
What are Accommodations? 

Academic accommodations are meant to remove barriers between you and your ability to participate in the educational process. They are reasonable in nature and can be modifications, adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services such as:  

  • Changes to a classroom environment or task
  • Modifications to policies, practices, or procedures 
  • Provision of accessible instructional materials and effective communication services 
  • Other adaptations or modifications that enable a student to participate in a school's programs, services, and activities. 

To receive accommodations based on the impact of a disability or temporary impairment, you must first register with the Accessibility Resource Center. For the step-by-step registration and request process, follow the instructions linked below.

Because accommodations are not retroactive, begin this process soon as possible in order to ensure timely notice and coordination. Similarly, it is your responsibility to notify us as early as possible in the event of any problems or unexpected barriers experienced in obtaining academic accommodations and services. 

Transition from high school or another college (IEP/504) 

If you had an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or accommodations provided under Section 504 in high school, this can be helpful in providing guidance to the services and accommodations we provide, but it does not necessarily mean that services in college will be the same. Similarly, if you are transferring from another college or university where you received services, they will not automatically transfer here. We will work with you to determine the accommodations we can provide in your time at FLC.