
Guides to stay on brand

Current brand style guidelines include information on the process, learnings, strategy, and concept. Please remember that this information is for internal use only—it is confidential and proprietary and shouldn’t be shared with any off-campus groups. Brand colors and fonts updated Summer 2024.


Alfa Slab One

Alfa Slab One is to be used for Heading 1 typography only.


Roboto is our font for all other heading levels and body text, and may be used as an alternate Heading 1 style.


Primary Palette

The blues and gold of Fort Lewis College's primary color palette are an important feature of the school's brand. Lead with these colors in all work so that our communications are focused and unified.


Bright Blue PMS285
C 88, M 50, Y 2, K 0
R 4, G 116, B 184


Dark Blue PMS288
C 100, M 67, Y 0, K 23
R 0, G 75, B 141


Gold PMS1235
C 0, M 29, Y 91, K 0
R 253, G 187, B 45


C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 0
R 255, G 255, B 255

C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 100
R 0, G 0, B 0

Secondary Palette

A range of secondary accent colors, inspired by the landscape around us and vibrancy of the FLC campus, works in conjunction with the primary palette to provide versatility and variety. These colors are meant to be used strategically. Be mindful of how you integrate these shades, making sure to give preference to the blues and gold.


C 12, M 14, Y 22, K 0
R 223, G 211, B 195


C 18, M 79, Y 100, K 7br
R 193, G 83, B 39


C 57, M 37, Y 99, K 18
R 111, G 121, B 52


C 95, M 76, Y 45, K 44
R 19, G 49, B 73

Style Guides

If you have questions about the brand, please email Anna McBrayer, Director of Marketing & Communications. Thanks for being a brand ambassador for Fort Lewis College!