
Presidential search updates from the Board of Trustees

Dear FLC Faculty and Staff,

One of the FLC Board of Trustees' most important responsibilities is selecting the next President of Fort Lewis College. Over the summer, we worked diligently to set up a search process that allows us to attract a diverse, highly qualified, and robust pool of applicants while simultaneously ensuring that it is inclusive of the FLC community's input.

The BOT invited fifteen individuals to serve on the Presidential Search Committee (PSC), ensuring diverse representation from faculty, staff, students, and community leaders. In fact, eight of the fifteen committee members are faculty, staff, or students.

We also partnered with the search firm  to assist with the presidential search. Buffkin/Baker has significant experience conducting presidential searches at Colorado institutions and Native American-Serving Nontribal and COPLAC institutions. Additionally, one of their lead consultants has previously worked with FLC, bringing familiarity with our college.

Search format

During our August retreat, the Board of Trustees and members of the PSC —including faculty, staff, and student representatives— met with our search consultants to discuss the pros and cons of different search format options.

In the past, FLC conducted open searches with finalists meeting faculty, students, and staff. However, today, most prospective presidential candidates expect a confidential (or closed) search to protect their current positions from any unintended consequences that may arise if their interest becomes public too soon. From the college’s perspective, this approach allows for a more thorough vetting process and reduces public pressure, which is crucial in finding the right leader for our college.

For these reasons, the Board unanimously approved a closed search format at a special meeting this Thursday (August 29). We believe this format will allow us to fulfill our mission to attract the most qualified candidates.

We understand this format differs from what FLC has done in the past. We want to emphasize that we deeply value shared governance and are committed to including the perspectives of our entire campus community in this process.

In this spirit, the search will begin with engagement meetings for our community members across campus and the region. These meetings are an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and viewpoints on what we should look for in a new president.

Your input is invaluable in shaping the search for our next president and will inform the job profile and selection process down the line.

Virtual sessions will be available if you can’t attend in person on September 16. We also encourage you to contact and share your thoughts and insights with your Presidential Search Committee representatives if you cannot participate or have further suggestions. A form to submit feedback will be live on the Fort Lewis College Presidential Search webpage beginning September 16. Additional information will also be posted on that page.

The process

Informed with your input, the Presidential Search Committee, which manages the candidates' recruitment, will develop a finalized job description later this Fall to start recruiting for the new president.

The interviews will take place after the new year. In the spring, the Board of Trustees will identify a finalist. The community would have two weeks to meet the finalist before a contract is approved.

We will continue to provide updates as we move forward. Again, thank you for all you do to support FLC and our students.

Best regards,

Mary Rubadeau, Chair, Board of Trustees, Fort Lewis College
Janet Lopez, Chair of the Presidential Search Committee and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Fort Lewis College