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Collection M 001, Series 6.6.4:
Fort Lewis College Life-Long Learning Program records in the Archives

 These are recordings of Lifelong Learning lectures presented at Fort Lewis College, listed by date.  The original uncut unedited recordings are primarily on mini-digital video data cartridges, although a few are on VHS (as indicated in Notes column below).  Most of the lectures are on two cartridges.  The Center is in the process of duplicating selected Southwest-focused recordings onto DVD for broader access.  These recordings are part of the records and correspondence of  the   within Record Group 6:  External Affairs, in the Fort Lewis College Archives.  The recordings are listed here in data order.

 The Professional Associates of Fort Lewis College is an organization comprised of recognized leaders in the business, government, and education who are now residents of the Four Corners region.  The mission of the association is: "Improve quality of life for residents of Four Corners using Fort Lewis College resources to interact with the community and in turn to benefit students of the College."  In the 2001-02 inaugural year of the program, the associates began work on the Lifelong Learning  lecture series (an adult education program, featuring nationally known speakers), a mentoring program for students at Fort Lewis College, and a work in progress on business ethics and character.

Record-ing #




Notes about the interview


2001-03-15 East of Eden, West of Oz: Portrayal of Women in Western Film and Novel Blanchard, Connie Garcia (VHS)


2001-04-05 The Emperor's New Clothes: The History and Art of Political Cartoons Reynolds, Judith (VHS)


2001-04-16 Advanced Concepts in Investing and Trading Lupien, Bill (VHS)


2001-04-26 JAZZ! America's Own Music: On Equally the Highest Levels, Man! MacCluskey, Tom (VHS)



Spanish Art: Picasso: Spaniard, Genius, or Trickster

Reynolds, Judith




Spanish Art: Gothic to Golden Age

Blanchard, Connie Garcia




Spanish Art: Golden Age to Goya

Blanchard, Connie Garcia

An overview of Spanish history through its art during the 16th and 17th centuries, including works by El Greco, Velazquez, Murillo and Zurbaran.



The Legal System: Talk or Fight?

Greif, Nancy

A panel of local attorneys. Nancy Greif, Ph.D., moderator. Panelists: Martin Freeman, Sylvia Kehle and Rory Mullett.



Spanish Art: Goya to Generation '98

Blanchard, Connie Garcia

An overview of Spanish history through its art during the 18th and 19th centuries, concentrating on Goya.



Significant Books

Kircher, Pam

An informal panel discussion of books that have profoundly influenced our lives. Pam Kircher, M.D., moderator. Panelists: Fort Lewis College President Kendall Blanchard, Mercy Medical Center Vice President Medical Affairs Kip Boyd, M.D., Durango Herald "Neighbors" columnist Ann Butler, La Plata County Commissioner Josh Joswick and Durango Public Library Director Sherry Taber.



The American High School 1925-1960: A Custodial System for the Non-Penal Accommodation of the Young?

Herbst, Jurgen




Perspectives on Business

Lupien, Bill




Otto Mears: Pathfinder of the San Juans

McDaniel, Robert

With Duane Smith. The story behind the entrepreneur who built a 400-mile network of toll roads and founded railroads in Southwest Colorado.



The History of Academic Freedom I: From the Middle Ages to the 18th Century

Herbst, Jurgen




Significant Books

Kircher, Pam

Significant Books Series: An informal discussion of books that have profoundly influenced our lives. Pam Kircher, M.D., Moderator. Panelists: Richard Ballantine*, Publisher, The Durango Herald; Polly Garner*, CEO Garner Associates; Dennis Johnson*, Owner, Stuart’s of Durango; Paul Lemon*, CPA, CFP, Nancy Sellers*, Owner and CEO, New Country Auto.



Stieglitz: Shaping Modern Art in America

Jantzer-White, Marilee

This lecture explores the cross currents between photography and painting in shaping modern art in America.



Perspectives on Energy I

Lyons, John

Moderator: John Lyons, Ph.D. Panelists: Robert Blair*, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Geology, Fort Lewis College; Maggy Cason*, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Fort Lewis College; Gary Gianinny*, Ph.D., Chair, Geology Department, Fort Lewis College; Ashley Schultz*, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering, Fort Lewis College; Carl Woolfolk*, Environmental Engineer, Four Corners Power Plant. For several decades the process used in formulating a National Energy Policy appears to be faith based rather than science based. Energy sources to be discussed are: petroleum, wind, geothermal, and coal.



The History of Academic Freedom II: The Modern University as a Central Pillar of the National State

Herbst, Jurgen




Exploring the Popular Years of Jazz: 1930s-40s.

MacCluskey, Tom

The musical characteristics of Big-Band Jazz and Pre-Bebop: Ellington, Goodman, Dorseys, Miller, Shaw, Herman, Tatum, Kenton, and others.



How to Describe the Real World to a Stupid Computer

Rickard, Terry

Knowledge representation, including ontologies, features, fuzzy sets, and relationships between entities which are used to describe the real world in terms that a computer can process.



Spanish Art: Generation '98 to Guernica

Blanchard, Connie Garcia

An overview of Spanish art during the 20th century, including Picasso, Dali, Miro and Gaudi.



The Art Conversation: How to View and Talk about Contemporary Art

Aviks, Ilze

This slide discussion will examine various art theories and criteria for interpreting art.



Perspectives on Energy II

Lyons, John

Moderator: John Lyons, Ph.D. Panelists: Robert Blair*, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Fort Lewis College; Maggie Cason*, Ph.D.,Professor of Education, Fort Lewis College; Gary Gianinny*, Ph.D., Geology Department Chair, Fort Lewis College; Ashley Schultz*, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering, Fort Lewis College; Carl Woolfolk*, Environmental Engineer, Four Corners Power Plant. For several decades, the process used in formulating a National Energy Policy appears to be faith based rather than science based. Energy sources to be discussed are: Hydroelectric, natural gas, solar, hydrogen and nuclear.



Informal Learning: It's time to change the way we "look" at museums

Efthim, Richard

Informal learning: It’s time to change the way we "look" at museums: how to turn their real learning potential into a more potent learning reality.



The History of Academic Freedom III: The United States, the old-time college and "in loco parentis," battles fought by the AAUP, and professional privilege or First Amendment right?

Herbst, Jurgen




Globalism: Cure or Curse: A Panel Discussion

Petersen, Betsy

A panel discussion moderated by Betsy Petersen. Panelists: Chap Petersen, international free-lance agent; Ali A. Sabeti, MBA, international development financing, retired, World Bank; Jan. E. Sallinger-McBride*, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies, Fort Lewis College.


2002-11-21 The European Union Eid, Troy (VHS and data cartridge)


2002-11-26 How to Make a Stupid Computer Appear to Be a Genius Rickard, Terry (VHS)



Perspectives on Medicine

Andrea, Bruce

Demographic, economic, and social issues of aging, preventive health and anti-aging concepts will be discussed.


2003-01-16 Climate Change: Past, Present (and Future?) Burnham, Charles (VHS)


2003-01-23 History of the Liberal Arts--From Antiquity to the Medieval University: Philosophy, Policies, and Love Herbst, Jurgen (VHS)



Humanistic Art: From the cave to the wall

Reynolds, Judith

In partnership with the Durango Arts Center exhibit "Continuation."



Memory: How memory works, common problems and causes, Alzheimer's Disease

Rodey, Glenn




History of the Liberal Arts II: A Common Heritage of Colleges, Lycees, and Gymnasia: Liberal education, culture generale and Bildung

Herbst, Jurgen




Feminist Art in the 20th Century: An overview of how activist artists changed the art world

Aviks, Ilze




The Ole Grammar, She Ain't What She Used to Be

Van Sickle, Shaila

What has caused changes in attitudes toward grammar in the last half century?



Significant Books: A Panel Discussion

Kircher, Pam

 Literature and the Arts: How influential books have changed lives, in partnership with the Durango Public Library. Pam Kircher, M.D., moderator; *Karen Gabaldon, painter; *Linda Mack, Ph.D., Professor of Music, Fort Lewis College; *Nathaniel Miller, Arts & Entertainment Editor, the Durango Herald; *Kathryn Moller, Ph.D., Fort Lewis College, Associate Professor of Theatre and Women’s Studies; *Arthur Post, Music Director, San Juan Symphony; *Brian Wagner, Director, Durango Arts Center.



To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: The Science of Dreaming, Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Rodey, Glenn




Mission Impossible: Taming Employment Discrimination?

Mullett, Rory




The Power of the Sky: Astronomy in the Ancient Southwest

Ninnemann, John




The Decline and Rise of the English Language

VanSickle, Shaila




The Dogs of War: The Bush Preemption Security Strategy and Constitutional War Making in the 21st Century

Decker, James




Under Milk Wood: A Dramatic Reading

Price, Anna

‘Under Milk Wood,’ a dramatic reading of the Dylan Thomas ‘Play for Voices’ to mark the 50th anniversary of the poet’s death.



Incredible Collectors and Collections

Ewell, Bernard

Co-sponsored by the Durango Arts Center. Incredible Collectors and Collections, in association with the exhibit, "In the Eye of the Beholder: Dearly Beloved Artworks from Southwestern Colorado Collections.



School Choice, Vouchers and All That: An Historian's View

Herbst, Jurgen




Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: A Discussion of Hair Loss

Headington, Terry




The World’s Glaciers and Ice Sheets: Their health, their behavior, and their future impacts on sea level

Burnham, Charles




Art of Native America: Beyond Weaving and Clay

Jantzer-White, Marilee




Productive Dialog: Lemonade versus Lemons

Porter-Norton, Marsha

Marsha Porter-Norton, Rory Mullett and Kathy Turner, members of The Mediation Group, address ways to generate productive communication in business and personal life.



Perspectives on Ethics: Views from Medicine, Scholarship, Business and Media

Boyd, Kip

A panel discussion with Kip Boyd, M.D., Jurgen Herbst, Ph.D., Pat Murphy, owner, Pat Murphy Motors, and David Staats, managing editor, Durango Herald.



No Colorado Presidential Primary! What's the Alternative? How to Understand the Caucus System

Bellerue, Sally

A panel discussion co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters. Sally Bellerue, President of LWV, moderator; Sheryl Ayers (Rep.), La Plata County Commissioner; Jim Garofalo, La Plata County Democratic Chairman; Reece Kelly, Ph.D., Fort Lewis College Professor of History Emeritus.



West Nile Virus: Its History and Future--Passing Threat or Persistent Peril?

Bruning, Donald

Donald Bruning was the curator with the Wildlife Conservation Society, headquartered in New York City, where the West Nile Virus was first seen in the U.S.



Our Health Care Mess: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It

Porter-Norton, Marsha

A panel discussion moderated by Marsha Porter-Norton, Projects Coordinator, Citizens Health Advisory Council. Participants: Doug McCarthy, President, Issues Research, Inc.; Ellen Stuart-Roberts, Chair, Mercy Medical Center Board of Directors; George Maxted, M.D., Medical Director, Valley Wide Health Services; Steven Lavengood, M.D., President, Colorado Academy of Family Physicians; John Withers, M.D., La Plata County Medical Society; Bill Vega, Action Coalition for Medical Excellence.



An Anthropological Look at the Causes of War

Tikalsky, Frank

Frank Tikalsky is professor emeritus at the University of Montana and a distinguished alumnus of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.



No Child Left Behind? Public Schools in the Bush Presidency

Barter, Mary

Mary Barter, Superintendent of Schools Durango School District 9R; John Anderson, Vice Chairman, New American Schools; and a panel of local school principals will discuss the impact on our schools of this unprecedented federal legislation.



Empire: Do We Have One? Should We?

Day, Anthony

Historical reflections of a former Los Angeles Times editorial page editor.



Mental Models, Ladders of Inference and Other Mumbo Jumbo -- or How We See the World and Make Decisions

Fleming, Cres

Cres Fleming is retired from Shell Oil Company Research & Development.



Much trouble. Some expense. No danger.

Reynolds, Judith

Gustaf Nordenskiöld’s letters from Mesa Verde Country. Judith Reynolds is a freelance writer.



Health Care That Works: A Panel Discussion

Parker, Ray

A panel of medical experts examines the single-payer system in use in all major industrial nations except the U.S. Panelists include George Maxted, M.D., Medical Director, Valley Wide Health Services; Betty Leyerle, medical sociologist and Fort Lewis College professor emerita; and Don Bader, M.D., Emergency Staff Director, Mercy Medical Center; moderated by Ray Parker, Citizens for Single-Payer Health Care.



Global Warming, Rocky Mountain Impacts and Local Responses

White, Richard

Richard White, Ph.D., professor emeritus of astronomy, Smith College, and Green House Network.



An Education Odyssey: From Salem to Silverton, 1920s to 2004

Herbst, Jurgen

Jurgen Herbst, Ph.D., discusses Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound (ELOB) — an alternative to today’s high stakes testing.



Roadblocks and Opportunities for Affordable Housing

Mashaw, Bill

This discussion will be presented by Bill Mashaw and Reid Ross, members of the La Plata County Community Development Corporation and Affordable Housing Task Force responsible for drafting plans for a regional housing authority.



The Archaeology of Colonialsim

Bartel, Brad

Fort Lewis College President Brad Bartel, Ph.D., examines Roman colonialism in the provinces of Pannonia and Upper Moesia (present-day Serbia) and compares Roman social control to that of the Spanish in California.



Earth From Space: Satellite Views of Interesting Geology, Surface Features and Earth Phenomena

Blair, Rob

Presented мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê Professor of Geology Emeritus Rob Blair, Ph.D.



Significant Books Panel: Prominent Educators in our Community Discuss Books that Influence Their Lives

Kircher, Pam

The Durango Public Library co-sponsors this panel discussion. Panelists include Mary Barter, superintendent of the 9-R School District and member of the Professional Associates of Fort Lewis College; Ashley Steinhart, former Fort Lewis associate professor of physics and new mom; Kalin Grigg, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Human Services and Director of the Center for Service Learning; Duane Smith, Professor of History and Southwest Studies, author, and speaker on local history; and Dale Garland, Durango High School teacher and Durango Mayor Pro-tem. Moderated by Pam Kircher, physician, lecturer and author.



Why Ice Ages? Drilling for Answers through Ice and Mud in Exotic Places!

Burnham, Charles




Population and Consumption: The Nemeses of a Sustainable Society (or, Why My Granddaughter Claire's World Will Be Different!)

Grossman, Richard

Presenter Richard Grossman, M.D., has been delivering babies in Durango for 27 years and now has his own grandbaby.



The Impact of China's Development on the Global Economy

Donovan, Joe

A panel discussion featuring Joe Donovan, director, Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs, U.S. State Department; Deborah Walker, assistant professor of economics, Fort Lewis College; Kim Martin, visiting instructor of East Asian history, human heritage, the Writing Program and business writing, Fort Lewis College; and Ali A. Sabeti, former senior advisor for infrastructure, energy and industry, World Bank. Cosponsored by The League of Women Voters.



Reforming the Prison System: Who Really Goes to Prison and Why?

Miller, Tekla

The U.S. incarcerates more people than any other country; prisons are a big business with a low success rate; how can we achieve better results at a lower cost? Presented by Tekla Miller, former prison warden, national speaker on the criminal justice system and author of The Warden Wore Pink; and John Lyons, Ph.D., former NASA technologist and technology manager.



Speak Muse: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Art of Political Cartooning

Reynolds, Judith

Presented by Judith Reynolds, prize-winning political cartoonist and journalist, in conjunction with her ongoing exhibition to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Center of Southwest Studies. Cosponsored by the San Juan Archaeological Society.



How to Talk with Your Doctor: The Art of Collaborative Decision-Making

Gambone, Joseph C.

Presented by Joseph C. Gambone, DO, MPH, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.



The Junior Trimester Abroad: Cultural Assimilations as an Aerobic Activity

Yoos, Chuck

Presented by Chuck Yoos, visiting instructor of management, Fort Lewis College. The college’s School of Business Administration offers a unique educational experience that profoundly affects students’ lives. Dr. Yoos, who has conducted two such programs, will be accompanied by several students. He will explain, and they will exemplify, the value of this special program. Meet these "splendidly ordinary" students, and share Dr. Yoos’ passion!



Stem Cell Research: The Colliding of Science, Ethics, Beliefs and Politics

Rodey, Glenn




Having Fun with Google: An Interactive Demonstration of How to Search the Internet

Riley, Patrick

Presented by Patrick Riley, senior cyber entomologist. What is Google? How does it work? Riley will be connected to the Internet and will demonstrate both the basics and some advanced techniques using Google to search the Web. Bring topics you wish to search, especially those with which you have had difficulty. No prior knowledge required!



Emerging Diseases in a Changing World

Ninnemann, John

Headlines often suggest that we are increasingly threatened by infectious diseases never before encountered. Where do these diseases originate? Are they really new? What kind of threat do they pose? Microbiologist John Ninnemann, dean, School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Fort Lewis College, presents a perspective that is sometimes reassuring but in other cases quite sobering.



San Juan Sampler: Selections from the Nina Heald Webber Southwest Colorado Collection

Gulliford, Andrew

Andrew Gulliford, director, Center of Southwest Studies, and professor of history and Southwest studies, Fort Lewis College, presents an illustrated slide show lecture on the center’s new book combining historic postcards from Telluride, Durango, Silverton, Ouray and the Million Dollar Highway.



Transformation of the U.S. Military: Past, Present and Future

Fogelman, Ron

Presented by General Ron Fogleman, United States Air Force, ret., Commander in Chief United States Transportation Command, 1992-94; Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, 1994-97.



Continuity and Change: Intervention in Vietnam and Iraq

Callard, James

The war in Iraq has generated many comparisons to the Vietnam War. James Callard, ret. United States Air Force colonel who currently teaches U.S. foreign policy and contemporary national security strategy and policy at Fort Lewis College, will discuss similarities and differences in respect to the causes and context of both wars, U.S. strategies implemented to win the wars, and costs, risks and unintended consequences of our actions.



Endangered Languages: Going, Going! Gone?

Van Sickle, Shaila

Shaila Van Sickle, professor of English emerita, Fort Lewis College, will address two questions: How successful have been efforts to preserve endangered natural languages such as Maori, Mohawk, Welsh and Hebrew? Should Esperanto, the most successful of many candidates for a universal language, be considered "endangered?"



Cuba: An Alternative Paradigm of Social Justice in a Free-Market Economy

Turner, Missy

Despite severe economic crisis and a 44-year blockade imposed by the United States, Cuba has made remarkable social advancements in areas related to health care, biotechnology, education, food security and housing. Missy Turner, visiting instructor of sociology at Fort Lewis College, will present a slide show and discuss Cuba’s socialist system and how this small island is developing an alternative model to globalization.



The Sumatra Tsunami: The Wave that Circled the Globe

Blair, Rob

Rob Blair, Fort Lewis College professor of geology emeritus, will discuss the nature of the earthquake, plate tectonic setting, causes of tsunamis, their effects and lowering the risk of future disasters. Illustrated with slides, video and animation.



An Insider's Look at Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

Kircher, Pam

Having had a Near-Death Experience (NDE) herself, Dr. Pam Kircher is in a unique position to discuss our expanding knowledge of NDEs. What does it all mean? And where do we go from here? Dr. Kircher is a hospice and family doctor as well as the author of "Love is the Link: A Hospice Doctor Shares Her Experience of Near Death and Dying.



Classical, not Jurassical: Thoughts on the Classical Style, Apropos Mozart's 250th Birthday

Post, Arthur

Presented by Arthur Post, music director, San Juan Symphony. Related activity: San Juan Symphony concert October 2.



Referenda C & D: Responsible Revenue Planning or Irresponsible Burden on Taxpayers?

Andeson, John

On November 1, Colorado will vote on Referenda C & D, a bi-partisan plan to provide needed revenue for programs and services severely damaged by the TABOR amendment and the state budget crisis. A panel of distinguished experts will discuss this critical public policy issue and its impact on the future of our region and state. Moderated by John Anderson and Marsha Porter-Norton.



Reintroduction of Endangered Species: Problems and Successes

Bruning, Donald

Not a simple matter, reintroduction is often very costly, time consuming and difficult to achieve. Examples will range from the California condors to Guam rails. Presented by Donald Bruning, Ph.D., former curator of the Wildlife Conservation Society.



The Celts: One of the Most Misunderstood Societies of Ancient Times

Bartel, Brad

Fort Lewis College President Brad Bartel, Ph.D., will explore Celtic culture from an archaeological perspective in Western Europe, along with what we know about the Celts from Roman authors. Dr. Bartel has excavated Celtic sites in Ireland and has studied how the Celts contributed to the development of modern European society.



The Economic Rise of China: An Internal View

Sabeti, Ali

Presented by Ali Sabeti and Ross Park, with Dean Conger’s photos of Shanghai, both current and from the 1980s. Co-sponsored by The League of Women Voters.



Public Art: Experiences of a Traveler/Commissioner/Sculptor

Anderson, J. Gunnar

J. Gunnar Anderson, sculptor and architect, will discuss obtaining commissions, design and installation, including public art in Durango and the City’s Public Arts Commission.



Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Implicatoins for the Business School

Harrington, Tom

Presented by Tom Harrington, Ph.D., dean, School of Business Administration and professor of management, Fort Lewis College.



Mesa Verde: Past, Present and Future

Smith, Duane

Presented by Duane Smith, Professor of History and Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College. Dr. Smith will discuss the history of archaeology, the establishment of the Park, and the impact of the Park and tourism on the Four Corners region, with a special focus on the future of the Park and the Four Corners.



Ethical Issues in Southwest Archeology

Riggs, Charles R.

Presented by Charles R. Riggs, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Fort Lewis College. Dr. Riggs will discuss the impacts of NAGPRA (North American Graves Repatriation Act), changes in federal and tribal law, and tribal self-determination and their effects on professional archaeology in the Southwest.



Significant Books Panel

Kircher, Pam

Passionate readers chosen from our local book clubs will discuss which books have been most significant to them. Panelists include Danielle Freeman who managed Maria’s Bookstore for several years, Hop Phelps from the Women’s Reading Circle, Beth Christie from the Mountain Sistas book club, and Craig Larson from the Fort Lewis Mesa book club. Pam Kircher will be the moderator.



Birds of Paradise and Coffee: Conservation in Papua New Guinea

Bruning, Donald

Donald Bruning, Ph.D., former curator of the Wildlife Conservation Society, will discuss efforts to get conservation programs started in New Guinea, how one thing led to another, and how obtaining some birds of paradise for the zoo led to helping sell New Guinea coffee in the U.S.! Slides will be included.



Measuring Our Health Care Resources and Matching Them with Our Health Care Needs

Barter, Clint

A panel of health care advocates will discuss local health care needs and resources. Panel members: Richard Risk, retired President and CEO of Advocate Health Care (recognized as one of the leading not-for-profit, integrated health care systems in the country) and steering committee, La Plata County Health Service District; Joseph Murphy, M.D., adult primary care provider, Durango Family Medicine, P.C.; Kirk Dignum, Ph.D., President/CEO Mercy Medical Center; and Jill Patton, League of Women Voters. Moderated by Clint Barter, Ph.D., steering committee, La Plata County Health Service District.



The Baron of Mesa Verde: Myth and Reality

Reynolds, Judith

Presented by Judith Reynolds. When Gustaf Nordenskiöld made the first scientific study of Mesa Verde in 1891, he ignited American prejudices of European, fancy-pants aristocracy—whether they were relevant, true, or not. For the last four years Reynolds, a freelance journalist, and her husband, David, a retired researcher, have studied the life of Nordenskiöld. Establishing contact with both American and European descendants, the Reynolds have been granted access to family archives as well as collections at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Museum of Cultures in Finland. Their complete biography of Nordenskiöld will be published in 2006 for the Mesa Verde Centennial.



Emergency Preparedness--Terrorism to Natural Disasters: How Prepared Are We?

Rowan, Karen

A panel of experts will discuss our preparedness for the different types of disasters facing our community today, city and county interaction, coordination with state and federal officials, the resources available, bio-terrorism responses, and challenges facing the Red Cross. Panelists include Trish Gavelda, Colorado Division of Emergency Management, Field Staff and Coordinator for Southwest Colorado; Butch Knowlton, Director of Emergency Preparedness, La Plata County; and Josh Joswick, Executive Director of the Red Cross, Southwest Colorado. Moderated by Karen Rowan, former coordinator of the bio-terrorism response plan for the City of Chicago Office of Emergency Management Center.



Academic Freedom

The first in a series of lectures and/or panels on the necessity of academic freedom, historically and in modern U.S. colleges.



Newer Fertility Treatments: Are They Changing the Traditional Concept of Family?

Gambone, Joseph C.

Joseph C. Gambone, DO, MPH, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, will discuss new technologies, ethics of applying these treatments and how this may change traditional concepts of parenthood.



Lightning Ceremony, or Reflections on a Lifetime Spent in the Shadow of Mesa Verde

Niles, Katharine F.

Katharine F. Niles, Director of the Honors Program, Fort Lewis College and local author, will reflect upon her experiences as a ranger and a novelist at Mesa Verde National Park.



The Power of the Sky: Ancient Astronomy in the Southwest

Ninnemann, John

Dr. John Ninnemann, Dean, School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Fort Lewis College, will discuss the use of celestial bodies and movements in the development of pre-historic archaeological sites and cultures, with a special emphasis on Chimney Rock, Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde.



Aconcagua: A Cultural Climbing Expedition

Nute, Chris

In December 2004, Fort Lewis College’s Outdoor Pursuits program climbed South America’s highest peak, Aconcagua (22,841 feet). OP Coordinator Chris Nute will discuss the many facets of this major expedition, including planning and preparation, training, logistics and the actual climb. He will present digital images and video from the expedition and will display specialized equipment used. He hopes to demonstrate that the summit alone does not make a successful expedition.



Preserving Western History

Gulliford, Andrew

Dr. Andrew Gulliford will present an illustrated lecture on his new edited textbook Preserving Western History. Chapters highlight the Little Big Horn, the Sand Creek Massacre, Sacagawea, mining districts, Route 66, bordellos, Hispanic cultural traditions and environmental history. Over 30 authors contributed to the book, which is the first college reader on public history and historic preservation to focus on the American West. In 2005 it was rated one of the top Southwest books of the year by the Tucson Pima Public Library.



Engineers Without Borders: Building a Better World One Community at a Time

May, Don

As part of the FLC Engineers Without Borders program, 17 students spent May 2006 in Thailand developing appropriate and sustainable solutions to technical problems at the village level and implementing those solutions (a 6000 meter water supply pipeline and a 2000 sq. ft. school addition), thereby gaining an understanding of the historic, cultural and economic factors affecting the developing world—including the discovery of life-threatening health practices which the team addressed! Presented by FLC Professor of Engineering Don May.



Durango Fire & Rescue Special District: The November 7 Ballot Issue Explained

Anderson, John

A panel of knowledgeable people involved in this issue will examine the reasons behind the proposed special fire district and the pros and cons. There will be time for questions and answers. Moderated by John Anderson.



The Venus Figurine Controversy

Bartel, Brad

Since the 19th century discovery in Europe of female figurines dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, archaeologists and social theorists have used these artifacts as evidence of fertility symbolism and defining a human stage of matriarchy. This lecture will review the modern archaeological evidence and place these figurines in the proper social context. Presented by Dr. Brad Bartel. The Center of Southwest Studies and The San Juan Basin Archaeology Society are collaborating with Life-Long Learning for this program.



Glaciers, Ice Sheets and Sea-Level Rise: What's Happening Now?

Burnham, Charles

Dr. Charles Burnham will present an up-to-date assessment of current glacier and ice sheet "health", how that assessment has changed over the past few years, and what the implications are for a rise in sea level.



Great Geezer Artists: A Look at Creative Expression in Old Age

Reynolds, Judith

From Michelangelo to Matisse, Hokusai to Picasso, artists have often created their most profound work after age 75. Lesser talents run dry. Why? This lecture explores the varieties of late-life artistic production. Presented by Judith Reynolds, writer and former art history professor who covers the performing arts for The Durango Telegraph.



Our Growing Debt Burden and What to Do About It

Lupien, Bill

What does the huge amount of debt mean for us and the stock market? How do we invest to avoid losing money in a dollar meltdown? Presented by Bill Lupien, a professional trader for more than forty years who still trades on a daily basis.



Mt. Elbrus and Mt. Kilimanjaro: Outdoor Pursuits Undertakes Another Cultural Climbing Expedition

Nute, Chris

In the summer of 2006, Chris Nute, OP Coordinator at Fort Lewis College, led a group of students on attempts of Europe’s and Africa’s highest peaks. The expedition involved planning, preparation, training and logistics in addition to the actual climbs. The group also coordinated, implemented and completed three service projects in Russia and Tanzania! This presentation by Chris Nute will include narration, video and still images from the 37-day cultural journey.



How Does That Work?

Carson, Chuck

A light and informative look at the engineering and physics underlying gadgets and systems that we see every day. Presented by Dr. Chuck Carson, retired engineer from Sandia National Laboratories.

 Doing your own research:  This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections.  It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.

These collections are located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College.  Interested researchers should phone the archivist at 970/247-7126 or send electronic mail to the archivist at: archives@fortlewis.edu.     The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please leave an email address if you wish to receive a response from us.

Page last modified: March 02, 2007