
Yours to tell

Your story is yours to tell. We treat information about your disability the same way we treat medical or health information, taking our commitment to confidentiality to heart. Any information we collect from medical or psychological evaluations is regarded as confidential, only to be shared with faculty, staff, coaches or other professionals with your express written consent, as permitted by law.

The Letter of Accommodations that goes to faculty is limited to discussing the academic accommodations for which you are qualified and does not contain information regarding your specific condition or diagnosis.

You are even in control of the information you share with your parent(s) or guardian(s). Should you wish to include them in the intake process or otherwise allow our staff to share information with them, you will sign a consent to release information form.


We will not share your confidential information without consent unless it is required by federal or state law.

Policy information

of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the (ADA) are federal laws aimed at protecting individuals from discrimination against their disabilities. See FLC’s policies on disability anti-discrimination and participation in campus activities.