
FLC exceeds its carbon emission reduction goal!

On November 30, world leaders gathered in Paris, France, for climate talks. In that spirit, I am pleased to announce that Fort Lewis College has met our goal of reducing campus carbon emissions by 20 percent. In fact, we reduced our emissions by 21 percent!

Dennis Elkins

The Clarence Brown Theatre Company in Knoxville, TN, produced a version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol that was adapted for the stage by Dennis Elkins, chair of the Theatre Department.

Strater Hotel

Durango's historic Strater Hotel was named one of the by travel website; it was the only building in the United States recognized on the list.

Challenged athletes challenge Exercise Science students to grow and care

Four dozen athletes push their backpacks and water bottles against the wall. Brightly colored cones and bean bags are spread around the wooden gym floor. The goal of the day’s activities are not immediately apparent to an outside observer, but one woman is clearly in charge. Cathy Simbeck, professor of Exercise Science, paces the gym with several stopwatches around her neck.

Taylor Bennet-Begaye

Taylor Bennett-Begaye, a senior Art major, was named as one of four 2016 , a year-long program for 18-to-24-year-old Native American filmmakers.

Great Value Colleges

FLC was listed in the Top 10 Great Small Colleges for Nature Lovers by Great Value Colleges.

Niche Best Colleges

Durango was named the #4 Best College Town in America by Niche Best Colleges.
