
Sexual misconduct policies and procedures

These policies and procedures cover all Fort Lewis College students and employees, regardless of employment status.

Title IX procedure

Students can bring an advisor to any and all meetings. Students can get an advisor by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.

A Title IX complaint is filed.

Initial inquiry conducted with complainants

Support measures implemented

Formal complaint signed

Is it a Formal or Informal Process?

Formal process

A case can become Formal if either party refuses the Informal Process.

Notice of investigation sent

Evidence gathering and interviews

Parties review report and evidence

Live hearing with panel

Decision and sanctions, if responsible

Appeal filed or case closed with supportive measures in place

Informal process

A case becomes Informal if both parties agree to the Informal Process.

Notice of allegation sent

Dialogue with involved parties

Agreement established and signed

Case closed with agreement and supportive measures in place


Feedback for Title IX process

if you have gone through the Title IX process or wish to share your thoughts.

Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure
Supplemental Sexual Misconduct Policy & Grievance Procedures
Discriminatory Harassment Policy
Publicly available Title IX training materials聽

Title IX Coordinator

Madeleine Gillman

Phone: 970-852-6699
Office: 230 Skyhawk Station

Drop-in office hours: Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Equal Opportunity Coordinator

David Pirrone

Phone: 970-247-7182
Office: 192 Education Business Hall