
Upon receipt of a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice of Claimed Infringement, Fort Lewis College will block, without warning, the computer system identified as the source of the copyright infringing activity.

Most copyright law violations are related to Peer-to-Peer P2P file sharing software programs you have installed on your computer.  Using P2P file sharing networks to illegally download or distribute copyrighted content is a violation of federal copyright law and the Fort Lewis College Policy 6-10 Acceptable Use of Information Technology.

If you receive a DMCA Notice of Claimed Infringement, you must remove all unauthorized copies of copyrighted content and P2P software, and contact Client Services before your computer can connect back into the network normally. Repeat offenses will be handled as outlined in Fort Lewis College Policy 6-10 Acceptable Use of Information Technology section VII. part 5.

Anyone who believes they have received a notice in error has the right to provide a counter notice under Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C.; section 512.

If you have any questions related to P2P file sharing software and networking, or this notice, please contact the Help Desk at 970-247-7444.

Example of an infringement notice