
2/3 fire deaths in structures with no smoke alarm

Fort Lewis College has designed and installed a state of the art fire alarm system. A campus wide fiber optic loop connects individual building fire alarm panels together. The fire alarm system is monitored by a graphics command center located at the Physical Plant Electronics Shop. A dialer fire alarm panel connected to the fiber optic loop contacts a contracted call center in case of a general fire alarm in a building. The contracted call center notifies Durango/La Plata Emergency Communications Center to dispatch Fort Lewis College’s Campus Police and the Durango Fire and Rescue Authority (DFRA). Every year almost 6000 fire alarm devices are tested to keep the people and buildings on Fort Lewis’ campus safe.

The fire alarm system is interconnected with two different fire suppression systems. There are over 65 sprinkler risers supplying water to building sprinkler heads and approximately 10 chemical suppression systems for fire protection of kitchens and places where flammables are stored. These systems are inspected and certified each year.

How you can help...
Keep all sprinkler heads clear from storage and furniture. Never hang anything on them nor have decorations hanging sprinkler systems reduce risk fire death by 80 percentnear the heads.

While technology for the system is very good, the possibility for error always exists. For that reason the appropriate fire procedure or fire alarm response has not changed. Anyone who notices smoke or fire, hears a fire alarm, or sees a strobe in a Fort Lewis College building should leave immediately and report the fire at the earliest opportunity.

Dial 9911 to report the fire if using a college campus telephone. For off-campus telephones or local cellular telephones users, dial 911.

If you have any questions regarding the fire alarm system please contact the PPS Service Center at extension 7000.

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