

A campus community must do more than just react to crime; it must look for opportunities to deter crime. The Fort Lewis College Police Department provides the following services and programs to improve safety.

  • Safety tips and information on crime prevention are distributed regularly to the Fort Lewis College newspaper The Independent, Fort Lewis College radio station KDUR, and the Fort Lewis College newsletter The Messenger.
  • If an escort is needed, call 7123 so a time can be arranged. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged not to walk alone in isolated areas.
  • Educational Programs are held periodically in the residence halls and elsewhere on campus on crime prevention, sexual assault awareness, personal safety, and drug and alcohol abuse. In addition, various organizations join efforts to address public safety issues.
  • The Office of Residence Life provides bulletins and information related to personal safety and crime prevention. The Residence Life staff, in cooperation with local agencies, presents educational programs in the residence halls on topics such as acquaintance rape, self defense, first aid, fire prevention, and others.
  • The Office of Student Affairs, along with the Disciplinary Hearing Officer and the Student Conduct Committee, establishes and enforces standards of conduct at Fort Lewis College. Students charged with law violations may expect to have the matter handled both through the criminal justice system and the College disciplinary process.

Notification to the campus of crime and related problems occurs on a timely and regular basis. The Fort Lewis College Police Department prepares activity reports of criminal and non-criminal incidents which are sent to the Office of Student Affairs and other pertinent administrative divisions; and a comprehensive report of crime and incident statistics is prepared annually.

To report a crime on campus:

Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: 970-247-7491, 970-385-2900 or 970-247-7123

Weekends or after 4:00 p.m.: 970-247-7123 or 970-385-2900 (Central Dispatch)