

Native Artist in Residence | Art Gallery | Fort Lewis College


About the Residency Program: An Evolving Exhibition

The Native Artist in Residence program at FLC is a semester-long residency transforming the Art Gallery into a dedicated studio space and supporting a single Indigenous artist at a time. The artist is provided with unfettered access and creative license for the entirety of the semester – every other fall term. Using the gallery in this way allows for deeper intimacy and accessibility to a space that is often thought of as elite. More importantly, this program provides necessary representational and reparative work for our Native American students allowing them to see themselves represented in a historically white space.

Artists are selected through an invitational process. We strongly consider artists whose work highlights the process of decolonization, considering FLC’s history as a federal Indian boarding school, and our current student body. Cross-disciplinary collaborations are encouraged and can include working with classes and students in multiple academic departments. Our selection process is open to both emerging and established artists, as we seek out applicants who will intrinsically work progressively with our students.