

Crazy Brave by Native American author Joy Harjo has been selected as FLC's Common Reading Experience Book for 2017-18.

Andrew Webb

Andrew Webb (Mathematics, '04), who fell in love with kayaking the Animas during college, now works as , as well as a math coach for the Boise School District. [VIDEO]

Yvonne Bilinski

Yvonne Bilinski, director of the Native American Center for the last 11 years, , leaving behind a much larger staff, a speaker series, an orientation program for Native American students and their families – and many other programs.

Skyhawk Men's Basketball earns academic excellence award

Congratulations to the Skyhawk Men’s Basketball Team for earning the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Team Academic Excellence Award. The award is given out to teams that show outstanding academic achievement. This, by the way, is the third time in five years that our men’s basketball team has brought home this award.

New major trains journalists for a multimedia landscape

In some ways, journalism has not changed in a hundred years. Yet today’s multimedia landscape would be unrecognizable to reporters of yesteryear – or even just a few years ago. To prepare the journalists of tomorrow for this kind of media world, Fort Lewis College’s new Journalism & Multimedia Studies major gets students working with contemporary and ever-evolving...

Kayla Shaggy

Kayla Shaggy (Art, '17) was awarded at the Durango Arts Center's 41st Annual Juried Exhibit in June 2017, for her piece, "Hell."

Stosh Kozimor

Stosh Kozimor (Chemistry, '99), a staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, was recently interviewed by the American Chemical Society about , and their potential application in cancer therapy.

Thank you to the firefighters

I want to extend my deepest thanks to the firefighters and emergency responders who are battling the Lightner Creek fire. It's been unnerving, to say the least, watching the smoke billow over the mountain

Cori Metzgar

With the help of her NFL contacts, Cori Metzgar (Exercise Science, '98), Director of Sports Performance at Western Oregon University, is bringing an .
