Undergraduate Research Symposium caps science students’ careers at Fort Lewis College

“The Production of TNF-α Inflammatory Cytokines by RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells as a Result of Exposure to Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans.” It sounds like the title of a research project you might find in a prestigious scientific journal or being conducted at a large research university. The truth, however, is that this project, and dozens more just like it, are being...

How many restaurants can you fit in a small town?

Last night I had the delight of enjoying sushi for an appetizer, pork BBQ sliders and Cajun fries for dinner, then frozen yogurt for desert. Let’s just say that there is nothing quite like the dining scene in Durango. For a small town, we have more restaurants than I have been able to sample in the three years that I have lived here, and I love it. It is common knowledge that Durango has...

Physical education at the Fort

Because Fort Lewis College is a liberal arts school, all students are required to take a variety of classes in almost every subject. One of the classes needed in order to graduate is physical education. Each student needs one credit of PE, which means that you need to take at least one PE class while attending Fort Lewis. My schedule this semester was busy and I couldn’t seem to find...

Cabin fever?

When you ask most people what they think of when referring to winters in Durango, probably 80% of the answers you get are skiing and snowboarding related.  While these are a couple of the great things our area has to offer, I personally come nowhere close to being able to afford it.  Of course I’m not trying to discourage anyone from getting a pass and going skiing every day...

Undergraduate Research Symposium is FLC’s biggest day for student research

On Thursday, April 18, 2013, one of the largest scientific research showcases in the Four Corners region will be held at Fort Lewis College. For an eighth year, the FLC School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences’ Undergraduate Research Symposium will display some of the best student research going on at the College. All of the events are free and the public is encouraged to attend.

Sustainability at FLC

Fort Lewis College has a passion for sustainability. From the time I took my first tour of Fort Lewis, more than four years ago, I have been impressed by how much students and teachers care about sustainability. I was lucky enough to qualify for a work-study position so I immediately went to the Environmental Center and applied for a job. I was so happy to get a position on the local food team...

Outstanding Staff Award: Mr. Roy Horvath

Perhaps the best compliment that a person working in information technology can receive is that no one knows that they’re there. So many of us take for granted the ability to make a phone call or log onto the internet because it seems so automatic. The reality is that it takes people like Mr. Roy Horvath to keep the whole system humming along without skipping a beat.

Para ir de acampar

I looked down at the assignment handout: “Teach the class how to do something, speaking only in Español…be creative!” Hmmm, what to do? I turned to my friend Nikki to brainstorm… A week later we had our script in hand. Our backpacks, tent, water bottles, Cliff bars, camping cook kit, flashlights, raingear, topographic map and first aid kit spread across a table as...

Spanish-speaking students help FLC help Spanish-speaking families

Bienvenidos a El Centro de Muchos Colores! That's the greeting visitors get on “El Centro en Español,” the new Spanish-language version of the homepage for El Centro de Muchos Colores, FLC's Hispano resource center. And soon, those Spanish-speaking visitors will be able to, with a single click, get a “Bienvenidos a Fort Lewis College!” greeting and...