
Comedic director gives Theatre students some serious training

Being funny is a workout, says actress and director Rima Miller. That's why while she's instructing Theatre students in physical comedy, she's also having her students exercise to prepare for their roles, holding a regular two-hour night class to learn new exercises.

FLC helps students tell the world about their accomplishments

Some of Fort Lewis College students' most rewarding experiences and achievements don't make it onto their resumes or applications for graduate school or jobs --  studying abroad, completing an internship or volunteer experience, making the dean’s list, or winning a departmental award or scholarship -- even though these may be the most meaningful, educational, and...

Conference brings adventure education professionals to FLC campus

There's no better setting for outdoor education enthusiasts to gather than on a campus surrounded by inspiring mountain vistas. That's what the members of the Association for Experiential Education will get when the 2012 Rocky Mountain Region AEE conference convenes on the Fort Lewis College campus Friday, March 23, through Sunday, March 25. The AEE's Rocky...

Carnegie Hall welcomes FLC Music student and ragtime piano world champion

In 2002, when Adam Swanson was 10 years old, he first heard ragtime music. “We bought my grandparents an internet system, and I heard ragtime as the background music,” laughs Swanson. “I liked it so much I started asking my mom to play it, because she played a little piano. Before long I started learning on my own.” In February -- ten years later -- Swanson will play...

Teachers Without Borders brings the world to campus

Today the whole world is a classroom, thanks to web-based information and internet-woven connections. Also, though, thanks to the very real in-person sharing and collaboration that happens when people turn those online connections into exchanges and visits.
