
Trademarks, logos, & licensing

Fort Lewis College shield and trademark logo

When using the Fort Lewis College logo or any of its affiliated trademarks, follow the usage guidelines outlined below. If you have any questions, consult FLC’s trademark policy or contact us.

Read more about using our trademarked FLC logo and other FLC marks, and most importantly, follow our procedure for printing trademarked logos below.

Protecting FLC鈥檚 trademark authenticity is our shared responsibility

A trademark is a word, name, phrase, symbol, or any combination thereof that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one party from those of others. A trademark is a brand name. A trademark remains the owner's property so long as the owner continues to use it properly and protects its authenticity as a trademark.

Fort Lewis College's trade marks

Fort Lewis College is the owner of specific trademarks, trade names, word marks, and service marks, including, but not limited to:

  • "Fort Lewis College,"
  • "FLC Skyhawks,"
  • "Skyhawks,"
  • "FLC in Durango,"
  • "Fort Lewis College in Durango,"
  • "Colorado’s Public Liberal Arts College,"
  • "Colorado's Campus in the Sky,"
  • "FLC Athletics,”  
  • Our seal, signature, logos, etc.

These are collectively called “marks.” At no time can Fort Lewis College Trademarks be altered.

Licensing to print trademarked logos

  • About licensing
  • Violations
  • Limitations
  • Co-branding
  • Licensed vendors
  • Costs
  • Additional guidelines
About licensing

In some cases of noncommercial use of trademarks/logos, the printer may or may not need to be licensed, but generally, all items bearing Fort Lewis College’s marks must be produced by a licensed vendor whether they are for resale or not. Any individual or company that wishes to receive Fort Lewis College’s express permission to use any or all of its trademarks/logos on products or for services sold in the marketplace, whether wholesale, retail or online, must be licensed. 


Merchandise produced without authorization may be considered counterfeit or infringing and subject to all available legal remedies.


Fort Lewis College will not license activity which it believes would disparage the college or any of its trademarks, or would be libelous, slanderous, scandalous, offensive, vulgar or constitute an unfair trade practice, or otherwise reflect negatively on the college.


Any use of Fort Lewis College’s marks with other trademarks must be approved by the 
Licensing Coordinator, or through a contract.

Licensed vendors

List of licensed vendors 

Choose a vendor from the approved list; the vendor will know how to follow the process.

If your preferred vendor is not on the list, they can become approved for a fee. Request the vendor contact or visit to view or begin the application process. Remember that adding a new vendor can take time, so using an existing approved vendor is best if you're in a time crunch.


The Standard License is used by companies that desire to produce licensed products for resale to the general public, for profit.

The cost for a Standard License Agreement is a $100 non-refundable application fee and a 2. 8% royalty fee for Fort Lewis College products.

The Restricted License is used by companies that desire to only produce licensed products for internal consumption 新加坡六合彩. No products produced under this license agreement may be sold to the general public for profit.

The cost for a Restricted License Agreement is a $75 non-refundable application fee.

Additional guidelines
  • Names, logos, marks should not be altered. No new names, logos, marks may be developed.
  • Names, logos, marks should have the proper trademark symbol.
  • Names, logos marks should not be used in association with entities outside of FLC without prior authorization.
  • FLC students, faculty, staff may not use FLC names, logos, marks which imply that FLC supports or endorses a movement, candidate, activity or program not officially sponsored by the college.
  • Use of the seal is by permission only.
  • FLC names, logos, marks may not be used with other trademarked or registered marks without permission from the owners of all marks.
  • Any trademark or registered mark use deemed unsuitable or in poor taste will not be allowed.
  • Fort Lewis College reserves the right to deny delivery or confiscate unauthorized product based on the guidelines outlined on this website.
  • Use of marks on official FLC websites is permitted as long as they are used correctly.

Questions and inquiries

Anna McBrayer, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone: 970-247-7155

Learn more about FLC's licensing policy