directory information, FLC officials disclose only a limited amount of this information on a routine basis. The College retains the right to refuse disclosure of directory information if it believes such disclosure would be an infringement on student privacy rights or if disclosure would put the student in danger.

*As outlined in College policy, FLC recognizes that some faculty, staff, and students may prefer to use a first name other than their legal name. The College is committed to making every effort to use preferred first names whenever possible in the course of College business and education. This includes but is not limited to, the use of preferred first names in email addresses, directory listings, recognitions, and any printed materials. Please be aware that, when communicating with a third party about a student, it may be necessary to use their legal name rather than their preferred name.

Student Record Privacy Request of directory information

At any time, students can:

If a student requests that their record remain confidential:

  • FLC officials will not acknowledge that student's connection to campus or the College in any way.
    • For example, if a third party contacts the Registrar's Office inquiring about a student who has requested confidentiality, Registrar's Office staff will refuse to disclose information of any kind about that student, including the fact that they are (or were) a student at all, degree or enrollment information, contact information, and any other information contained in the student's education record.
  • FLC officials may still communicate information about the student and their record to other FLC officials when there is a legitimate educational interest.
    • The student must appear in person with a valid photo ID to conduct College business.
    • If the student cannot come to campus in person, they can still change their record, request the removal of the confidentiality request, and authorize the release of information to particular people or organizations.
    • To do any of the above, the student will have to submit either a notarized, written, and signed request on which the notary official verifies the student's identity or request a video conference with the Registrar during which they can show a valid photo ID to verify their identity.

The student’s record will remain confidential, even after they graduate or leave FLC unless that student reverses their request for confidentiality in writing. Reversal requests must be:

  • Submitted by the student in person
  • Signed by the student
  • The student must be able to verify their identity with a valid photo ID.
    • If it is not possible for the student to appear in person, they can submit their request using the process described in the previous bullet.

EXCEPTIONS: Certain circumstances require FLC to release information about a student who has requested confidentiality. Those exceptions include:

  • In response to requests from federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies
  • "If the school determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals and that a third party needs personally identifiable information (PII) from education records to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals" (US Department of Education).

School Official

A "school official" is defined as:

  • A person employed 新加坡六合彩 in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position;
  • A person appointed to the Board of Trustees;
  • A person employed by, or under contract with, Fort Lewis College to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor.

Legitimate Educational Interest

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:

  • Performing a task that is specified in their position description or contract agreement;
  • Performing a task related to a student’s education;
  • Performing a task related to the discipline of a student;
  • Providing a service or benefit relating to a student or a student’s family, such as advising, job placement, financial aid, or housing assistance.

What is NOT a "legitimate educational interest"?

  • Legitimate educational interest does not give a school official the right to any and all student information.
  • Personal/private interests are NOT legitimate educational interests.
  • Educational interest does not imply authority to disclose information to a third party without the student's written permission, unless that third party is acting on the institution's behalf.
Add a Course Section with Variable Credits to a Saved Schedule, or Register for a Course with Variable Credits
  1. Navigate to the Academics app from the top left MENU in your Workday portal or Your Top Apps on the Workday homepage.
  2. On the right-hand side, select “Find Fall Course Sections.”
  3. Browse courses using the search bar, the filters on the left side, or scrolling through the complete list. Select the course section name in blue to drill into the course details.
  4. View the credit hours on the View Course Section page next to Credits. Variable Credit courses will display a range of credits rather than a fixed number. (ex. Matt 113- Algebra for Calculus displays “3-4 Credits”).
  5. Select the Add to Saved Schedule button if you are still preparing for registration, or select the Register button if you want to register for this course individually.
  6. Check the box next to the preferred Course Section meeting time.
  7. Type the number of credits you wish to register for in the Credits field. Ensure you choose a credit amount within the established credit range for the course section.
  8.  Select the OK button when done.
Non-Scheduled Course Authorization

The Non-Scheduled Course Authorization forms are now available in the Student Resource Center

Academic Dishonesty Policy & Reporting Form

Follow the link below to view the Academic Policies in the Faculty Handbook. 

Use the form link to report incidents of academic dishonesty. 

Completing Registration Eligibility Overrides as the Instructor

When a student requests a registration override for your course section, a task appears in your Workday inbox or My Tasks. My Tasks is located at the top right of your Workday portal. Select the mailbox icon, indicating tasks requiring your action. A red circle with a number indicates the number of unread tasks in your inbox. Check your Workday inbox often to ensure there are no outstanding tasks to complete. You can also see exceptional tasks from the Workday homepage in the Awaiting Your Action table. Checking My Tasks often is especially important during semester start-up.

  • Navigate to My Tasks at the top right of your Workday portal to view all tasks. Your inbox will contain a task with the header “Eligibility Override.” The task details include the course section, the student requesting the override, and other information.
  • Review the student’s academic records from their Workday Profile first to determine whether they fit your course well. See below the instructions for View Student’s Program of Study, Academic Progress Report, and Registered Courses.
  • Navigate back to My Tasks at the top right of your Workday portal to view the Eligibility Override request and provide a decision.
  • To approve the override, select the Approve button at the bottom of the task.
  • If you need more information before deciding, comment in the Enter Your Comment box to ask a question. Then select the Send Back button. Once the student responds and re-submits the request, you will receive this task in My Tasks again.
  • If you want to decline the override request, select the Deny button at the bottom of the task.

*Be sure to research transfer credits and placements in the student’s profile under Academics and External Records before granting eligibility overrides. 

Overrides due to time conflicts are not permitted. If a student is registered for another course section that conflicts with the time of the desired additional course section, the Registrar will not honor the request. 

Viewing your account activity and statement in Student Account Suite
  1. To view a full breakdown of billable line items paid and due, including historical payments, Login to your Student Account Suite
  1. At the top left of the portal, select My Account
  1. Select Account Activity.

  1. In the Filter Activity By field, select Full Account Activity or Date Range.
    Select the View Activity button.
  1. To view the official billing statement, select My Account from the top left of the Student Account Suite.
  1. Select Statement to view the billing statement.
  1. The billing statement can be downloaded as a pdf from the page.

*If you make changes to your schedule, your balance may change. You will receive an email if your statement has been updated.

Navigating to your billing statement from Workday

If you are currently logged in to your Workday portal, you can navigate to the Student Account Suite.  

  • Select the Financials Hub app, from either the homepage in the My Top Apps section, or from the MENU at the top left of the portal.
  • Select any of the links in the Suggested Links section on the left to be routed to the Student Account Suite.

Contact us

Skyhawk Station

Phone: 970-247-7301
Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday


Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.