
Student Rights and Responsibilities

Under the Fort Lewis College Academic Policies, students have the right to:

  • be informed of course requirements;
  • be evaluated fairly on the basis of their academic performance (their abilities and skills) as required by a professor as part of a course;
  • experience free and open discussion, inquiry, and expression, both in the classroom and in conference;
  • experience competent instruction and advisement;
  • take exception to the data or views presented and reserve judgment about matters of opinion;
  • expect protection against a professor’s improper disclosure of student’s views, beliefs, and political association which may surface as a result of instructing, advising, or counseling;
  • expect protection, through established procedures, against prejudicial or capricious evaluation (see Academic Appeals and Academic Grievance Procedures section below).

Under the Fort Lewis College Academic Policies, students have the responsibility to:

  • inquire about course requirements if they do not understand them or are in doubt about them;
  • maintain the standards of academic performance established for individual courses and for programs of study;
  • initiate an investigation if they believe their academic rights have been violated. (see Academic Appeals and Academic Grievance Procedures section below).
  • learn the content of any course of study;
  • act in accordance with commonly accepted standards of academic conduct (see Student Conduct Code).

Links to College Student Grievance Policies

If you think an employee of the college (faculty, staff) has discriminated against you on the basis of your race, age, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or veteran status, review Equal Opportunity Policies.

If you think another student has violated the Student Conduct Code, you can review relevant policies and procedures in the . Click on Student Conduct Policy.

If you think your student academic rights have been violated you can review the current Faculty Handbook and .

If you think you have been wrongly accused of academic dishonesty (e.g. cheating, plagiarism), you can review the current Faculty Handbook.