
Information for Vendors

In order to conduct business with Fort Lewis College, certain policies, procedures and guidelines must be followed.

Fort Lewis College is an agency of the State of Colorado and therefore, all authorized purchases made on behalf of Fort Lewis College are tax exempt.

All vendors are required to have a current W-9 on file with the Fort Lewis College Accounts Payable Department.

Authorized purchases made for Fort Lewis College employ one of these payment methods:

  • Official Fort Lewis College Purchase Order or formal FLC contract for all purchases which exceed $5000
  • Purchases which do not exceed $5000 are required to be paid with a tax-exempt commercial CitiBank Visa displaying "Fort Lewis College” on the card
  • Payment may be made by check or direct deposit ONLY if A.) the vendor does not accept credit cards, B.) the purchase is under $5000, and C.) an itemized invoice is submitted to the campus department in order to generate a Check Request Form for submittal to Accounts Payable

Purchases under $5000 are considered to be discretionary, however if the purchase is over $5000, a purchase order or formal FLC contract is required.  Vendors are cautioned against selling or delivering goods or performing services for the College without having a purchase order, credit card or formal contract prior to delivery of goods or services. Vendors do not have authorization to transact business with the College unless they have received a purchase order, credit card or contract prior to delivery of goods or materials or performance of a service for the College. The College assumes no responsibility for payment of any unauthorized deliveries or services.

Invoices shall indicate on the face of the invoice the name of the individual, department and a complete itemization of goods/services provided and dates.

When a Purchase Order has been issued to a vendor, to ensure prompt payment the purchase order number must appear on the vendor invoice. Failure to indicate the College purchase order number on the invoice will delay payment. Purchase Order related invoices must be sent to the FLC Accounts Payable Department. Sending the invoice to any other department may result in delay of payment.

Because Fort Lewis College is an agency of the State of Colorado with statutory authority in the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) 23-52-102, and our credit worthiness compares favorably with most other entities, and due to the large number of vendors with whom we conduct business, it is the policy of Fort Lewis College to not prepare individual vendor credit applications. In order to sell goods or services to Fort Lewis College, the following document shall serve as our credit application.

Credit Application Letter