Frequently asked questions

Please review these commonly asked questions about the Presidential Search process. 

What is the process for selecting the next president of Fort Lewis College?

The process is divided into four stages:

  1. Pre-search, preparation, and search launch
    Over the summer, the Board of Trustees (BOT) selected the search firm Buffkin / Baker through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. It also selected members of the Presidential Search Committee (PSC). Once classes started, the PSC and BOT, supported by the firm, conducted extensive listening sessions with over 250 faculty, staff, students, and community members. This feedback has been essential in shaping the leadership profile and identifying the qualities and priorities our community values in our next president. We .
  2. Recruitment and application review
    The search firm, Buffkin / Baker, is leading the recruitment process and accepting nominations via email. Their role includes identifying potential candidates, building a solid candidate pool —those actively seeking a new position and those who may not be—and conducting preliminary interviews and background checks. The Presidential Search Committee (PSC) will then evaluate and interview the candidates, narrowing the pool.
  3. Interviews and due diligence
    Once the PSC recommends a shortlist of candidates, the Board of Trustees (BOT) will conduct final interviews.
  4. Finalist announcement and campus visit
    BOT selects the sole finalist.

What is the role of the Presidential Search Committee?

The PSC includes representatives from the Fort Lewis College community, including faculty, staff, students, and BOT members. Over half of the 15 members are faculty, staff, and students. Their responsibilities include:

  • Evaluating candidates: Reviewing applications and conducting interviews based on the leadership profile developed from the listening sessions.
  • Recommending finalists: After a thorough evaluation, the PSC provides the Board of Trustees with a shortlist of candidates for final consideration.
  • Ensuring community input: The PSC ensures that feedback throughout the process aligns the new president with the college’s values and vision.

What is the role of Buffkin / Baker, the search firm?

Buffkin / Baker, a national executive search firm with extensive experience in higher education, is responsible for:

  • Candidate recruitment: Developing the presidential profile from community feedback and identifying candidates through their network, including those not actively seeking new positions.
  • Screening and vetting: Conduct interviews and background checks to refer the most qualified candidates to the PSC.
  • Diversity commitment: Ensuring a diverse pool of candidates, reflecting Fort Lewis College’s values of inclusion.

How was Buffkin / Baker selected?

Buffkin / Baker was chosen through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Their experience with similar institutions and successful higher education executive searches made them the best fit for Fort Lewis College’s needs.

How is this search different from previous ones?

The biggest difference is that in August, the BOT voted to approve a confidential search for this process.

This means that the community will only meet a sole finalist. In the past, the community met three finalists. According to Colorado law, there is a mandatory 14-day waiting period between naming a finalist and entering into an agreement. During this period, the finalist will meet with various constituencies.

Why is the search confidential?

A confidential presidential search is now the norm in higher education. It allows colleges to attract a larger pool of candidates, including sitting presidents and senior executives who may not apply if their candidacy were public.

The feedback gathered from the campus community has been critical in shaping the candidate profile, and we are confident this approach will result in the best possible leadership for Fort Lewis College.

The PSC is working closely with the search firm to ensure that FLC's values, needs, and aspirations are reflected in its recommendations to the Board. We strongly believe that the diversity of the PSC and the members selected will ensure that all campus voices are reflected and heard throughout the search process. PSC members are committed to representing their constituents and finding the best new President for Fort Lewis College.

How can the campus community stay involved?

The will remain open throughout the search, allowing faculty, staff, students, and the broader community to provide input at any time. FLC community members may also contact their representatives on the PSC with thoughts or concerns.

Additionally, everyone is invited and encouraged to nominate candidates by sending the nominee's contact information (name and email address) to Buffkin / Baker.

Will suggestions from the community be considered for the candidate?

Yes. Feedback from over 250 people during listening sessions helped shape the leadership profile, directly informing the candidates' evaluation criteria. The community’s values and needs are reflected in the final decision.

Will both internal and external candidates be considered?

Yes, the search is open to both internal and external candidates. Fort Lewis College is committed to finding the best possible leader, whether they are currently part of our community or come from outside the institution.

Why is the process taking so long?

Presidential searches typically take about a year to find the right leader. Listening sessions held during the fall semester ensure broad participation, slightly extend the timeline, and ensure that we gather comprehensive input from the campus community.

What is the timeline for the search?

What if the strategic plan isn't ready when the new president is selected?

While the strategic plan won’t be finalized before recruiting begins, the BOT has endorsed five directives based on input from nearly 900 community members. These directives include community engagement, academic excellence, reconciliation, basic needs, and student success.

Successful candidates will be excited to build upon this framework.

How will you keep the community and media informed of updates?

While the search is confidential to protect candidates’ privacy, we are committed to keeping the community informed throughout the process. Regular updates will be posted on the presidential search website, and the PSC will share important milestones as they occur. Any significant developments will also be communicated through official Fort Lewis College channels.