
Dr. Lee Frazer - Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching Award

“In my philosophy statement, I echo the educational thinker, Stephen Brookfield, who said, ‘we teach to change the world,’ and I really believe that.” For Dr. Lee Frazer, Assistant Professor of Adventure Education and winner of the Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching Award, changing the world is not a pipe dream. He pursues that goal by helping his students become...

Mr. Colin Smith - Fort Lewis College Achievement Award

When Colin Smith starts his year at Student Orientation, he uses a metaphor that doesn’t particularly ease the minds of the parents who are dropping off their children. He asks, “Do you know those rivers in Africa that the migrating herds must cross? Well, your kids have just come to one.” And then he asks, “Knowing your child, what do you worry about?” This...

FLC alumna honored by White House as a Champion of Change

When Fort Lewis College alumna Marissa Molina (Political Science, ’14) moved from Mexico to Colorado as a child, she didn’t speak a word of English. What a remarkable journey it’s been that led to her being honored as a Champion of Change by the White House in July. After becoming the first in her family to earn a college degree, Marissa served with Teach for America, an...

FLC Engineering students devise device to study the effectiveness of football helmets

Sports-related head injuries are a major concern today among organizations ranging from the National Football League to youth sports clubs. If Devin Leahy, assistant professor of Engineering at Fort Lewis College, has his way, he and his student research team will soon produce data that help sports equipment manufacturers design helmets that better protect heads from those injuries, thanks to...