

Student employment allows students to gain experience, learn new skills, and develop valuable contacts. Approximately half of the student jobs are funded by work-study awards, and the other half by a college department’s budget (Institutional Employment).

Employment contracts

There are two types of student employment contracts that students can be hired through; 1. Student Institutional (for institutional employment contracts) that is paid by departmental or grant funds and 2. Work-study contract paid by work-study funds awarded through Financial Aid.  

Students are paid no less than minimum wage and no more than the maximum amount as outlined in the Pay Plan provisions located below. Students must complete New Student Employment Onboarding Paperwork and verify their identity and eligibility to work prior to employment.

Institutional employment contracts

The supervisor completes the hire student steps in Workday by using the process found under our Workday Training website for hiring student employees.

Students are unable to begin work until their New Student Employment Onboarding through their Workday profile including verifying their work authorization with Human Resources or their supervisor.

Students who are awarded work-study may work through a work-study contract and an institutional CARF simultaneously for more than one job at FLC.


Work-study is a Financial Aid program that enables students to work and earn money to meet educational expenses. The work-study program promotes part-time employment for our students. The program is designed for eligible students who are in need of earnings to pursue their post-secondary education. It is funded from state and federal sources.

The needs of the on-campus employer, although certainly important, are not the major priority in the work-study program. Funds appropriated are intended to supplement rather than supplant other employment funds. Therefore, student employees may not be used to displace regular, non-student employees. Any work performed after the appropriated work-study funds have been exhausted or after ineligibility will be compensated by the department.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Be currently enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per term at Fort Lewis College in a regular degree-seeking program of study.
  • Be awarded work-study as a result of the timely submission of the  (FAFSA) each year.
  • Demonstrate sufficient financial need (or no-need if applicant for Colorado No-Need Work-Study) as determined by the FAFSA results.
  • Meet and maintain minimum standards of satisfactory progress as defined by the Financial Aid Office.
  • Complete New Student Employment Onboarding through their Workday profile.

In the case of Colorado No-Need Work-Study, all of the above requirements apply and the student will need to be classified as a resident of Colorado for tuition purposes.

Supervisors will indicate they are hiring Work-Study eligible students using a Work Study Job Profile in Workday. Financial Aid will contact the supervisor if the Work-Study Job Profile is not selected, when the student is eligible for work-study. Work-study awards will be rescinded if students fail to obtain and return their work-study contract by the deadline as outlined by the Financial Aid Office.

International students

International students enrolled as full-time students must have a "valid for work" social security card before they begin working. To apply for a social security card the student will request a letter from The Human Resources Office requesting a card, and proof of enrollment, for the student to take to the Social Security Administration Office. After international students have received their social security card they must bring it along with their, passport, copy of I-20 and I-94 to the Human Resources Office before they begin working to authorize their employment as part of their Workday onboarding. International students are not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week while school is in session.

Supervisor responsibilities

Supervisor responsibilities are:

  • to generate job descriptions, job listings (including promotions), interview, and hire;
  • ensure that student employees have completed their student employment onboarding requirements include their I-9 on or before their first day of employment. Running the Onboarding Summary Status report in Workday can verify if the students have completed all onboarding.;
  • complete the Hire Student step in Workday;
  • establish a work schedule with the student and ensure students are not working during their scheduled class time. Academic success is the student employee鈥檚 top priority. Determine if your potential student employee is academically strong enough to work for you and still earn good grades.
  • explain duties and responsibilities to the student before they begin working and provide them with a current job description;
  • provide training and ensure student employee has complete their  annually;
  • monitor hours the student works;
  • approve accurate timesheets via Workday by the submission deadline each pay period;
  • follow required termination procedures if applicable;
  • submit written performance evaluations each semester or at least annually. To start evaluations in Workday, you will search the task, 鈥淪tart Performance Evaluation鈥 and select the students individually to start their review;
  • organize their Workday supervisory organization team to ensure their team is accurate and use job changes to end jobs, terminate employees who are no longer working and close vacant jobs that will no longer be filled;
  • update job description and submit to HR annually.

If supervisors do not fulfill their responsibilities, they may be relieved of their supervisory duties.

Job postings, interviewing & hiring

Students seek employment through Handshake, FLC boards, and networking, independently arranging for interviews with supervisors. Supervisors will need to know their department's short- and long-term student employment needs and the skills required of prospective student employees prior to posting their positions on . Many students have considerable potential with little work experience. Jobs are part of their educational process and may compliment their academic work. Supervisors can teach valuable job skills and offer internships that will facilitate transition to careers. Carefully matching qualifications with job requirements enhances the employment experience. Interviews are important to ensure that the student employee is suited for the job.  Student employees have the option to be promoted to a higher-level position. Supervisors must ensure that promotional opportunities are posted on  to provide equal opportunity for students to apply.

Please note the pay rate may be communicated to the student according to the pay plan when the student is hired, however, the student may not begin working until their contract has been submitted and the student has completed all their required onboarding through Workday.


Student employees accessing staff, faculty, administrator and/or student records must know the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) confidentiality and information disclosure law and complete the FERPA Training annually through the .  Violation of the right to confidentiality is serious and could result in liability to the institution.  Please have student employees who may be accessing this information to sign a Confidentiality Contract and submit to Human Resources.


Student employees receive sick leave benefits under the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplace Act and are covered by Worker鈥檚 Compensation while on the job, however, do not received other fringe benefits such as retirement*, vacation, or paid holidays.

Students may qualify as an eligible employee under  for qualifying reasons. If a student believes they qualify, they can apply through Fort Lewis College鈥檚 private plan through . Students can contact Human Resources for more information.

*Students who work while enrolled less than 1/2 time (less than 6 credits) will automatically be enrolled in a Student Employee Retirement Plan with TIAA that includes 7.5% of their pay automatically deducted from their paycheck and deposited into their account.  Students can access their retirement account information at or by calling TIAA at 800-842-2252.


Paydays are every other Friday and pay checks are mailed to the student鈥檚 mailing address on file with FLC unless they are signed up for direct deposit through payroll. Students can update their mailing address through Workday and are highly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit to receive their paycheck as quickly as possible.

Involuntary Termination

Violations of confidentiality, insubordination, poor work performance, habitual tardiness and absence without prior notice or approval are some circumstances that justify involuntarily terminating a student's employment. If the student is not performing in a satisfactory manner, supervisors should discuss issues with students and attempt to provide assistance in effort to improve the student's work performance. Supervisors must clearly explain their expectations and give students the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarification.

In all cases involuntary termination, the notification must be in writing with records sent to Human Resources for the student鈥檚 employee file.

Equal opportunity

Fort Lewis College does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, sex*, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, family or domestic status, political beliefs, veteran status, pregnancy, or genetic information. Accordingly, equal opportunity for employment shall be extended to all persons. The College shall promote equal opportunity, equal treatment, and affirmative action efforts to increase the diversity of students, faculty, and staff. The College is dedicated to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment. To file a report, get resources, read policies, or make an appointment, see .

Title IX sex discrimination

Questions about Title IX sex discrimination?

Office of the Title 9 Coordinator
Kate Suazo (She/Ella)

230 Skyhawk Station
1000 Rim Drive
Durango, Colorado 81301

Other kinds of discrimination

Other discrimination questions?

Office of the Equal Opportunity Coordinator
David Pirrone
(970) 247-7182
192 Education Business Hall 1000 Rim Drive,Durango, Colorado 81301

Safety report

Information about Fort Lewis College鈥檚 alcohol and drug policy, sexual assault policy, campus security policies, campus crime statistics, fire safety procedures and fire statistics, and campus/community resources can be found in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Hard copies are available upon request.

Title IX

* Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Part 106 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, including in admission and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and CFR 106 to Fort Lewis College may be directed to FLC's Title IX Coordinator and/or to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education. Fort Lewis College does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, political beliefs, or veteran status. Accordingly, equal opportunity for employment, admission, and education shall be extended to all persons. The College shall promote equal opportunity, equal treatment, and affirmative action efforts to increase the diversity of students, faculty, and staff.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is generally defined as "any deliberate or repeated unsolicited or unwelcome verbal comments, gestures or physical contact of sexual nature".  It is distinguished from voluntary sexual relationships by the elements of coercion, threat or unwanted attention.  It is an abuse of power.  Men, as well as women, are victims of sexual harassment.  Fort Lewis College is committed to ensuring that all employees and students can work and learn productively without unnecessary interference or distraction. As part of this commitment, we strive to maintain an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination including sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment is unethical and illegal. It is a violation of:

Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title IX, Education Amendments 1973
Colorado Revised Statutes, 18.9 - 111
Fort Lewis College Policy

Pay plan

Employers and supervisors at Fort Lewis College must adhere to the Student Employment Pay Plan. The Pay Plan is a guide for determining seniority and merit pay raises in addition to staying in compliance with the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. 

Employers are required to pay each of their student employees with the same job title and job description equally unless the following systems are in place and such plan is written clearly on the job description:

  • A seniority system;
  • A merit system;
  • A system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production;
  • The geographic location where the work is performed;
  • Education, training, or experience to the extent that they are reasonably related to the work in question; or
  • Travel, if the travel is a regular and necessary condition of the work performed.

The allowable range students may earn is minimum wage up to minimum wage plus $2.00 per hour, applicable year-round.  Effective July 1, 2022 minimum wage for Colorado state workers including student employees is $15 per hour. Any contract submitted in excess of the allowed maximum will automatically be lowered to the maximum amount student may earn. An exception is when an employer is using discretionary grant funds to pay their student employee and requires approval from the Office of Sponsored Research or in the event the funds are donor funded and requires approval from Human Resources.

Work schedule

The supervisor and the student establish a work schedule taking into consideration the student's class and vacation schedules. The supervisor ensures that the student agrees to abide by the work schedule and does not work during class time. The student's work schedule may be revised each term according to their new class schedule.

Students paid through work-study funding may not earn more than half of the yearly award prior to the end of the fall term. Conversely, the unused portion of the fall award is added to the spring term award.

Full-time students should not work more than 20 hours per week except during vacation periods. Work-study students are not permitted to work overtime (40 + hours per week). Overtime hours will be charged to the department budget. The student may not work for pay after the last day of the award period: the last day of spring term finals if awarded work-study for the school year, or the last day specified in their Workday profile.

The chart below is designed to help estimate the number of hours a student can work per week to meet their annual work-study award. It assumes that the student will work for two terms, not including Thanksgiving, Winter Break and Spring Break. The below chart is designed of the typical yearly maximum work-study award of $3,000.

Work-study Conversion Chart


Weeks per School Year

Amount per Week

Hourly Wage

Hours per Week*



= $100


= 6.75



= $100


= 6.5



= $100


= 6.25



= $100


= 6

*Rounded to nearest quarter hour


A short instructional can be found on our . Employees should submit their time every week in order to get paid accurately and timely. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure student employees are familiar with this process and to ensure timesheets are submitted according to the payroll deadlines.

Supervisors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of hours reported. The person signing as the supervisor will have direct knowledge of the hours worked as they appear on the timesheet. These timesheets are official records and as such, are subject to scrutiny through audits and program reviews from institutional, state, and federal regulatory agencies. The supervisor is accountable and will be held responsible for the accuracy of these records.

Students are required to submit their timesheet to their supervisor every week and no later than the entry deadline listed on the payroll calendar. Supervisors are required to approve their student's timesheet in Workday by the approval deadline listed on the payroll calendar. Students whose timesheets are not submitted or approved by the deadline will not be paid until they submit their time and the time is approved in Workday and their pay may be delayed.

Planning for the next year

Students paid through the work-study program must qualify for the award each year. 


If you plan to re-hire a work-study student, remind your student to complete the  (FAFSA) by the recommended early submission deadline of November 15th each year. Due to funding limitations, students who do not meet the deadline may not be awarded work-study.

Determine your anticipated student employment needs for each academic year. To create new positions, you will need to complete a Student Job Description Form. To advertise a student position including promotional opportunities, supervisors will post the job on the .


Career Development

Fort Lewis values and fosters a culture of personal and professional growth as part of career development.  Students and supervisors are encouraged to utilize the Workday task to start performance reviews for your employees to have a Career Conversation and Goal Setting tool as a guide to documenting meaningful conversations, goals, and reflection periods.  

Benefits include:

  • Coaching-centered tool to use during introductory, reflection, and exit meetings with student employees
  • Opportunity to connect student鈥檚 strengths with job tasks and career goals that can be incorporated in student鈥檚 resumes
  • Included examples illustrate sample language to use in discussions with student employees


Q: Is it possible for the student to work more than one job at FLC simultaneously?

A: Yes, students may work through multiple insitutional or work-study contracts simultaneously or a combination of the two.  Student employee who are working more than one job at FLC will need to keep in mind not to work more than 12 hours in a day or more than 40 hours in a week to avoid overtime through all of their jobs combined and are encouraged not to work more than 20 hours combined when classes are in session.

Q: May the student earn more than their work-study award amount?

A: No; the contract specifies the maximum amount that the student may earn. The student's earnings should be monitored to ensure that the student does not earn more than the approved limit nor work past the last day of the contract. If a student over-earns their work-study award, the over-earnings are charged to the department budget. The work-study student cannot earn more than the fall award during the fall term. If there is an unused portion of earnings remaining from the fall term, it is added to the spring term amount and that total becomes the maximum amount the student may earn for the spring term.

Q: May the student be paid from department funds after the work-study limit has been earned?

A: Yes. The supervisor will associate a department or grant costing allocation during the Workday hire process to indicate the cost center to be charged after work-study has been fulfilled.

Q: Are the student employment earnings taxable?

A: Yes, depending on how the student completed their W-4 form.

Q: Are there limitations on the type of work a student can be asked to do?

A: Yes; the supervisor cannot ask a student to do personal tasks such as personal correspondence, running personal errands, etc. The work assigned must be necessary for the operation of the department or office and must directly support its function.