
Improve your teaching skills and further your career

As part of our commitment to faculty development as teachers and innovators, the FLC administration has set aside faculty development money to be disbursed to faculty who submit quality proposals.

While the established Faculty Development Grants Committee for Traditional Scholarship and Research (TS/R) emphasizes personal scholarship intended for external professional dissemination, the Faculty Development Grants Committee for Teaching Innovation, Pedagogy, and Assessment (TIPA) emphasizes activities that will primarily result in innovations intended for dissemination to the Fort Lewis College community.

This money intends to initiate projects that result in a sustainable, long-term program change or a faculty member's long-term professional development concerning teaching innovation, pedagogy, and assessment. This fund is not intended to be the source of continuous or ongoing funding for any project or activity. Proposals for one-time events or activities that do not have a longer-term development impact will not be funded.

Online Report Form

All applicants who receive funding must submit a brief online report by the end of the funding cycle (report due by December 31 for activities July 1-December 15; report due by June 30 for activities December 16-June 30) regardless of whether the funds were used.

All funds must be spent by the end of the cycle. Please submit this report on time to ensure the applicant is considered for future funding.

FAculty Development Grants FAQ

Ownership of equipment
Payment for labor
Paying for services
Hardware purchases
Procedure for software purchase

Contact us

Academic Affairs Office

Location: 240 Berndt Hall
Phone: 970-247-7314

Jlyn Lewis
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Campus Concern Reporting

We are committed to creating a healthy, inclusive, and safe environment for our community members. If you have a concern, use our Campus Concern Reporting form.