
FLC composts 100% of food waste from dining hall

Fort Lewis College took a major step in reducing its carbon footprint this spring by composting 100% of the food waste from San Juan Dining Hall. The Environmental Center spearheaded the effort, which is a key part of achieving the College’s sustainability and climate goals.

FLC faculty and staff receive awards for exemplary service

From supporting the day-to-day operations of the College with innovation and excellence to taking on extra responsibilities during the pandemic, faculty and staff showed immense care for students and colleagues and exhibited exceptional work in the last year.

Fort Lewis College celebrates student scholars

Each spring, just before commencement, Fort Lewis College hosts the Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Symposium to celebrate the research and creative works of graduating seniors.

Men's golf gets second place

Fort Lewis College's at the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Championships. Coach Jim Foltz says, "We’ve shown we can play well and play with top teams in our conference and region.”
