Finding my community at Skyhawk Saturday

When I was a senior in high school, I only had one priority in mind: get out of the small town in New Mexico that I was from. I had lived in a small town my entire life, a place where everyone in town knows your family, where you can’t go to the store or a movie without seeing at least one person you know, and where nearly everyone knows your business.

A stimulating freedom

The joyous moment has finally arrived: my last semester of college…gasp! The disbelief is mixed with the overwhelming excitement of what is to come May 3rd, which is graduation, on into the rest of my life. Being an extremely traditional student, having been in school constantly since pre-Kindergarten, the thought of school not being my first priority is a strange idea to digest.

A long way from home

We were only two weeks away from spring break and I was already getting ready to be home for a week in my hometown of Glenwood Springs. Every year since I had arrived at Fort Lewis, the tradition was for me to return home for all of the breaks; I really treasured that time with my family since I was now living away from them for eight months.

Finding a balance

I came to college simply expecting a degree, a simple diploma in hand. Now almost half way through my time here, I can already affirm I’ve gained so much more. I’ve walked a knotty road of stretching myself far too thin and had to bounce back from a fluctuating ebb and flow of people and places buzzing around me in a busy chatter.

Work hard. Play hard.

Fort Lewis is enjoying a thirteenth day of sunny skies and balmy January temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees. It is early Monday morning, the beginning of the third week of the semester. Each day is starting to blur into the next as a comfortable routine has developed.

Advice on navigating financial aid available at College Goal Sunday

On Sunday, February 9, Fort Lewis College will host College Goal Sunday. The aim is to connect students interested in college and their families with financial aid professionals. The event offers guidance on ways to pay for college, specifically how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is a crucial step in the college planning process.