
CHANGE of use includes:

  • Change of occupancy of offices (including adjunct faculty or changes within departments) 
  • Remodel or physical alteration of existing space
  • Change between any of the following uses: Classroom, laboratory, conference room, office, study room, storage, computer lab, etc.
  • Change of outside areas on campus

All Fort Lewis College buildings and space are subject to assignment and reassignment to meet the overall needs and best interests of the institution. Each individual and unit must recognize the authority of the College to assign space in all buildings in an effort to meet changing needs. To promote efficiency and optimal utilization, this policy is designed to ensure:

  1. Effective decision making
  2. Accurate record keeping
  3. Communication among users, service providers and decision makers concerning utilization of campus space and facilities.

For purposes of this policy, college facilities means all physical spaces on campus.  This includes all buildings and the spaces within buildings, parking lots, fields, clock tower, picnic shelters, amphitheater, and all other spaces where events may be held or that may require services.

Directions for Creating a Change of Use Request

Request Flow Chart of Change of Space/Area

  1. Submit a request via the Service Desk in TMA - stating that this is change of use.
  2. PPS Service Center will request a PPS-Project (part 1) Form be completed and sent back via fax (7555) or email.
  3. The request and form will be review by the Advisory Committee on Facilities.
    If approved and the work does not involve structure or egress modifications, the request will be sent to PPS for assignment.
    All other requests that are approved will be sent to the Project's Committee
    Requests that are denied will be returned to the submitting department.

  4. Project's Committee will review the request.
    If approved and under $5,000 the request will be sent to PPS for assignment
    If approved and over $5,000 will require an additional PPS-Project (part 2) Form will need to be completed and sent back via fax (7555) or email.

  5. Projects Committee will make a recommendation to the President and Vice Presidents.
    If approved, the work will be sent to PPS for assignment.
    If denied, the request will be returned to the submitting department.