
Support student mental health

Your role in a student’s crisis is to reassure and guide them to support services. The Counseling Center is students' primary mental health resource. We serve FLC students; employees access counseling through Employee Assistance Programs.

If you are concerned about a student or think they are in crisis

Fill out a referral form or contact the Counseling Center. Even if you call first, it's a good idea to walk your student here.

We cannot confirm or deny a student’s use of the Counseling Center. It is rare for us to reach out to students unsolicited by them. We will work with you to determine what is the best way to support the student.

Develop your skills to help

Suicide prevention education

Our campus goal is to train 100% of staff and faculty in QPR so we are all better prepared in the event of a serious crisis.

Presentations or workshops

Counseling Center staff can present to your department or you can attend one of the workshops we put on for the FLC community.

Wellness & self-help resources

Ulifeline helps students determine if they might benefit from counseling. WellPAC offers peer support counseling for students with non-crisis concerns.

Learn to recognize signs for intervention


  • A noticeable deterioration in the quality of their work
  • Missing assignments or meetings
  • Frequent requests for unusual accommodations (late papers, extensions, postponed exams, etc.)
  • Emergence of themes of hopelessness, social isolation, rage, or despair in essays and other work

 Class & lab time

  • Lack of engagement in classes that call for participation
  • Inappropriate disruptions or monopolizing classroom time
  • Repeated absences from class or lab

 Ups & Downs

  • Anxiety or panic out of character or out of proportion
  • Unusually elevated mood
  • Not sleeping very much
  • Apathy or lack of energy, isolation, or withdrawal
  • Sleeping a lot

 Radical changes

  • Eating a lot, or very little
  • Dramatic changes in weight
  • Excessive drinking or drug use
  • Irritability or aggressive behavior
  • Change in hygiene, work habits, or social behavior
  • Bizarre or paranoid thinking

 Indicators of suicidal thinking

  • Expressions of hopelessness or finality
  • Talk of suicide as an option
  • Giving away personal possessions
  • Mention of being a burden
  • Loneliness

 Other signs

  • Statements or comments about problems at home
  • Comments made by peers
  • Your own intuitive sense that something's off

Counseling Center

Location: 260 Noble Hall

Local Crisis Hotline: 970-247-5245


Fall/Winter Terms:
8 a.m. - noon, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

8 a.m. - noon, 1-5 p.m., Tuesday & Thursday