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    Dr. Mark Walters elected president of Colorado Music Educators Association

    Dr. Mark Walters elected president of Colorado Music Educators Association

    Thursday, February 15, 2018

    The Fort Lewis College Music Department is a gem in the Four Corners region, but the program’s ambitions stretch beyond just southwestern Colorado. With the recent election of FLC Professor of Music Dr. Mark Walters as president of the Colorado Music Educators Association (CMEA), the reputation of the program will only grow.

    World-class guest artists visit FLC

    World-class guest artists visit FLC

    Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    Charissa Chiaravalloti, assistant professor of Music, leads several FLC choirs and performs in a quartet herself. Yet she makes some of her greatest impacts by bringing other artists to campus, where they teach students and perform for the community. "The Artists in Residence program was developed to support the Music Department in bringing in guest artists throughout the year,” she explains.

    Voices awarded on the regional stage

    Voices awarded on the regional stage

    Monday, May 22, 2017

    Six students specializing in vocal performance in Fort Lewis College’s Music program received recognition at the regional National Association of Teachers of Singing auditions this April. This was the first time that students represented FLC at the event, with 12 Music majors competing with more than 500 collegiate singers from Colorado and Wyoming.

    CCH celebrates two decades as region鈥檚 cultural nexus

    CCH celebrates two decades as region鈥檚 cultural nexus

    Wednesday, May 17, 2017

    The Community Concert Hall was borne of a disaster that ended up a blessing for the Four Corners’ cultural and educational communities. On January 19, 1993, at 5:35 a.m. -- two and a half hours before the day’s first classes were to start – FLC’s Fine Arts Building caved in under the weight of an unusual and extended series of January snowfalls.

    Thank you, Carol and Norman

    Thank you, Carol and Norman

    Thursday, March 12, 2015

    I recently had the privilege of welcoming Carol Salomon and Norman Broad, two generous supporters of Fort Lewis College, to campus to celebrate the good their gifts have done. Their donations to the President’s Discretionary Fund have allowed us to support some wonderful initiatives and programs.

    VIDEO: A day in the life of Cory

    VIDEO: A day in the life of Cory

    Wednesday, May 14, 2014

    What is it like to be a student at Fort Lewis College? In our "Day in the life" series, we'll explore student life at FLC through the eyes of our students. In this episode, we meet Cory, a history major who is involved in activities all over campus. On a typical day, Cory meets with staff in the Leadership Center, attends a Philosophy class, participates in Percussion Ensemble, and leads the Taekwon-Do club!

    Undergraduate Research Symposium is FLC鈥檚 biggest day for student research

    Undergraduate Research Symposium is FLC鈥檚 biggest day for student research

    Monday, April 21, 2014

    On Thursday, April 24, one of the largest research showcases in the Four Corners region will take place at Fort Lewis College’s Undergraduate Research Symposium. Stemming from the College’s recent formation of the School of Arts & Sciences, both artistic and scientific projects will be part of the symposium. The event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.

    A culture of creativity

    A culture of creativity

    Tuesday, December 17, 2013

    On deciding upon going to Fort Lewis I had two main thoughts: I wanted to grow intellectually and I wanted to grow creatively. Coming into college I had been writing hip-hop lyrics for about two and half years. Although I have taken my education seriously throughout my whole college career, I have also taken music seriously. The liberal arts degree that Fort Lewis provides opens up a lot of opportunities for creative individuals, like myself, to incorporate their creativity and passion into their schoolwork.

    Getting creative

    Getting creative

    Monday, October 21, 2013

    I remember the dread that hung over me as I moved my stuff into the dorm my freshman year. I had no desire to live on campus with a bunch of people I didn’t know. I was nervous about how the year would go and truly wished that I didn’t have to experience the dorms at all. However, this quickly changed as I got settled into my dorm. In the first few weeks of school, I met the people living in my dorm and the surrounding dorms, eventually meeting people from all across campus.

    Student brings ragtime piano greats together in Durango

    Student brings ragtime piano greats together in Durango

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Adam Swanson loves old-time piano. And later this month, he's going to share that love, festival style.

    Swanson, a junior Music major from Shenandoah, Iowa, was 10 years old when he first heard ragtime music. “We bought my grandparents an internet system, and I heard ragtime as the background music,” says Swanson. “I liked it so much I started asking my mom to play it, because she played a little piano. Before long I started learning on my own.”

    1000 miles to Durango

    1000 miles to Durango

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    I have always loved the mountains. That’s why when I found Fort Lewis College during my junior year of college, I didn’t hesitate at the opportunity to transfer here. When I decided to move here, I sort of knew one person that I had gone to high school with in St. Louis four years before. Other than that, I didn’t know anyone in the town. I couldn’t have imagined how easy it was going to be to make new friends as a transfer student.

    Great classes, nice people, mountains and bluegrass

    Great classes, nice people, mountains and bluegrass

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    I will never stop loving Fridays. Since I moved to Durango there has been an amazing freedom that I feel every Friday. Yesterday my Friday started as most days do: woke up early, made tea, listened to some bluegrass, and sat on my front porch getting some early morning Durango fresh air and sunshine. After breakfast and a chat with my roommates, I walked a few minutes to the bus stop where I waited with a few friends who live near by.

    Chamber Choir takes center stage for music educators

    Chamber Choir takes center stage for music educators

    Tuesday, January 22, 2013

    The Fort Lewis College Music Department will be in the spotlight -- literally -- when the college's Chamber Choir takes the stage to perform Gian Carlo Menotti's The Unicorn, The Gorgon, and The Manticore at the Colorado Music Educators Association's annual meeting in Colorado Springs on January 24.

    Perfect weekend in Durango

    Perfect weekend in Durango

    Tuesday, January 15, 2013

    To tell you the truth, I cannot remember a weekend in Durango that was not perfect; blue skies mixed with three-hundred days of sunshine makes Durango ‘paradise’ for outdoor enthusiasts. I have experienced my version of the perfect weekend several times.

    My perfect weekend starts out by waking up on Saturday morning and sipping on a hot cup of coffee. During that time I am thinking about what I need to pack for the adventure I have planned during the week.

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