
CSWS Finding Aids Header

Collection M 001, Record Group 13:
Fort Lewis College and Activities:
records in the Archives

13.A Director
13.B Bookstore
13.C Campus Ministry Office/ Chapel
13.D Career Services
13.E Conferences and Summer Programs
13.F Counseling and Student
Development Center
13.G Country Store
13.H Child Development Center
13.I Financial Aid Office
13.J Campus Dining Service
13.K Health Center
13.L El Centro
13.M Student Housing/
Residence Life
13.N Intramural Sports
13.O Learning Assistance Center
13.P Mail Service
13.Q Outdoor Pursuits
13.R Radio Station KDUR
13.S Campus Police
13.T Student clubs
13.U Student government
13.V Student publications
13.W Traffic Court
13.X Environmental Center
13.Y Senior class
13.Z Student Event Management (SPOT)
13.AA Prevention Program
13.BB Student newspaper
13.CC Services for Students with Disabilities
13.DD Phi Kappa Phi  
honor society
13.EE Recreational Services 
(Student Life Center)
13.FF ROTC Program proposal
13.GG Events Planning Office 
13.HH Leadership Center
13.JJ Code Red


Researcher information

Center of Southwest Studies

---Sub-group/Series # and Title---Records description

RG 13    

Sub-group 13.A    Student activities director's records and general printed materials  (see also records specifically pertaining to the Leadership Center)
Series 13.A.1     Printed materials, 1980s and 1994-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings and other publicity materials.
(other than those materials that are in Series 13.A.3 through 13.A.6)

Series 13.A.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1956-1971, 1974-1986, 1994-, in 1/2 document case.  Includes records of the director of the former Office of Facilities and Food Management.

Series 13.A.3     Student handbooks, 1993-2002, in 1 document case.  Includes the annual Student Survival Guide.   (Note: the earliest student handbooks, ca. 1929-1989, were produced by the ASFLC and are filed in Series 13.U.6; those produced by the Office of Student Affairs circa 1991-1993 and 2002-03 ongoing to the present are in Series 12.1.)

Series 13.A.4     Student Activity Guide (information about campus activities) 1990- 2002, in 1 document case which holds records through Series 13.A.6.  This series includes the Play Book, 1993-2000; Play by Play, 1993-94; CRIMP's Gazette, 1992; and earlier campus recreation guides, 1990-1991.

Series 13.A.5    Other manuals and handbooks, 1982, 1985 and 1998.  This is the collection of the overall guides produced by the Student Activities Office, and includes advisors' handbooks for clubs and organizations.  (For handbooks of student clubs, organizations, and , see the individual club records in Sub-group 13.T )

Series 13.A.6     Student directories,1914-1928,  1953-1959, 1981-1982 (these were early listings only of students).  (The Archives only has a few: for 1953-54, 1954-55, 1958-59, 1959 March, and 1981-82.)
(College faculty/staff/student directories from 1959-ongoing are in Series 10.6; see also student enrollment lists in Series 18.J.5 for College students, 1932-ongoing,and student enrollment lists in Series 11.C.10 for Fort Lewis High School students to 1933;lists of Native American students can be found in Series 18.J.15)

Series 13.A.7     Student printed materials, 1916-1920, 1980-  (bulk 1995-), in 1 document case.  Includes individual students' posters seeking or offering goods and services, and programs of early social dances, and also printed materials pertaining to Fort Lewis College students.

Sub-group 13.B    
Series 13.B.1     Printed materials, 1961, 1971-1972, and 1989-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity materials.  (note:  plastic shopping bags are located in Series 22.13.B.1)
Series 13.B.2     Records and correspondence, 1957-1968 and 1986-87, in 1/2 document case.

Series 13.B.3     Cumulative year-end inventory reports (annual June 30 report, permanently retained), 1958, 1971-72, 1988-89, 1994, in 1 document case.

Sub-group 13.C     / Chapel (also known as Center for Campus Ministries)
Sub-subgroup 13.C.1    records, 1983-1991, in 1 document case.
Series 13.C.1.1     Printed materials, 1916 and 1990-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity materials.
Series 13.C.1.2     Records and correspondence.
Series 13.C.1.3     Believers Learning Together records.
Series 13.C.1.4     Campus Ministry newsletter.
Series 13.C.1.5     Other community religious groups for students, printed materials.
Sub-subgroup 13.C.2     Chapel records (T. Chase McPherson Memorial Chapel), 1956-1980s, in 1 document case.
  • Historical note:  The State Board of Agriculture approved the preliminary plans for the chapel on February 8, 1957 and approved funds for its construction on June 21 of that year.
Series 13.C.2.1     Visitor registration books.
Series 13.C.2.2     Chapel use records and correspondence, 1985 and1995-ongoing, in 1 flat box and 2 document cases. 
Series 13.C.2.3     Printed materials, in 1 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity materials.
Sub-group 13.D     (includes former Placement Office)
(Placement Committee records are in Sub-group 19.U)
Series 13.D.1     Director's reports, 1970-1972, 1975-76, in 1 document case.
Series 13.D.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1985, 1995-ongoing. Includes FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email messages.
Series 13.D.3     Student and alumni credential files.
Series 13.D.4     Publicity materials, 1968-1986, 1994-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.  Also includes the newsletter Career Catalylst, first issued in October 2007. 
Series 13.D.5    Vacancy Bulletin (listing of jobs available regionally), 1995-ongoing, in 1 document case.
Sub-group 13.E     Conferences and Summer Programs Sub-group 13.F     (Counseling and Student Development Center Advisory Committee records are in Sub-group 19.L)
Series 13.F.1     Director's reports, in 1 document case.

Series 13.F.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1969, 1984 and 1993-94.

Series 13.F.3     Student orientation records and printed materials, 1937-38, 1957-1959, 1972-, in 2 document cases which contains records through Series 13.F.4 .  This particular series contains records of freshmen and transfer student orientation programs--the Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Program--SOAR--formerly known as the STAR program through 1995 Jan., and previously referred to as Summer Freshman Orientation, Welcome Week, and also includes the former Jump Start program, circa 1989.
(An early brochure, General Information for New Students, is in Series 7.B.7.)

Series 13.F.4     Other printed materials, 1962-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings and other publicity materials.

Series 13.F.5     Orientation program staff t-shirts, in 3 document cases.  (Annual design; worn by students and non-faculty staff; complete set, 1982-1997; the SOAR program used standard Fort Lewis College t-shirts from the Bookstore for the summer 1998 sessions rather than ordering special t-shirts as it had since 1982.)  In one large lidded flat storage box. 

Sub-group 13.G     Country Store (obsolete) (no records in Archives)

Sub-group 13.H     Ben and Linda Campbell Child and Family Development Center

Series 13.H.1     Printed materials, 1971-ongoing, 1 document case that contains records through Series 13.H.3.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.
Series 13.H.2     College contract records, 1985-ongoing.
Series 13.H.3     Director's reports, 1977-present.
Series 13.H.4     Director's records and correspondence, 1978-99, in 1/2 document case.
Series 13.H.5     Grant records and correspondence, 1994-1997, in 1/2 document case.
Sub-group 13.I     (Financial Aid Committee records are in Sub-group 19.O)
Series 13.I.1     Financial aid handbooks, 1970-ongoing, in 1 document case. 
Series 13.I.2     Student employment guides and manuals, 1971-present (missing 1982-1984, 1986), in 1 document case.
Series 13.I.3     Other printed materials, 1952-1959, 1979-ongoing, in 1 document case that holds records through Series 13.I.5.  (This series includes newspaper clippings and posters.) 
Series 13.I.4     Director's reports, 1967-68.
Series 13.I.5     Director's records and correspondence, 1931-1934, 1955.

 Series 13.I.6     Student aid programs records, 1931, 37, 1969-ongoing, in 1 document case that holds records through Series 13.I.7.  (This series includes student aid programs audit reports and records on BEOG Basic Educational Opportunity Grants, student loans, and work study programs.)
(See also audit reports in Budget Office records, in Series 20.A.6.)

Series 13.I.7     Scholarships records and correspondence, 1936-1959, 1961, 1967-1972, 1996-ongoing, in 2 document cases.  Includes the office's annual lists of scholarship awards and scholarship guides.

Series 13.I.8     Native American student aid records (topics include tribal grants), 1965-1973, in 3 document cases.
(See Series 7.B.11 for records on the Native American tuition waiver;
and see Series 18.J.15 for longer lists--confidential--of financial aid for Native American students at Fort Lewis College.)

Sub-group 13.J     Campus Dining Service (includes the River Rock Cafe -- campus cafeteria) Sub-group 13.K   
Series 13.K.1     Manuals and handbooks, 1947- 1970s, in 1 document case that holds records through Subgroup 13.L .

Series 13.K.2     Printed materials, 1969-present , in 1 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity including student health insurance brochures and information.  (The insurance carriers' student insurance renewal reports and contracts are in Series 12.4.)

Series 13.K.3     Director's reports, 1974 and1985. 

Series 13.K.4     Director's records and correspondence, 1952-1985. 

Sub-group 13.L    
Series 13.L.1     La Movida newsletter, 1994-ongoing. 
Series 13.L.2     Other printed materials, 1987-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, website printouts, and other publicity.  Also includes FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email messages.
Series 13.L.3     Director's reports.
Series 13.L.4     Director's records and correspondence.
Series 13.L.5     Hispanic Club records, 1994. 

Series 13.L.6     [open sub-sub-series]
Series 13.L.7     Society for Advancing Hispanics, Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) records, 2012-ongoing. 
Series 13.L.8     Ballet Folklorico records, 2012-ongoing. 
Sub-group 13.M       Student Housing and Conference Services 4 document cases.
Series 13.M.01     Printed materials,bulk dates 1950-present.  Includes manuals, residence staff directories, newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity materials; see also Series 13.M.06 for residence halls' printed materials and 22.13.M for oversized residence hall printed materials..

Series 13.M.01.01     Tri the Rim annual triathlon printed materials.
Series 13.M.01.02     The Source housing information leaflet (four issues--during fall-winter trimesters).

Series 13.M.01.03     Staff meeting agendas and minutes.

Series 13.M.02     Director's reports, in 1 document case.
Series 13.M.03     Director's records and correspondence.
Series 13.M.04     Residents on Campus Association (ROCA) records.
Series 13.M.05     Proposals and program development records.
Series 13.M.06     Residence Life records and correspondence , 1995-96.  Also includes married student housing records.

Series 13.M.06.01     Residence hall Handbook & Calendars and Codes of ethics (produced annually by R.A.s and R.D.s).
Series 13.M.06.02     Residence hall charters.
Series 13.M.06.03     Residence hall newsletters.
Series 13.M.06.04     Residence hall posters.
Series 13.M.06.05     Residence Advisor Co-op 300 course printed materials.
Series 13.M.06.06     Residence Director conference presentations printed materials.
Series 13.M.06.07     Housing directors' regional conference printed materials (of conferences held at Fort Lewis College).
Series 13.M.06.08     Residence life statistical reports (short reports on athletic waivers, weekly housing counts--of which Archives retains the final copy on census date, student down slips by hall, GPA averages on and off campus, meal plan counts, and occupancy statistics).
Series 13.M.06.09     Residence Director office schedules.
Series 13.M.06.10     Staff rosters (R.A.s and R.D.s).
Series 13.M.06.11     Residence hall program proposals and evaluations, 1981-82.
Series 13.M.06.12     Student housing quality of life survey summary reports.
Series 13.M.06.13     Residence life forms (sample blank forms).
Series 13.M.06.14     Residence Director recruiting publicity materials, 2003-ongoing.
Series 13.M.06.15     Residence Director applications (accepted).
Series 13.M.06.16     Residence Advisor applications (accepted).
Series 13.M.06.23     Residence hall custodial workers' policies and procedures.

Series 13.M.07     Off-campus housing office records, including those of the Durango Housing Committee and the Durango Housing Task Force, 1990-ongoing.

Sub-group 13.N    and
        (see Series 12.5 for Play Book activity guides)
(see also Sub-group 13.EE: Recreational Services Department)
Series 13.N.1     Newsletters, 1974-circa 2000, in 1 document case.  Includes Intramural Shorts, which also was known as C.R.I.M.P. Shorts.

Series 13.N.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1972-1995, in 2 document cases.

Series 13.N.3     Intramural athletics clubs records,1974-ongoing, in 1 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity materials.  Arrangement: grouped alphabetically by sport.

Sports/ clubs include (among others):

  • Basketball records
  • College bowling league records
  • Climbing clubs records (includes Climbing Club, 1998 Sept 1-, Fort Lewis Climber's Society, 1999 Jan.-, and Hangdog Club, 2001-)
  • Cycling Club records (also known as the Bike Club; see also the separate Road Cycling Team records in Series 9.25)
  • Dance Team
  • Dodge ball records
  • Fencing Club records
  • Fly Fishing Club records
  • Football (flag type) records
  • Hockey Club records (ice hockey; inaugural year was 2003-04, using the Chapman Hill ice arena for 6 a.m. practices; the premiere season began in January of 2004; see news article by Missy Votel in The Durango Telegraph, Nov. 13, 2003, page 9)
  • Judo records
  • Juggling records (includes Juggling Club records)
  • Jump roping/ rope skipping records
  • Kayaking records
  • records
  • Martial arts records
  • Mountain biking records
  • Mud football records
  • Self-defense (women's) records
  • Ski Club Team records (recreational)
  • Snowboard Club records (first noticed in Oct. 1997)
  • Soccer records
  • Softball records
  • Step aerobics records
  • Swimming/ water polo records (includes Swim Club)
  • Tennis records
  • Track and Field Club records
  • Triathlon and Multisport Club records
  • Ultimate frisbee records (became a student club in Sept. 1996; Women's Ultimate Frisbee Club was new in Sept. 1997)
  • Volleyball records
  • Wrestling records (women's and men's; women's was established in fall 1994; they were joint as of the fall of 1996)
Series 13.N.4     Other printed materials, 1962, 1968, 1994-ongoing, in 1 document case,  (includes handbooks and brochures).

Series 13.N.5    records and correspondence (includes former Fitness Assessment Center and Cardio Room and Weight Room).

Sub-group 13.O     Learning Assistance Center
Series 13.O.1     Printed materials,  1995-, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 13.Q.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity.

Series 13.O.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1984-85, 2003. 
(program review self-study reports are in Series 14.9)

Sub-group 13.P    / Campus Postal Service
  • Historical note:  The establishment of the Fort Lewis A &M College Post Office Contract Station was approved by the State Board of Agriculture on Dec. 13, 1961; its contract was approved in June of 1962.  Since July of 2000, this office reports to the Division of Business and Finance (per an email notice from Glenna Sexton of the Division of Student Affairs to the Campus on 7/10/2000).
Series 13.P.1     Printed materials, 1955, 1988, and 1999-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity.

Series 13.P.2     Postmaster's records and correspondence, 1955-1962, 1968-1977, 1985, 2001. 

Sub-group 13.Q    (See Series 12.5 for Play Book activity guides)
Series 13.Q.1     Printed materials, 1977, 1992-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity.

Series 13.Q.2     Director/Coordinator's records and correspondence, 1970s - present.

Sub-group 13.R    (formerly KFLC, 196-?)
  • Historical note:  KFLC was established in May of  1961 as a five-watt station at 750 on the dial.  It was operated 新加坡六合彩 students of the Radio Club and it could only broadcast on the Fort Lewis College campus.  A Smoke Signals student newspaper article dated  May 5, 1961 announced that "The station was installed in the tape room of the Fort Lewis lounge. ... Jim Gillespie has been building the radio in his spare time and it is expected to be finished by May 17.  Sometime ago the student senate appropriated $220 so that the radio could be built."  Its first broadcast was in May of 1961; by May 30th it had logged 400 hours, broadcasting from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m.  (Previously--at least back to the 1940s--Durango radio station KIUP was broadcasting weekly features about Fort Lewis College.  The college began hosting a twice monthly Saturday afternoon 72-minute disc jockey show in January of 1958.)  An Independent article dated Oct. 25, 1962 announced that KFLC had been temporarily abandoned, due to "indecisiveness on the part of the administration along with apathetic student participation."   Apparently, there was "a lack of space in which to adequately set up and operate a station of its type."  At that time, Fort Lewis College Radio Club members returned to KIUP, conducting a 45 minute program every Wednesday night.   Fort Lewis College President Rexer Berndt discussed radio station possibilities in an interview with Roger Rountree for the March 31, 1972 Independent.  Dr. Berndt approved the proposal for a 10 watt FM station on May 3, 1972, and in October of that year the student senate granted the Radio Club $6,500 from a reserve fund, in hopes of resurrecting the radio station.  An Independent article on Dec. 6 1974 announced that KFLC would be granted a license by the FCC "to serve the educational interest as a public trustee in mid-January, 1975," with the hope of reaching a radius of 1.5 to 2 miles.  A Jan. 17, 1975 photo caption announced that "a public address system has been ordered and when it arrives, the station can start broadcasting within the College Union.  Broadcasting outside the union and onto the campus won't start until the station's license arrives."  According to records held by KDUR, the first broadcast was in May of 1975.  KFLC and KDUR merged in December of 1975.  On October 2, 1976--in its second year of broadcasting at 92 FM--KDUR officially broadcast from a new tower on the roof of its home in the College Union Building.  With the new tower, the station's signal greatly improved for reception in downtown Durango and in La Plata County.  At about the same time, KDUR  staff agreed to adopt the Free Format Radio style in which each DJ creates the show, incorporating imagination (the individual disc jockey's personality), music (the entertainment) and words (either spoken or in song, live or prerecorded, thought-provoking or bland).  Presently, KDUR broadcasts reach north to the Purgatory-Durango Mountain Resort, south to Aztec, N.M., and east at least halfway to Pagosa Springs.
Series 13.R.1     Printed materials, 1960s-1985 and 1991-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.  Includes program guides, newspaper clippings and other publicity.

Series 13.R.2     Director/Coordinator's records and correspondence, 1961-1976, 1990-ongoing, in 1/2 document case. 

Series 13.R.3     Policy and procedure manuals, 1993-, in 1/2 document case. 

Series 13.R.4     Board of Directors records and correspondence (primarily agendas and minutes), 1989- 1995, in 1/2 document case.

Sub-group 13.S   
  • Historical note: On September 11, 1959, the State Board of Agriculture granted the authority to regulate and levy fines for illegal parking.  The Board approved traffic regulations on September 26, 1969, and exactly a year later approved a #12 parking fee for 1971.  The name was changed to Campus Police in September of 2000 because all public safety officers are now certified Durango Police officers, as per notice in the Messenger 9/4/00; its name was previously changed to Department of Public Safety in August of 1997; it was formerly the Security and Safety Services Offices, also known as Campus Security.
Series 13.S.1     Printed materials,  1957, 1960-ongoing, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 13.S.4.  This series includes brochures, and newspaper clippings and other publicity.

Series 13.S.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1961-1977, 1990. 

Series 13.S.3     Security reports, 1969-70, 1990, 2001-ongoing.  Includes annual reports, a representative sampling of monthly, daily and weekly reports, and the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990: Strategies for Compliance.

Series 13.S.4     Emergency Management records and correspondence (includes Emergency Management Task Force, 1994-1998)

Sub-group 13.T    records, in 1 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings and other publicity materials.  (See also records of academic clubs listed under academic departments in Record Groups 15-17.)
Series 13.T.A     Student clubs and organizations (RSO / Registered Student Organizations) records, 1985-ongoing (general information/ overview; see also clubs handbooks in Series 13.A.5).

Series 13.T.1     Amnesty International chapter records, 1981, 1994-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.2     Bacchus Club records, 1995- (see also Prevention Program, Sub-group 13.AA)

Series 13.T.3     Circle K International club records, 1964, 1981-1996.

  • Historical note:  The State Board of Agriculture approved the Circle K Club as a Fort Lewis College campus organization on December 10, 1964.  The club is sponsored by the Kiwanis.

Series 13.T.4     Country Dance Club records, 1976, 1994-ongoing.

Series 13.T.5     X, Y, and Z records, 1991.

  • Historical note: new name noticed on poster dated Jan. 2000.  Formerly known as the Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual & Transgendered Alliance or GLBTA, which was previously known as the Gay/ Lesbian Alliance until about Jan. 1999.
Series 13.T.6     records, 1989.
  • Historical note: the Fort Lewis College Chapter of Habitat for Humanity became an officially recognized Habitat For Humanity International chapter October 19-21, 1995.
Series 13.T.7     records, 1995-  (a Christian fellowship group that includes Athletes in Action and Campus Crusade for Christ).

Series 13.T.8     Modern Arnis Club (martial arts) records, 1995-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.9     records, 1965-ongoing.

Series 13.T.10     Rotaract International Club records, publicity from 1949,bulk 1981-  (see also Business Club, Series 16.4)

Series 13.T.11     Chess Club records (new in Sept. 1995), 1995-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.12     Tae Kwon Do Club records, 1959-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.13     Yoga Club records, 1995-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.14     records, 1982, 1994 (Mormon student organization--also known as the Latter Day Saint Student Association).

Series 13.T.15     Women's Collective records, publicity from 1978 (bulk years 1989-1995).  Includes earlier records of events and issues relating to women.

  • Historical note: This club was officially recognized by the ASFLC in Feb. 1995; the club had ended by May 1995.

Series 13.T.16     Modern League of Arab States records, 1988, 1995-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.17    Westerners Club records, 1956-1982, 1995-ongoing. 

  • Historical note: The "Howdy Walk" walkway on campus was dedicated at the April 1964 commencement, with a plaque provided by the Westerners Club.

Series 13.T.18     Rodeo Club records, 2003-ongoing.

Series 13.T.19     Wilderness Defenders Club and Ancient Forest Rescue records, 1999-ongoing.

Series 13.T.20     Feminist Voice Club records, 1992- in 1 document case that contains records through Series 13.T.40.  The College Archives has no records of publications by either the Feminist Voice or any preceding women's group.  This series consists of 4 folders of records related to Feminist Voice and the preceding women's club (13.T.20).  They are:

1 - Newspaper clippings, 1992-1999
2 - Fort Lewis Organization of Women constitution and bylaws, 1991
3 - Events notices, 1995-current (this includes a 1995 notice regarding the organization of a new club)
4 - Meeting minutes, 1997 Jan. and Feb. (2 meetings)

Series 13.T.21     Highlands Middle Ages Re-creation records, 1995-ongoing.  Includes records of Durango chapter of national Society of Creative Anachronism; pertains to the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods customs.

Series 13.T.22     Durango Inkslingers records.  Includes Writers' Times monthly newsletter for Oct. 1995.

Series 13.T.23     Alternative Film and Video Club records, 1996-ongoing (its first open meeting was March 22, 1996).

Series 13.T.24     Results Club records, 1996-ongoing (formed in fall 1996 as a chapter of an international organization).

Series 13.T.25     student Christian fellowship records, 1996.

Series 13.T.26     Defunct clubs records, 1961, 1972, 1981, 1964.  Arrangement: filed alphabetically by name of the former club.

Series 13.T.27      records, 1997-ongoing.  (Fort Lewis College chapter of a national organization sponsored by the Assemblies of God.)

Series 13.T.28     Improv. Club records, 1998-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.29     National American Indian Business Leaders (AIBL) records, 1998. 

  • Historical note: proposed as a Fort Lewis College chapter in Sept. 1998.
Series 13.T.30     Intertribal Theatre Project records, 1998-2002.  (Includes the Native Playwrights' Newsletter, a work by then Theatre Department faculty member Paul Rathbun) (new on campus in Sept. 1998; the College ended this program after the 2001-02 school year).

Series 13.T.31     Students for a Free Tibet records.

  • Historical note: proposed as a Fort Lewis College chapter in Sept. 1998.
Series 13.T.32     Canterbury Club records, 1999-,  (Episcopal club, new on campus in 1998).

Series 13.T.33     Baha'is records (Fort Lewis College club),1946-47, 1974, 1998- . 

Series 13.T.34     Debate Team records, 1957-58. 

Series 13.T.35     International Friendship Club records, 1998 Dec.- . 

Series 13.T.36     Fort Lewis Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 1998-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.37     Campus Ecology Club records, 1999-ongoing. 

    Historical note: this name was adopted effective the Fall 1999 trimester: during the previous (1998-99) school year, this was called the Students for Sustainable Design Club which was, formed at about the same time as the program planning for the new Student Life Center.  According to a note in the Winter 1999 Green Freedom newsletter, one of the objectives of this club is to develop fun campus-wide projects to encourage student involvement and awareness in the greening of the campus and the Campus Ecology movement.

Series 13.T.38      Role Playing Game Club records, 2000.

    Historical note: new in Winter (?) 2000, although it had been initiated in the previous school year.  Its stated purpose: to teach skills in problem solving, teamwork, and leadership.
Series 13.T.39     Jewish Student Organization records, 1999.
    Historical note: events notices first appeared on campus ca. fall 1999.
Series 13.T.40      Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) records, 1997,1999-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.41     Native [American] Christian Club records, 2000-ongoing.   Includes (as of 2006/07), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Native Campus Ministries.

Series 13.T.42     College Republicans Club records, 2000-ongoing.

Series 13.T.43     International Relations Club records, 2000. 

Series 13.T.44     Students Against Political Apathy records, 2000.                        

Series 13.T.45     Big Mountain Party records,2000.

Series 13.T.46     African American History Awareness Organization records, 1977,99.

  • Historical note: noted in the Fort Lewis College Messenger April 6, 1998.   This series also includes the former Black Student Union (ca. 1977 fall).

Series 13.T.47     Culture Connection records, 2001. 

  • Historical note:  new club, ca. 2001-02, open to students of "any race or ethnic background... this club cares about people's race and ethnic background."

Series 13.T.48     College Democrats records, 2002.

Series 13.T.49     Campus Green Party records.

Series 13.T.50     Voices (Native American organization) records, 2004.

  • Historical note:  new club, approved in February  2004 by the ASFLC as a Registered Student Organization.  According to an article in the Independent (March 19, 2004, page 13), Navajo Biochemistry major Dannell Miller "started the organization because she was disappointed that the Navajo Language program was cancelled."  Its inaugural faculty advisor was Carey Vicenti, Assistant Professor of Social and Human Services.

Series 13.T.51     FLC Search and Rescue Team records, [ca. late 1980s].  The constitution of a club formed "to provide outdoor survival skills pertinent to search and rescue to Fort Lewis College students and to serve as needed as a search and rescue unit to the community of Durango and the region."

Series 13.T.52     FLC Toastmasters records, Winter 1986.  The constitution of a club formed "to provide an opportunity for the students, faculty and staff of Fort Lewis College to improve their verbal communications skills."

Series 13.T.53     Union for Student Action (U.S.A.) records, Winter 1985.  The constitution of a club formed "to provide a coalition for action on various environmental, social, and political issues and to promote a forum for the expression of information and opinions on those subjects."

Series 13.T.54     Locals Club records, Fall 2005-ongoing. 

    Historical note: this club was established in the Fall 2005 trimester by seniors Brandon Schwartz and Jake West as a result of their experience in the TS2N 390 and TS2R 390 summer cluster course, The Value of Place, taught by Tina Evans and Kate Niles.  According to an article in the Independent on October 28, 2005 (p. 5, by Stacy Falk), Its objective is "to help bridge the gap between the citizens of Durango and the students on campus in working towards a sustainable community."

Series 13.T.55     SEEDS (Fort Lewis College chapter of the Ecological Society of America) records, Feb. 2006-ongoing. 

Series 13.T.56     Non-Traditional Students Club records. 

Series 13.T.57     Small Axe, Small Steps Club records.

Series 13.T.58     Martial Islands Club records, 2007-ongoing.

Series 13.T.59     Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER FLC) records, 2010-ongoing.

Series 13.T.60     All Peoples Lodge records, 2011-ongoing.

Series 13.T.61     Meditation Club records, 2011-ongoing.

Series 13.T.62     Knowledge Bowl records, 2012-ongoing.

Series 13.T.63     Live Performance Party records, 2012-ongoing.

(See also clubs listed under academic departments, and Wanbli Ota Indian Club which is Series 18.G.5.)
Sub-group 13.U     Student government , 18 document cases and 25 small boxes of meeting recordings.
[click here for a list of ASFLC officers since 1953.]
Series 13.U.1     Constitutions, bylaws and regulations, student government info. begins 1937, 1944-48, bulk-1954-71, 87, 1994-ongoing, 
  • Historical note:  the State Board of Agriculture approved the constitution on May 11, 1965, and the bylaws on June 19, 1965, and approved new constitution and bylaws on April 13, 1968.

Series 13.U.2     Student Senate agenda and minutes, 1947-2005. (missing 1952-53, 1955-56).  Includes such records of the former Student Council, 1954 Jan.- 1959 Sept. 24.  Includes 21 small archival boxes of audiotape recordings of meetings of the Student Senate, March 1995 - April 2006 (accession 2008:007 et al.).

Series 13.U.3     ASFLC records and correspondence, material from 1936-1947,  bulk 1959-ongoing. Includes reports of committees other than the student Budget Committee and the Student Services Committee.  (See also Sub-group 13.Z for Student Union Board/ SPOT records.)

Series 13.U.4     Student fund budgets and financial reports, 1949-50, bulk 1960-1995. Includes student Budget Committee records.

Series 13.U.5     Printed materials, 1940s, 1979, 1957, 1994-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters, and other publicity.

Series 13.U.6     Student handbooks, circa 1929-1989.  (See also Series 12.1 and Series 13.A.3 for the more recently issued handbooks.)

Series 13.U.7     Student government elections materials,1934, 1947, bulk 1983-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other campaign publicity.

Series 13.U.8     Club Allocations Board records and correspondence, 1964-1975..  Includes minutes, and also includes records of the former COAC [Club and Organizational Activities Council] and former SAC [Student Activities Council], circa 1964-ongoing.  Includes 4 small archival boxes of audiotape recordings of meetings of the Financial Allocations Board, 2002-2005 (accession 2008:007 et al.).

Series 13.U.9     Student Senate resolutions, 1963, bulk 1966-ongoing.  Arrangement: filed by year and resolution number. (Please note that some of the resolutions have been interfiled with the agendas and minutes, Series 13.U.2).

Series 13.U.10     Student Court decisions and records, 1966, 1976-ongoing (bulk years 1983-ongoing). 

Series 13.U.11     Colorado Student Association correspondence and printed materials, 1989, 1992-1994, and 2002.  Includes a scrapbook, 1966-1968; click here for page-by-page contents list.

Series 13.U.12     Student Senate attendance and voting records, 1994-ongoing.

Series 13.U.13     ASFLC Student Services Committee records, 1996-ongoing. 

Series 13.U.14     Fee Advisory Committee-Technology (FACT) and Student Fee Review Board records, 1990-ongoing. (For printed FLC Tuition & Fee schedules, please see Series 10.16; for fee and tuition records and correspondence before 1990, see Series 10.17).

  • Historical note: FACT is also known as the Tech-Fee Advisory Board and is a student standing committee to administer the revenue generated by the $50 per student per trimester technology fee that improves student access to technology on campus.  Its first meeting was in October of 1996.
  • Historical note: The Student Fee Review Board was created in the 1990s as a forum for presentation and discussion of new fees and fee increases.  It serves as a liaison between the students and the administration and its membership consists of the ASFLC President, ASFLC Budget Chair and other appointed students, two staff members of fee-receiving departments and the Budget Director.  The Board must remain in compliance with the requirements of the CCHE and the FLC Institutional Plan for Student Fees.

    13.U.14.01      Meeting minutes and agendas.
    13.U.14.02      Memos and correspondence, including fee increase requests from various departments.
    13.U.14.03      Policies and plans, including CCHE Tuition and Fee Policies, FLC Institutional Fee Plans, and House Bill 94-1362 and Senate Bill 97-28.

Series 13.U.15     Student National Education (Englewood, Colo.), printed materials and records,1966-1970. 

Sub-group 13.V     Student publications
Series 13.V.1     Printed materials, 1949-1950, 1957, 1962, 1964, 1967-1968, 1978-1984, 1989-1990, and 1995-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, posters and other publicity.

Series 13.V.2     Student yearbook, 1937-1979, in 14 document cases.

Sub-Series 13.V.2.1     Yearbooks volumes, 1937-1979 (Archives has The Cadet, 1937-1962, and Katzima, 1964-1969 and 1978-79; no Fort Lewis College yearbooks were published after 1979)

Sub-Series 13.V.2.2      Student yearbook production records and correspondence, 1959-1966. 

Series 13.V.3     Student body newspapers, in 12 flat boxes.  Includes:
    • Fort Lewis In Toto, 1927 June 6
    • The Monacle, 1927-1928
    • Beaver, 1930 Jan. 17 and 31, March 14 (2x), and May 2 (the beaver was the first mascot of Fort Lewis School and College)
    • Fort Lewis Collegian, 1936-1948
    • Smoke Signals, 1949-1962 Oct. 4
    • , 1962 Oct. 11-current (nearly complete) (Current issues are also available on the Web, at .)Note: The Independent stopped printing in a weekly newspaper format in April 2009. It resumed print distribution in a bi-monthly magazine format in September 2009.
    • The Global Current, 1985 Oct. 8 (Vol. 1, No. 1) and 1985 Nov.  (Just these two issues.)  Described as "a forum for creative expression presented by the Union for Student Action in cooperation with the Fort Lewis College Independent."
(student newspaper organizational records and newspaper clippings about the student newspaper are in Series 13.BB.1 and 13.BB.2)

Series 13.V.4     Images arts/literary annual magazine, 1970-ongoing in 3 document cases that contains records through Series 13.V.5.  Includes publications of its predecessor, Circa, 1970-1976.  (Collection note: issues that we still need for Archives are volumes 2, 3, 4, 8, and 12, as follows: Circa, spring 1971, 1972 and 1974; Images, spring 1984 and 1988.)   (Images production records are in Series 15.3.F.5.)

Series 13.V.5     Other publications, in 1 document case and 1 flat box.  Includes:

    • Walk in Beauty Please My Children, 1975-1976
    • Limited Edition, 1976 Nov.
    • Dublin Daily, 1979 Apr. 1
    • High Country Chronicle, ca. Dec. 1981
    • Co-Dependent Weakly, 1996 Apr. 1
    • (see also Intertribal News in Series 18.G.8, and Wambidiota News in Series 18.G.5)
Series 13.V.6     Photographs taken 新加坡六合彩 students
Sub-group 13.W     Traffic Court
Series 13.W.1     Records and correspondence, 1993-99, in 1 document case that contains records through Sub-group 13.Y.  (See also traffic and parking brochures in Series 13.S.1.)
Sub-group 13.X     (Environmental Task Force records are in Sub-group 19.N)
Series 13.X.1     Newsletters (includes Green Freedom newsletter, in 1 document case and larger earlier issues in 1 oversize lidded box), 1992, 1998-ongoing. 

Series 13.X.2     Other printed materials, 1994-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.

Series 13.X.3     Coordinator's reports, 1998-ongoing.

Series 13.X.4     Coordinator's records and correspondence, 1990-91, 1993.  Includes budget materials, 1991-2000, 2003-04. 

Series 13.X.5     Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) records and correspondence, 1996-ongoing.   Includes meeting minutes of the predecessor group, Students for a Sustainable World Constitution, 1989-90.

Series 13.X.6     Board of Directors agendas, minutes, and related records, 1992 -ongoing. 

Series 13.X.7     Board of Directors meetings audiotape recordings, 1998 Sept.-ongoing, in  3 document cases. 

Series 13.X.8     Waste Reduction Program records, 2005-ongoing (includes records of the Waste Reduction Coordinator). 

Sub-group 13.Y     Senior class(graduation programs and records are in Series 10.7)
Series 13.Y.1     Breakfasts printed materials, 1973-1977.

Series 13.Y.2     Other printed materials, 1926-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.

Series 13.Y.3     Records and correspondence.

Sub-group 13.Z     Student Event Management (SPOT)
  • Historical note: formerly, until Jan. 1995, this was the Student Union Board.
Series 13.Z.1     Printed materials, 1982, 1994-, in 1/2 document cases.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 13.Z.2     Records and correspondence, 1968-1972, 1976, 1990-, in 1/2 document case.
Series 13.Z.3     Agenda and minutes, 1963-1970, 1973-1979, 1990-91, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 13.AA.
Sub-group 13.AA    
  • Note: This is a program of the Division of Student Affairs, with a staff coordinator based in the College Union and Activities Office.  That coordinator also serves as the advisor to the related student club: Prevention Peer Educators (Series 13.AA.3).
  • Historical note: The State Board of Agriculture approved the Fort Lewis College policy regarding alcohol and drugs in June of 1988.
Series 13.AA.1     Printed materials, 1980-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity about the Leadership 101 annual Fort Lewis College Student Leaders Conference and the Rape Intervention Team; and sexual assault response brochure.
  • Historical note: Leadership 101 began on the Fort Lewis College campus in the spring of 1994 as a result of a conversation with students who were lamenting the lack of formal leadership skills training in the Fort Lewis College curriculum.  In an effort to better meet the needs of students, this conference was offered to all students who demonstrated potential to become great leaders.  It became an annual event for the participation of students, faculty, staff and community members.  Conferences include both beginning and advanced level sessions for current leaders and those desiring to lead.  (Source: announcement to the Fort Lewis College-Announce-L email list on Nov. 30, 1999 by Leah M. Jones, Speakers Committee Co-Chair and Residence Director of Cooper Hall.)
Series 13.AA.2     Records and correspondence, 1992, 2003-ongoing. 

Series 13.AA.3     Prevention Peer Educators records and correspondence, 1999-ongoing.
(Fort Lewis College student organization)

Sub-group 13.BB     Student newspaper, 1 document case - through Sub-group 13.CC .  (Note: this sub-group includes the preserved records of the staff of the Independent, 1962 Oct. 11-ongoing, and predecessor titles listed in Series 13.V.3.)
Series 13.BB.1     Printed materials, 1968, 1981-1983, 1998-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other other publicity materials.
(Note:  See 13.V.1 for additional printed materials and newspaper clippings.  The newspaper itself is in Series 13.V.3)

Series 13.BB.2     Records and correspondence, 1945-1967, 2002-ongoing.

Sub-group 13.CC    
Series 13.CC.1     Printed materials, 1983-1991, 1996-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.

Series 13.CC.2     Records and correspondence, 1991-92, 1994-ongoing. 

Series 13.CC.3     Accessibility Task Force committee records and correspondence, 1991-1992.  (Full name: Task Force for Facilities Accessibility)

Sub-group 13.DD     Phi Kappa Phi honor society, Fort Lewis College chapter, in 1 document case. 
Series 13.DD.1     Printed materials, 1992-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.

Series 13.DD.2     Records and correspondence, 1974-1996.  Includes records on Phi Beta Kappa, investigated but never formed as a Fort Lewis College chapter.

Sub-group 13.EE     Recreational Services Department, 1998-  (see also Sub-group 13.N: Intramural sports)  (This sub-group encompasses records of the ; its director manages Outdoor Pursuits, Fitness ProgrammingIntramural Sports, and Club Sports, as well as the Student Life Center.)
Series 13.EE.1     Printed materials, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2003-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 13.EE.2     Director's records and correspondence, 1997-, in 1/2 document case.
Series 13.EE.3     Reports, 1998-, in 1/2 document case.
Series 13.EE.4     Recreational Services calendar of events, 2002 Fall-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Sub-group 13.FF     ROTC Program proposal, 1982
(also includes later records on U.S. Armed Forces recruiting on campus, and Peace Corps; i.e., federal government programs that recruit students for U.S. service programs)
Series 13.FF.1     Printed materials, 1982, 1999, etc.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 13.FF.2     Records and correspondence, 1982.    
Series 13.FF.3     Reports and speech transcripts, 1982. 

Sub-group 13.GG     Events Planning Office (Facilities Scheduling and College Union Building [CUB] Operations)

  • Historical note: this office, located in the College Union Building, began functioning in February of 2003, as the result of a restructuring of Conference Services and Facilities Scheduling to more effectively serve the scheduling needs of the College as well as conference and community groups.  The Events Planning Office provides meeting, conference, catering, and special event facility scheduling.  Jill Wiegert served as the first Assistant Director for Events, Facilities and Services.  Responsibilities included management of the Events Planning Office and the Resource 25 scheduling software (effective Winter 2003).  In addition, she implemented a task force to address the future usage of the Resource 25 Web-based program.  Jill is a Fort Lewis College graduate who has been employed by the College since 1988, most recently as Assistant Director for Student Housing & Conference Services.  Until this restructuring, Barb Conn in the Union and Activities Office scheduled all meetings and events in the CUB and other non-academic events on campus. 
Series 13.GG.1     Printed materials, 2003-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings, email announcements, posters, and other publicity.
Series 13.GG.2     Director's reports
Series 13.GG.3     Director's records and correspondence

Sub-group 13.HH      Leadership Center  (records specifically pertaining to the Center)

Series 13.HH.1     Printed materials, 2003-ongoing.  Includes pamphlets, newspaper clippings and other publicity.
Series 13.HH.2     Director's records and correspondence. 
Series 13.HH.3     Reports
Series 13.HH.4     Policy and procedure manuals
Series 13.HH.5     Student Union Productions (SUP) records

Sub-group 13.JJ       (a network of facilitators trained in an anti-bias educational program that promotes cultural awareness and combats discrimination)

This inventory was prepared by Todd Ellison, C.A.

Doing your own research:  This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at:     The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please leave an email address if you wish to receive a response from us.

Page last modified: June 21, 2013