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Collection M 001, Record Group 19:
Fort Lewis College Faculty Government:
records in the Archives

19.A Faculty Executive Council
19.B Faculty Senate (formerly Faculty Assembly)
19.C Faculty; committee assignments; advising
19.D Academic Computing Committee
19.E Academic Standards Committee
19.F Admission & Retention Committee
19.G Affirmative Action Committee
19.H Athletic Committee
19.I Faculty Compensation Committee / Benefits Committee
19.J Budget Advisory Committee
19.K Cooperative Education Committee
19.L Counseling & Student Development Center Advisory Committee
19.M Curriculum Committee
19.N Environmental Studies Task Force
 19.O Financial Aid Committee
19.P Composition Committee
19.Q Honors Council
19.R Intercultural Committee
19.S Library Committee
19.T Off-Campus Experiences Committee
19.U Student Career Development Committee
19.V Rules Committee
19.W Salary, Promotion & Tenure Policy Committee
19.X Student Affairs Committee
19.Y Student Publications Committee
19.Z Teacher Education Committee
19.AA Wellness Committee
19.BB Teaching Support Committee
19.CC Cultural Diversity Committee
19.DD Self Study Steering Committee
19.EE Women's Studies Committee
19.FF Cultural Program Committee
19.GG Campus Land Use Committee
19.HH Commencement Committee
19.II Faculty/ Staff Awards Committee
19.JJ Campus Information Systems Committee
19.KK Administrative Systems Management Team
19.LL Electronic Learning Committee
19.MM Student Conduct Committee
19.NN Faculty Grievance Committee
19.OO Religious Affairs Committee
19.PP Pre-Professional Committee
19.QQ PIEDAD Committee
19.RR Task Force on Growth & Graduate Programs
19.SS General Education Council
19.TT Student Outcomes Study Group

19.UU Faculty Cares Committee

19.V V College Technology Planning Committee

19.WW Enrichment Courses Committee

19.XX Administrative Assistants Council

Center of Southwest Studies

---Sub-group/Series # and Title---Records description

Record Group 19: Faculty Government

Sub-group 19.A     Faculty Executive Council

Series 19.A.1     Constitution and bylaws, 1981, 1965, and 1969, in 1/2 document case.

Series 19.A.2     Minutes,1941-1948, 1962-1965, 1970-1980, and 1980-2002, in 1/2 document case.  Includes minutes of Colorado A&M for the years 1941-1948.  Accompanying records are separated out into Series 19.A.4.

Series 19.A.3     Reports, 1972-73, 1981-1985, in 1/2 document case.

Series 19.A.4     Records and correspondence, 1964-1967, 1971-1983, 1986, 1988, and 1991-1995, in 1.5 document cases.

Series 19.A.5     FITE (Fighting for Independence, Excellence and Tradition) committee records and correspondence (including meeting records, press packets, memos, newspaper clippings), 1981 - 87, in 1 document case. Also see Series 4.7.

Historical note:  FITE was created as a special committee of the Executive Council in response to the campus opposition of FLC being incorporated into the CSU system.  These records were compiled by James Mills, Professor of Chemistry, while he was the Faculty Representative to the State Board of Agriculture, 1981 - 86.

Sub-group 19.B     Faculty Senate (and the former Faculty Assembly) Sub-group 19.C     Faculty; faculty and college committee assignments
Series 19.C.1     Faculty handbooks, 1960-1992, in 4 document cases.  Includes policy statements and other manuals, including the staff handbook for early years when this was the Faculty-Staff Handbook, circa 1965-ongoing.  Arrangement is chronological.  Academic advising handbooks are in 19.C.8 and 18.Y.
  • Historical note:  On Nov. 7, 1958 the State Board of Agriculture barred both husband and wife, or member of the immediate family of a college employee, may be employed by the college.  On April 18, 1964, the policy was revised to state that "It is the policy of the college that both husband and wife of a family may not be employed in permanent academic or professional capacities."  On Dec. 8, 1971, the Board revised its policy by deleting the preceding statement from the Faculty-Staff handbook."

Series 19.C.2     Committee assignments records, bulk 1948-ongoing, in 1 document case.

Series 19.C.3     Ad hoc committee and ad hoc task force records, in 6 document cases.  Arrangement is chronological by the date formed.

Records in this series include the following:

  • Assembly Committee, 1957-58
  • Special Committee on Departmentalization, circa 1958
  • Constitution Committee, 1962
  • Faculty Code Committee, 1962-63
  • Public Relations Committee, 1962-
  • Recruiting Committee, 1963
  • Graduation Ad Hoc Committee, 1964
  • National Policies Affecting Students Committee, 1966
  • Committee on the Humanities Major, 1966-1984
  • Tuition Classification Committee, 1973-74, 1979
  • Special Services Program Committee, 1974
  • Fort Lewis College Centennial Needs and Goals Committee, 1977
  • New Proposals Committee, 1977
  • Professional Staff Committee, 1978 (this group met to consider forming a professional staff organization with a constitution and minutes, etc.)
  • Ad Hoc Committee of Arts and Sciences Chairmen on Cheating and Plagiarism, 1979
  • FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Committee, 1979-80
  • Committee of Arts and Sciences Chairmen on Cheating and Plagiarism, 1979-80
  • Mission Statement Editing Committee, 1979-1986
  • Junior Seminar Committee, 1980
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Evaluation, 1981
  • Early Retirement Committee, 1981-1987
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Proficiency Testing, 1982
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Scheduling of the Academic Year, 1984
  • Space Utilization Task Force, 1985-1987
  • Freshman Studies Task Force, 1986-1987
  • Task Force on Recruitment of Hispanic Students, 1987
  • Academic Master Plan Task Force, 1989
  • Theme of the Year Committee, 1990
  • Academic Schedule Task Force, 1990
  • Faculty of Color and Allies, 1994-95
  • Sexual Assault Task Force, 1994-95
  • Summer Program Task Force, 1995
  • Navajo Nation Comprehensive Contract Task Force, 1996-97
  • Faculty/Staff Housing Committee, 1997
  • Commission on the Status of Women, 1998
  • Hispano Devotional Art of the Southwest Planning Committee, 1998
  • Community Concert Hall Task Force, 1998-99
  • Technology Master Plan Task Force, 1998-
  • Colorado Peak Performance, 1998-99
  • Calendar Task Force, 1999
  • Horse Gulch Study Group, circa 1999-2000
  • President's Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs, 1999-2000
  • President's Advisory Council on Native American Affairs, 1999-2001
  • Steering Task Force (campus-wide five-year planning), 1999-2000
  • Identity Task Force (FLC logo development), 2001
  • Website Task Force, 2001
  • Campus Task Force on Governance, 2001
  • Blue Ribbon Task Force, 2001
  • Faculty Governance Task Force, 2001 (includes recommendation to move to a Faculty Senate)
  • Enrollment Management Committee, 2002
  • Commission on the Status of Women, 2002
  • Child Development Center Advisory Committee, 2002
  • Marketing Task Force, 2002
  • Faculty Task Force on Reorganization, 2003
  • Council of Faculty Women, 2003
  • Freshmen Foundation Task Force, 2004
  • Visiting Faculty Committee (VFAC), 2005
  • Faculty Advocacy Committee, 2010
  • Distance Education Task Force, 2011
  • see also records of task forces on Growth and Graduate Programs, General Education, and Student Outcomes, all 1998, in Sub-groups 19.RR through 19.TT)
Series 19.C.4     American Association of University Professors. Fort Lewis College chapter records, 1958-ongoing, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 19.C.9.

Series 19.C.5     Faculty Seminar records, 1975, 1981, 1985, and 1994-1996.  Includes notices of and copies of published seminar papers.

Series 19.C.6     College Club records, 1976-1982. 

  • Historical note: this is the name of a defunct faculty/ staff organization that was formed in Oct. 1976; its Board of Directors sent a memo to all Fort Lewis College employees on Nov. 14, 1979 stating that "the difficulties of operating the College Club finally have grown to impossible dimensions.  The Club has lost money for years, but this problem has accelerated beyond our control. ... Thus, the College Club is closing, effective 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 20.  By then our deficit will be approaching $1000.  Any contributions to help the Club will be welcome. ..."  According to Professor Bill Ramaley who sent the memo over to the Archives in March of 1998, "the club did rise again--over at President Berndt's old house (now Admissions) in the basement.  For about 2 years (maybe 1981-83?)"
Series 19.C.7     Faculty newsletters, 1967.  Includes Brainstormer, 1967.  Also includes printouts of FLC-Faculty-L and Faculty Exempt-L email messages, circa 2006-ongoing.

Series 19.C.8     Academic advising records and correspondence, prior to establishment of the college's year-round effective the Fall of 1999 (see Sub-group 18.Y)., 1998.

Series 19.C.9     Fort Lewis A&M College Education Association records, 1960 May.  Archives only has 2 pages: constitution and bylaws.

  • Historical note: this was established in 1960 for dues-paying professional employees of the College.
Sub-group 19.D     Academic Computing Committee (Faculty Committee)  1 document case- through Series 19.E.2.

(Campus Information Systems Committee records are in Sub-group 19.JJ; Electronic Learning Taskforce records are in Sub-group 19.LL)

Series 19.D.1     Minutes, 1967-1973 and 1991 (missing 1970).
Series 19.D.2     Reports, 1972-1986, 1992, and 1995.
Series 19.D.3     Records and correspondence, circa 1963, 1991-1996, and 1999-ongoing.
Sub-group 19.E     Sub-group Academic Standards Committee (Faculty Committee)
(see Sub-group 19.MM for records of the former Student Conduct Committee, which overlapped the Academic Standards Committee)
Series 19.E.1     Minutes, bulk years 1959-1984.
Series 19.E.2     Reports, bulk years 1967-1982.
Series 19.E.3     Records and correspondence, 1958-59, 1962-1968, 1972, 1978-1987, and 1994, in 1 document case that holds records through Series 19.G.3. 
Sub-group 19.F     Admission and Retention Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.F.1     Minutes, bulk years 1962-1984.
Series 19.F.2     Reports, bulk years 1967-1982.
Series 19.F.3     Records and correspondence, 1956-ongoing, bulk years 1956-1971.
Sub-group 19.G  Affirmative Action Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.G.1     Minutes, 1998-99. 
Series 19.G.2     Reports, bulk years 1973-1986.
Series 19.G.3     Records and correspondence, bulk years 1981-1999. 
Sub-group 19.H    Athletic Committee (College Committee) Includes Gender Equity Task Force.  See also Record Group 9, Athletics.
Series 19.H.1     Minutes and agenda, 1951-52, 1963-64, 1967, 1971-1998, and 2000-ongoing, in 5 document cases. 
Series 19.H.2     Reports, 1972-1987, 1997-98, and 2001-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Series 19.H.3     Records and correspondence, bulk years 1957-2000, in 1/2 document case.
Series 19.H.4     Policy statements, bulk 1963-1997, in 1.5 document cases.
Sub-group 19.I     Faculty Compensation Committee / Benefits Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.I.1     Minutes, 2002-ongoing, in 1 document case that holds records through Sub-group19.L.
Series 19.I.2     Reports, 1985-1986 and1991-ongoing. 
Series 19.I.3     Records and correspondence, 1964-65, 1987, 1991-1995, and 2002. 
Sub-group 19.J     Budget Advisory Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.J.1     Minutes, 1980 and 1989.
Series 19.J.2     Reports, 1963-64 and 1982-1988.
Series 19.J.3     Records and correspondence, 1979-1984 and 1986-1992. 
Sub-group 19.K     Cooperative Education Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.K.1     Minutes.
Series 19.K.2     Reports, 1972 and 1987.
Series 19.K.3     Records and correspondence. 
Sub-group 19.L     Counseling and Student Development Center Advisory Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.L.1     Minutes.
Series 19.L.2     Reports.
Series 19.L.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.M     Curriculum Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.M.1     Minutes, 1957 and 1959-1999, in 5 document cases.
Series 19.M.2     Reports, bulk years 1960-1991.  Includes a report from the Senior College Curriculum Committee entitled Fort Lewis A&M College - A Pilot Program, 1960 February.  It is the Committee's recommendations for starting a four year curriculum.
Series 19.M.3     Records and correspondence, 1946-ongoing (bulk 1960-ongoing), in 1 document case that holds records through Series 19.M.5.
Series 19.M.4     Printed materials, 1971 and 1995.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity materials.
Series 19.M.5     Curriculum change requests, bulk years 1972-1995.
Sub-group 19.N     Environmental Studies Task Force (College Committee) records in 1 document case that contains records through Sub-group 19.O.
Series 19.N.1     Minutes.
Series 19.N.2     Reports.
Series 19.N.3     Records and correspondence.
Series 19.N.4     Printed materials (including publicity), 1995 and 1999.
Sub-group 19.O     Financial Aid Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.O.1     Minutes, 1957-1959, 1962-63, 1965-1976, and 1995.
Series 19.O.2     Reports, 1952-1971, 1975-1981, in 1/2 document case.
Series 19.O.3     Records and correspondence, 1953-1973, 1975, 1988, and 1995, in 1/2 document case.
Sub-group 19.P     Composition Committee (Faculty Committee)
See also Writing Program, Sub-group 18.U.

Series 19.P.1     Minutes, 1988-1994 and 1996, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 19.P.3.
Series 19.P.2     Reports, bulk years 1976-1998. 
Series 19.P.3     Records and correspondence, bulk years 1970-1995. 

Sub-group 19.Q     Honors Council (Faculty Committee) records in 1 document case that contains records through Series 19.R.4. 
See also Sub-group 18.M, for Honors Program records.

Series 19.Q.1     Minutes.
Series 19.Q.2     Reports, 1954, 1966, 1972-1982, 1984-85, and 1989.
Series 19.Q.3     Records and correspondence, 1973, 1984, 1995, and 2003.
Sub-group 19.R     Intercultural Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.R.1     Minutes, 1975-1987 and 1997-98.
Series 19.R.2     Reports, 1972-1988.
Series 19.R.3     Records and correspondence, 1984-85 and 1996-1998.
Series 19.R.4     Printed materials, 1985 and 1993-1996.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Sub-group 19.S     Library Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.S.1     Minutes, 1961, 1963-1982, and 1988-1994, in 1 document case  that contains records through Series 19.S.3.
Series 19.S.2     Reports, 1964, 1966, 1972-1982, 1984-85, and 1989.
Series 19.S.3     Records and correspondence, 1959-60, 1963-1969, 1971, 1974-1978, and 1981-1996.
Sub-group 19.T     Off-Campus Experiences Committee (College Committee)
Includes Innovative Month and Study Abroad.
Series 19.T.1     Minutes, in 1 document case that contains records through Series 19.T.3.
Series 19.T.2     Reports, 1972-73, 1976-77, and 1979-1987.
Series 19.T.3     Records and correspondence, 1989-ongoing.
Series 19.T.4     Printed materials, newspaper publicity, and other publicity materials, 1976-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Sub-group 19.U     Student Career Development Committee (College Committee), in 1.5 document cases that hold records through Series 19.V.3.
Series 19.U.1     Minutes, 1981-82.
Series 19.U.2     Reports, 1972.
Series 19.U.3     Records and correspondence, 1981-82.
Sub-group 19.V     Rules Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.V.1     Minutes, 1968, 1971, 1972-1984, and 1995-ongoing.
Series 19.V.2     Reports, 1948-1985, bulk years 1967-1984.
Series 19.V.3     Records and correspondence, 1948-1984, bulk years1967-1984.
Sub-group 19.W     Salary, Promotion and Tenure Policy Committee (Faculty Committee)
records in 1 document case that contains records through Series 19.Z.
See also annual reports of analysis of class size, teaching loads and instructional salary costs for 1956-1963/ prepared for/ by the Association of State-Supported Institutions of Higher Education in Colorado, in Series 1.2.
Series 19.W.1     Minutes, 2001-ongoing.
Series 19.W.2     Reports, 1965-66, 1978, and 1984-1988.  Includes samples of salary schedules.
Series 19.W.3     Records and correspondence, bulk years 1950-1986.
(Southwest Studies Advisory Committee records are in Series 18.B.4) (Southwest Studies Club records are in Series 15.3.Q.3)

Sub-group     19.X Student Affairs Committee (College? Committee) (obsolete)

Sub-group     19.Y Student Publications Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.Y.1     Minutes, bulk years 1962-1995, 2002-ongoing.
Series 19.Y.2     Reports, 1966, 1972-1981, and 1983-1987, 2002-ongoing.
Series 19.Y.3     Records and correspondence, 1963, 1965-66, 1968, and 1976.
Sub-group     19.Z Teacher Education Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.Z.1     Minutes.
Series 19.Z.2     Reports, 1972-73, 1976-1987, and 1998.
Series 19.Z.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.AA     Wellness Committee (College Committee) records in 1 document case.
Series 19.AA.1     Printed materials, 1988-89, 1991, 1993-94, and 1998-99.  Includes Wellness Exchange newsletter, begun as Living Well newsletter, 1994, and continued as Update, and posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity.

Series 19.AA.2     Minutes, 1999.
Series 19.AA.3     Records and correspondence, 1988-1990, 1995, and 2011-ongoing.
Series 19.AA.4     For Being Fit records, 1993.

Sub-group 19.BB     Teaching Support Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.BB.1     Printed materials (includes Total Learning Community newsletter, and posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity)

Series 19.BB.2     Minutes, 1991-1997.
Series 19.BB.3     Records and correspondence, 1989-1992.

Sub-group 19.CC     Cultural Diversity Committee (College Committee)
(President's Cultural Arts Series records are in Series 4.7 under Cultural Arts Series)

Series 19.CC.1     Printed materials, 1968, 1989, and 1994-ongoing.  Includes biannual Speaking Out newsletter, posters, awards, newspaper clippings and other publicity.

Series 19.CC.2     Minutes, 1993-1995.
Series 19.CC.3     Records and correspondence, 1989-90, 1993-1997.

Sub-group 19.DD     Self Study Steering Committee (College? Committee)
Series 19.DD.1     Minutes, 1994-ongoing.
Series 19.DD.2     Reports, 1994-ongoing.
Series 19.DD.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.EE     Women's Studies Committee (Faculty Committee), records in 1 document case that contains records through Series19.II.4.
Series 19.EE.1     Printed materials, newspaper clippings, 1989-ongoing, bulk years 1995-ongoing.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 19.EE.2     Minutes, 1994-1997.
Series 19.EE.3     Records and correspondence, 1993 and 1997-98.
Sub-group 19.FF     Cultural Program Committee (College Committee) (obsolete)
Series 19.FF.1     Printed materials, 1994 and 1997. Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 19.FF.2     Minutes.
Series 19.FF.3     Reports, 1972-73 and 1975-1978. 
Series 19.FF.4     Records and correspondence, 1962-1995, bulk years 1962-1978.
Sub-group 19.GG     Campus Land Use Committee (College Committee) (obsolete?)
See Series 20.E.11 for Facilities Master Plan Committee records, including records of its Landscaping Subcommittee and of the Facilities Master Plan Task Force, 1995-96.
Series 19.GG.1     Printed materials.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 19.GG.2     Minutes, 1951.
Series 19.GG.3     Reports, 1969-70.
Series 19.GG.4     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.HH     Commencement Committee (Faculty Committee) (obsolete?)
(see also Series 4.7 under Commencement for this committee's records interfiled with those of the President's Office)
Series 19.HH.1     Printed materials, 1965-1967.  Includes posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity. 
Series 19.HH.2     Minutes, 1965.
Series 19.HH.3     Reports, 1972-1973.
Series 19.HH.4     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.II     Faculty/ Staff Awards Committee (College Committee)
Click here for a list of honorees and history of the annual awards.
See also Series 10.7.4 for Commencement awards planning records.
For Featured Scholars Program records and correspondence, see Series 4.19.  Oversize posters about the Featured Scholars are on top of the last row of shelving in basement archives.
Series 19.II.1     Printed materials, bulk years 1974-1988 and 1995-ongoing.  Includes Annual Employee Recognition and Faculty & Staff Awards programs, posters, newspaper clippings, and other publicity.
Series 19.II.2     Minutes.
Series 19.II.3     Reports, 1973.
Series 19.II.4     Records and correspondence, 1973, 1978, 1975, 1995-96, 2002.
Sub-group 19.JJ     Campus Information Systems Committee (College Committee) (Banner Users' Group), 1 document case.  (Academic Computing Committee records are in Sub-group 19.D; Telephone System Committee records are in Series 20.4.1)
Series 19.JJ.1     Printed materials, 1995 (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.JJ.2     Minutes, 1992-93.
Series 19.JJ.3     Records and correspondence, 1992-93.
Sub-group 19.KK     Administrative Systems Management Team
(This is a director-level administrators committee; it establishes priorities for Fort Lewis College in administrative systems, whether electronic or not)
Series 19.KK.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.KK.2     Minutes.
Series 19.KK.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.LL     Instructional Technology Council (includes the former Electronic Learning Committee) (College Committee) (see Academic Information Technology records in Sub-group 19.D)
Series 19.LL.1     Printed materials,1994, 1996 (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.LL.2     Minutes, 1995, 1998, 2000-01.
Series 19.LL.3     Records and correspondence, 1994-96, 1998, 2000-01.
Sub-group 19.MM     Student Conduct Committee (student discipline issues committee)
(see also Sub-group 19.E for records of the Academic Standards Committee, which it overlapped) (confidential discipline records of individual students are in Series 12.10)
Series 19.MM.1     Printed materials, 1996 (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.MM.2     Minutes. (includes Traffic and Fiscal Committee minutes pertaining to disciplinary recommendations, 1962 Apr.; confidential)
Series 19.MM.3     Records and correspondence, 1954-96 bulk 1972- 92.
Sub-group 19.NN     Faculty Grievance Committee (Faculty Committee)
Series 19.NN.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity)
Series 19.NN.2     Minutes.
Series 19.NN.3     Records and correspondence.  Includes faculty elections materials
Sub-group 19.OO     Religious Affairs Committee (College Committee)
Series 19.OO.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.OO.2     Minutes.
Series 19.OO.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.PP     Pre-Professional Committee (College Committee)
(see also Sub-group 18.V for records of the Pre-Professional Programs)
Series 19.PP.1     Printed materials, 1995-ongoing (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.PP.2     Minutes.
Series 19.PP.3     Records and correspondence, 1985.
Sub-group 19.QQ     PIEDAD Committee
Series 19.QQ.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.QQ.2     Minutes.
Series 19.QQ.3     Records and correspondence, 1972-73, 1975.
Sub-group 19.RR     Task Force on Growth and Graduate Programs
Series 19.RR.1     Printed materials, 1973, 1988-1998 (includes reports, posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.RR.2     Minutes.
Series 19.RR.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.SS     General Education Council
Series 19.SS.1     Printed materials (includes reports, posters, General Education Program newsletter [starting with Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2000], newspaper clippings and other publicity).  Also includes FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email distribution list messages.
Series 19.SS.2     Minutes
Series 19.SS.3     Records and correspondence
Series 19.SS.4     General Education Council Assessment Committee records and correspondence (formed 2000/01)
Sub-group 19.TT     Student Outcomes Study Group
Series 19.TT.1     Printed materials, 1998-ongoing (includes reports, posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.TT.2     Minutes.
Series 19.TT.3     Records and correspondence.
Sub-group 19.UU     Faculty Cares Committee, circa 1987 (See also Skyhawk Angels program of the classified staff, Employee Council Sub-group 20.O.)
Series 19.UU.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.UU.2     Minutes.
Series 19.UU.3     Records and correspondence, 1987-.
Sub-group 19.V V     College Technology Planning Committee (includes the former ad hoc Technology Master Plan Taskforce; Greg Bell has noted that in the early days when this committee was being formed it was, mistakenly, referred to as the "Central Technology Planning Committee".) (College Committee) (see Academic Information Technology records in Sub-group 19.D)
Series 19.VV.1     Printed materials (includes posters, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.VV.2     Minutes, 2000-.
Series 19.VV.3     Records and correspondence, 1998-2001.

Sub-group 19.WW     Enrichment Courses Committee

Series 19.WW.1     Printed materials, 2003-ongoing (includes posters, FLC-Announce messages, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.WW.2     Minutes.
Series 19.WW.3     Records and correspondence, 2002.

Sub-group 19.XX     Administrative Assistants Council

Series 19.XX.1     Printed materials, 200_- (includes posters, FLC-Announce messages, newspaper clippings and other publicity).
Series 19.XX.2     Minutes.
Series 19.XX.3     Records and correspondence, 200_-.

Sub-group 19.YY     NAGPRA Committee records (1 document case)

Series 19.YY.1     Printed materials.
Series 19.YY.2     Minutes.
Series 19.YY.3     Records and correspondence, circa 2000-2004.

Sub-group 19.XX     Marketing Task Force records

This inventory was prepared by Todd Ellison, C.A.

Doing your own research:  This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at: archives@fortlewis.edu.     The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please leave an email address if you wish to receive a response from us.


Page last modified: June 27, 2013