
Accommodations for students with temporary impairments

What qualifies as a “temporary impairment?” 

Typically, temporary impairments are injuries or illnesses that impact your ability to attend class, complete coursework, or participate in programs or activities on campus on a temporary basis.

A temporary impairment does not qualify as an ADA disability, but may still be a “serious health condition” requiring reasonable accommodations. A temporary impairment caused by an injury may also be a covered disability under the ADA Amendments Act depending on the severity and impact of the injury. 

Examples of temporary impairments may include but are not limited to: 

  • Broken or sprained limbs
  • Concussion  
  • Medical treatments 
  • Short-term impairments following surgery  

Apply for temporary accommodations 

Step 1: Inform the Accessibility Resource Center of the immediate need

The student, coach, or provider must contact Ericka Kelley, student services specialist. Please provide the student's name and email, nature of the injury or illness, and name and contact information of the provider, if applicable (i.e. medical professional, athletic trainer, etc.)


Steve Scales

Step 2: Initial needs assessment

We will reach out to conduct an an initial needs assessment with the student, typically via a phone call.

Step 3: Communication with professors and student

We will file your request and inform professors of accommodation needs with a general timeline. We will continue to communicate with you until the accommodations are no longer needed.