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What I've Learned

As my time at Fort Lewis College comes to an end, I realize more and more all of the things I have learned over the past four years. Obviously, I have learned all of the information I need towards my major and minor, which is expected if I’m paying for an education.  What I see as the most important things I’ve learned, though, are the many different life skills you acquire...

Combating the Varroa Destructor Mite

Outside the beekeeping world, the word Varroa destructor does not cause the same fear as in someone who maintains bee colonies. This bug is one of the main culprits responsible for causing massive declines in worldwide honeybee populations. This past summer I had the opportunity, through the Fort Lewis College Chemistry department, to conduct innovative research on combating this pest.

Common Reading Experience explores legacy of nuclear weapons

War, nuclear weapons, toxic waste, government cover-ups, and family secrets – these are difficult topics to tackle. Which is exactly why Full Body Burden, by Kristen Iversen, is this year's choice for the Fort Lewis College Common Reading Experience: because it asks hard questions and doesn't offer easy answers. And so the book inspires reflection, analysis, and discussion.

Knowing I have found the place for me

Everyone knows that common expression that time flies, and as I begin my fourth and final year at Fort Lewis College, this saying could not be more apparent. At the expense of sounding cliché, it seems like just yesterday that I was moving into my new dorm in Animas Hall. For the first time, I was seeing how my life was about to take off. But, looking back, I did not really know how...