
Crime & Fire Log Information

The Clery Act requires a campus police department to create, maintain, and make available a Daily Crime Log. Crime Log incidents are those crimes reported to the Fort Lewis College Police Department. They will not match statistics in the Campus Security and Fire Safety Report or annual crime statistics with the Colorado Bureau of Investigations. The purpose of the Daily Crime Log is for recording criminal and alleged criminal incidents, not criminal events that are confirmed through investigation. Additionally, a crime that is ‘unfounded’ or ‘referred to an outside agency’ may be included in the Daily Crime Log but is not included for statistical purposes.

The Fort Lewis College Police list crimes in chronological order. The Crime log will list the nature of the crime; the date of the crime reported; date & time the crime occurred; a general location; and a disposition of the crime if known.

All personally identifiable information is absent from the report and the campus is not alerted when the “Daily Crime & Fire Log” is updated — The last few months of the crime log can be viewed below. Dates older than what is published below are only available at the Fort Lewis College Police Department, located at 321 Fort Lewis Drive. The most recent 60-day period is open to the public, free of charge, during normal business hours. Any portion older than 60-days may not be available immediately. It is not available electronically at this time.

Universities with on-campus student housing are required to create, maintain, and make available a Fire Log. This log records all reported fires, including arson, in on-campus student housing facilities. The Fort Lewis College Police Department maintains the Crime & Fire Log as one document.

Crime & Fire Log
