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Collection M 001, Record Groups 1 through 6:
Fort Lewis College governance and external affairs records in the Archives

RG 1 Colorado Commission on Higher Education
RG 2 Colorado State University System

RG 3: Governing Board (including, until Aug. 2002, the Colorado State Board of Agriculture)

RG 4 Fort Lewis College President
RG 5 Administrative Cabinet
RG 6
External Affairs
end of RGs 1-6
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---Sub-group/Series # and Title---Records description

Record Group 1:     Colorado Commission on Higher Education
(includes Colorado Commission on Higher Education [CCHE] records on the Colorado State University system governance issue, ca. 1984-1985 and 2000-2002)

Series 1.1     Agenda and minutes, 1965- 1999, in 1 records box and 10 document cases. 

Series 1.2     Reports, 1949-, in 8 document cases.  Includes volumes of Colorado Department of Education laws published by CCHE; reports and related correspondence of the Association of State-Supported Institutions of Higher Education in Colorado, ca. 1958-1969; reports by the Colorado Legislative Council, 1956; and relevant executive orders issued by the Governor of Colorado.

Series 1.3     Printed materials (includes publicity materials) 1975- , in 1 document case.

Series 1.4     Memoranda and correspondence, 1957- , in 3 document cases.

Series 1.5     State of Colorado annual budget reports, 1952-1974 (missing 1980-1983), in 2 document cases, and 2 records boxes.   Includes State of Colorado construction budgets, Colorado General Assembly Joint Budget Committee and Joint Sub-Committee on Appropriations annual reports on appropriations, and State Controller's annual financial reports.

Series 1.6     Manuals, 1975-1981, in 1 document case.   Includes Postsecondary Education Master Planning manuals, 1981 July, 2 vol., and 1983 May, 1 volume.

Series 1.7     Association of State Institutions of Higher Education in Colorado records, in 1 document case.   Includes bylaws, 1962; agenda and minutes, 1955- 1965; and budget, 1962, for this voluntary organization of presidents of Colorado institutions of higher education.

Historical note:  The original name for the organization was the Presidents Association, ca. 1955-1961.  In 1961-62 the group was formally organized as the Association of State Institutions of Higher Education in Colorado.

Record Group 2:    Colorado State University System

(see also Colorado State University system governance issue records in Series 4.7, clippings in Series 2.2)

Series 2.1     Chancellor's reports and correspondence, June 2002, in 1/2 document case.
Series 2.2     Publicity materials, 1979-1993, in 1/2 document case.
Series 2.3     Reports, 1940-1999, in 1/2 document case.
Series 2.4     Audits records (FTE audits of various college departments), 1992-1997, in 1/2 document case.
Also see audit reports by the State of Colorado in series 20.F.1.1     

Record Group 3:    Fort Lewis College governing board

Series 3.1     Agenda, minutes, and meeting reports, 1923-ongoing, in 45 document cases, 5 records boxes, and 3 flat boxes.  The items in the 3 flat boxes are 3 canvas-bound ledger volumes of SBA minutes for July  1948 through October 1976.  Prior to July of 1948, Fort Lewis was a branch of Colorado A & M College (now Colorado State University).
  • Note: the Fort Lewis College archives is lacking  this series' records for 1927-1947.  Some of it is cited in Joe Perino's report in 2005.
  • Recent years' board meeting minutes are online at
  • Years that may be missing one or more meeting records. There should be a total of 7 per year
     JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember October NovemberDecemberTotal Archived for year
    2003 Archived  Archived   Archived  Archived     Archived 6
    2004  Archived Archived  ArchivedArchived   Archived Archived6
    2005 Archived  Archived  Archived   Archived   Archived5
    2006 Archived  Archived Archived     Archived Archived5
    2008 Archived  Archived  Archived     ArchivedArchived5
    2009 Archived  Archived  Archived    Archived Archived5
    2010 Archived  Archived  Archived Archived  Archived Archived6
    2011 Archived  Archived  Archived   Archived   Archived5
    2012 Archived  Archived  Archived    Archived   Archived 5
    2013 Archived  Archived Archived     Archived    4
    2014  Archived  Archived             

Series 3.2     Regulations and manuals, 1925-1984, in 1 document case.  Includes annual Resource Book.

Series 3.3     Reports, 1924-1954, 1995-, in 2 document cases.  Includes Colorado Agricultural College reports.

Series 3.4    Committee meeting minutes, Memoranda, and correspondence, 1924-ongoing, in 4 document cases.  Includes State Board records on the Colorado State University system governance issue, circa 1982-1987.

Series 3.5     Publicity materials, 1923-2002, in 1 document case.  Includes newspaper clippings.

Series 3.6     Fort Lewis Agricultural and Mechanical College Committee records and correspondence, 1959 June 24.

  • Historical note: this was a subcommittee of the State Board of Agriculture.

Series 3.7     State Board of Agriculture governing board membership directories, circa 1958-1984, in 1 folder.

Series 3.8      Legal and legislative materials, 1862 and 2002.  Consists of  two folders:

  1. Colorado House Bill No. 62, dated March 8, 1962, which provided funds to implement the trimester course of instruction leading to the baccalaureate degree at Fort Lewis College (according to the attached note p. 11 typed by then Fort Lewis College President Dale Rea, who worked for its passage).   This is a photocopy of a photographic copy (Rea's p. 10) of the Act for the Bill.  The Act, the Lindy Auditor's Fine Pt. ballpoint pen (green plastic) used by Colorado Governor Steve McNichols to sign it, and a photograph (Rea's p. 9) of the three men (President Dale Rea, Governor McNichols, and State Board of Agriculture member Dave McGraw, a Durango area businessman who had the Pepsi franchise for the region) with the Act in the Governor's hands are framed and hanging near the reference desk in the Delaney Library (accession 1997:01010).
  2. , signed by Governor Owens on June 4, 2002 to grant Fort Lewis College its independence as Colorado's public liberal arts college.

Record Group 4:    Fort Lewis College President, 1923-

Series 4.1     Organizational charts and mission statements, 1968-2001, in 1 document case.
  • Historical note: On March 13, 1959, the State Board of Agriculture approved an organizational chartOn October 18, 1968 the Board approved the "Role and Mission of Fort Lewis College" for submission to the CCHE as part of "Strengthening Higher Education in Colorado."  In November 2001 the President's Office prepared a Fort Lewis College Role and Mission Report for the Governor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Higher Education for the 21st Century, which was likewise submitted to the CCHE and is included in this series of records.

Series 4.2     Annual and semi-annual reports, 1923-ongoing, in 6 document cases and 2 records boxes.  Includes annual Academic Initiative report, 1995-ongoing.   See Series 3.1 and Series 4.5 for the President's monthly reports.

Series 4.3     Institutional self-studies and accreditation reports, 1949-ongoing, in 15 document cases.  Includes North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools examination reports and Fort Lewis College's annual institutional reports.
See Series 18.F.2 for more detailed institutional research records; related correspondence is under the title North Central in Series 4.7 and Series 14.5.

Series 4.4     Long range planning reports, 1966-ongoing, in 11 document cases. 
See also Series 20.E.1 and--for the Fort Lewis Farm--Series 21.2.

Series 4.5     Other reports, 1951-1972, in 1 document case.

Series 4.6     Special programs and projects files, 1966-ongoing, in 14 document cases.  Includes Strengthening Developing Institutions Program grants funded by Title III, Durango Shakespeare Festival records, Higher Education Act of 1963, circa 1980s.   (The unfunded Project Trail Title III grants records are in Series 18.G.3.)

Series 4.7     Central administrative subject files, 1948-ongoing, in 74 document cases.  Includes staffing files, 1965-1990.  The arrangement of this series is alphabetical by subject; the contents of each folder topic are in reverse chronological order within most files.  Also includes records of the Fort Lewis College Durango campus dedication ceremony, 1957 May, and Fort Lewis College records pertaining to the CSU System governance issue and FITE (see also Series 19.A.5); subsequent additions of more recent files in this series will be in a separate alphabetical arrangement.   (For pre-1962 records, see also Series 11.D.1; see also Subgroups 20.D and 20.E.)

Series 4.8     Memoranda and correspondence, 1951-ongoing, in 9 document cases.  Includes President's chronofile of outgoing correspondence.  Arrangement is strictly chronological.  Contains scarcely any records from the tenure of President John F. Reed (1962-1969).

Series 4.9     Publications and speech transcripts, 1950-ongoing, in 1 document case.  Includes the Family Newsletter (inaugurated in September 2004) and publicity for the Presidential Native American Lecture Series.

Series 4.10     Regulations and manuals, 1952-1991, in 1 document case.

Series 4.11     Presidential search records, 1962, 1985, 1996-1998, 2002-, in 2 document cases.  Arrangement is chronological.

Series 4.12     Legal case files, 1971-ongoing, in 10 document cases and 1 records box.  Arrangement is chronological by when case was initiated; all records pertaining to a case are filed together.

Series 4.13     Association of Public College and University Presidents (APCUP) agenda and minutes, 1949-1955 and 1980-1985,  in  1/2 document case. 

Series 4.14     Newspaper clippings, 1917, 1940-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.

  • Historical note: also known as the Fort Lewis College Citizens Advisory Board or just the Citizens Advisory Board.

Series 4.15   FLC-Announce and FLC-Official email messages, 1999-nearly current.  Includes announcement of annual campus-wide events such as the holiday reception for faculty and staff.

Series 4.16     Appointment books of the President, 1988-nearly current, in 3 document cases.  Through 2003 these are original spiral-bound volumes; effective December 2003 (currently through June 2004) the record is a printout from the Microsoft Outlook electronic planning calendar.

Series 4.17     Student correspondence, 1988-1996, in .5 document case.  Arrangement is in reverse chronological order.  This material, along with other records in this Record Group, is restricted/ confidential. 

Series 4.18     Colorado Campus Compact records and correspondence, 1992-1997, in  .5 document case.

Series 4.19     Featured Scholar records and publicity, 1999-nearly current.  Oversize posters (each was originally displayed in a glass case in the foyer of Berndt Hall for a half-year) are housed on the top shelves in the northwest corner of the basement archival storage vault.

  • Historical note:  (quoting from the press release by FLC student Stephanie Euwema that was published October 19, 2004 by the Office of External Affairs:)  The Featured Scholar Award was established during the 1999-2000 academic year by former Fort Lewis President Kendall Blanchard. “Scholarship, defined in its broad and most inclusive sense, is vital to the academic integrity of Fort Lewis College,” Blanchard told the campus when announcing the first Featured Scholars in Jan. 2000. “It is important that our students and the larger community we serve recognize that being a member of the professional ranks at Fort Lewis College involves more than daily classroom performances. Our faculty members are actively engaged in the creation and application of knowledge as well as in its dispersal.”  Through the Winter 2002 semester, two Featured Scholars were selected. Starting in the 2002-03 academic year, one Featured Scholar was selected in the fall and another in the winter.  Through the Fall 2009 semester, one Featured Scholar was selected for each semester of the academic school year.  Starting in the 2010-11 academic school year, only one Featured Scholar was selected for the entire academic school year.

Record Group 5:    Administrative Cabinet

Series 5.1     Minutes, 1958 April-ongoing, in 4  records boxes.
Series 5.2     Reports, 1953-ongoing, in 1 records box.
Series 5.3     Memoranda and correspondence, 1959-1964, in 2  records boxes.
Series 5.4     Attorney General of Colorado opinions records and correspondence, 1950-1976, in 1 records box

Record Group 6:    External Affairs

Series 6.1     President's Council minutes, 1962-1988, in 1/2 document case.
Series 6.2     President's Council memoranda and correspondence, 1963-ongoing, in 1/2 document case.
Series 6.3     Office of Public Relations director's records and correspondence, 2000-ongoing, in 1 document case that holds records through Series 6.6.
Series 6.4     Office of Public Relations/ External Affairs publicity materials 1999-ongoing.  Includes newspaper clippings and emails pertaining to this office.
Series 6.5     Office of Public Relations/ External Affairs  records and correspondence.

Sub-group 6.6     records and correspondence
Note: The Professional Associates of Fort Lewis College is an organization comprised of recognized leaders in the business, government, and education who are now residents of the Four Corners region.  The mission of the association is: "Improve quality of life for residents of Four Corners using Fort Lewis College resources to interact with the community and in turn to benefit students of the College."  In the 2001-02 inaugural year of the program, the associates began work on the Lifelong Learning  lecture series (an adult education program, featuring nationally known speakers), a mentoring program for students at Fort Lewis College, and a work in progress on business ethics and character.

Series 6.6.1     Professional Associates publicity materials.  Includes seasonal brochures describing upcoming Lifelong Learning events, and newspaper clippings.

Series 6.6.2    Professional Associates directory, 2000.

Series 6.6.3    Professional Associates records and correspondence.

Series 6.6.4     Lifelong Learning lectures recordings.  Originals are on mini-digital videocassettes.  The Center is duplicating selected Southwest-focused recordings onto DVD for broader access.

 Doing your own research:  This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at: archives@fortlewis.edu.     The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please leave an email address if you wish to receive a response from us.

Page last modified: November 18, 2013