
Winter Safety

Temperatures can drop dramatically in a very short time. Preparation for cold weather is as important as protection from cold weather.

Wind Chill Factor ChartBest Practices

  • Be aware, stay informed, monitor weather forecasts.
  • Dress appropriately to maintain body temperature:
    • Wear loose fitting layers of clothing.
    • Use water resistant protection to keep dry.
    • Assure clothing allows for venting of perspiration.
    • Use an outer shell of windproof material.
    • Keep a spare set of clothes available.
  • Wear an insulated hard hat liner. (70% of body heat is lost through the head).
  • Protect feet and hands. Insulated gloves and two pairs of socks can save cold extremities and protect from frostbite.
  • Restrict exposure time when temperatures approach 0° F or a wind chill factor of -22° F or lower (See chart).

General Safety for Snow Removal (Word)