
Information About Department Records

Updating FLC College Directory information is completed through Banner and syncs to the Faculty & Staff Directory on the FLC webpage. Department staff listings are to be maintained by a department appointed administrator. Banner information from other Human Resources pages are not synced to this directory.

Changes that have been saved in these Banner pages will appear in the Faculty & Staff Directory the next business day.  The printable PDF directories will be updated during a nightly data sync and will also appear the next business day.

Under GZADDEP, The Contact Email field specifies the email address of the appointed administrator responsible for making directory updates for this department. The IT Department sends automated emails to each department contact every other month, including a current department listing and reminding the department to review and update as needed.

You will not be able to make edits to the department page if you are not listed as the Contact Email under GZADDEP. Reach out to to update the contact and reassign the administrator for the department’s directory page. The appointed administrator can be changed at any time by contacting AskIT.

If you are the appointed administrator for your department’s directory page, and do not have access to the forms listed below, please contact the Help Desk at x7444 or

Please consider updating GZADDEP after any terminations or new hires within the department to keep the information current.

New departments may be added to the directory by sending a request to

Adding Employee Records

GZADPER is the Banner page used to add an employee or modify their information in the directory. The page must be completed before the individual appears in the department page (GZADDEP) by filling in the department, staff’s title, phone number, and office building and room. This page contains two blocks of information.

  • In Banner navigate to form GZADPER, enter the employee’s FLC ID and select 'Go'.  The person's name and email address should appear.
  • This is the name as it will appear in the directory. If you want to use a preferred name or remove the middle name, do so here; this change will not affect the employee’s name in any other Banner page.

Under the first block:

  • Enter the employee’s FLC email address.
  • Optional: The employee's mobile phone number may be included here, but only with the staff member’s permission.
  • Also Optional: You can also enter the URL link to the department’s main page on the FLC website.
  • Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.

Use Down arrow at the bottom left of the page to navigate to the Directory Details block.

  • Using the drop-down menus from the ellipses in each category to enter the appropriate department, job title, and office building. You can start typing part of the department name to filter results.
  • Fill out the phone number and office room number
  • If the person’s title does not exist in the ellipses drop down menu, you may type in the new title and it will be added to the drop-down list.
  • Print Seq “A” will put the name in Alphabetical order in the directory.  Entering a number will put the list in the order you specify.  Sometimes department's use a '1' for the Director, and list other staff alphabetically so that the director appears first.
  • For the ‘On Leave’ box, keep blank unless the employee is on temporary leave and will return later. You must uncheck this box upon their return for them to appear in the directory.
  • Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.

***Banner 9 Glitch Work-Around: When adding a new employee in GZADPER, you may receive an error at the top right of the page upon saving that the ‘information could not be saved’. Simply add a letter to the Middle Initial in the top block and click Save. Then remove the letter and click Save again.

Updating Department Directory Information

GZADDEP is the Banner page that displays a department’s contact information and list of current employees. This is used for entering the main office building and room number, primary phone number, fax machine number, and removing employees from the department. Adding employees cannot be completed from this page. This form contains three blocks of information.

  • In Banner navigate to form GZADDEP.
  • Use the ellipses drop down menu to find and select the correct department. You can start typing part of the department name to filter results. Select 'Go' to bring up the department details

Under the first block (Campus Directory Department Details), you can change the primary department’s display name or phone number.

  • Use the ellipses drop down menus to change the primary building
  • Leave ‘Print Sequence’ blank
  • The ‘Pred Department’ and ‘Department Type’ is determined upon creating the department and should not be changed.

Use the Down arrow at the bottom left of the page to navigate to the General Department Contacts block

  • Use this block to add additional contact methods such as a secondary phone number, additional office location, and a fax number if needed.
  • Type over an existing contact name or phone to modify the information. Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.
  • To add a new contact, click “Insert” at the right of the block. Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.
  • To remove a contact, click on the line you want to remove, and Delete at the right of the block. Do not use the Delete key on your keyboard. Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.

Use Down arrow at the bottom left of the page to navigate to the Employees in Department block

  • Use the left and right arrow keys at the bottom of the block to navigate to the record you would like to modify or remove.
  • To modify an employee’s information, click on the category you would like to modify and type over the existing title, phone number office building or room.
  • To remove the employee from the departments directory click on the employee line to highlight the appropriate information and click Delete at the right of the block. Do not use the Delete key on your keyboard. Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.
  • Click Save at the bottom right before leaving the page.