
Welcome to the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee

We are committed to observing federal policies and regulations for the humane care and use of animals. The IACUC has the authority to review applications involving the use of animals on an ongoing basis.

The following activities involving vertebrate animals are subject to review by the IACUC prior to initiation:

  • Activities conducted by faculty, staff, or students affiliated with FLC as part of their FLC-related responsibilities.
  • Activities performed on the premises of the college.
  • Activities performed with or involving the use of FLC funds, facilities or equipment.
  • Activities satisfying a requirement imposed by FLC for a degree program or completion of a course of study.
  • Activities conducted on a grant with researchers affiliated with FLC.

Examples of Projects that Require IACUC Review

  • Research: The use of live animals, animal blood or tissues in research, including medical, biological, behavioral and research with both laboratory animals and free-ranging wildlife.
  • Teaching, demonstrations, exhibitions: The use of live animals in educational settings, such as courses that use animals, animal blood or tissues to teach techniques, animal husbandry, veterinary procedures, or other demonstrations.
  • Testing: The use of live animals for any testing, such as clinical tests, vaccine trials, and screening or diagnostic assays.
  • Projects conducted with other institutions. All projects involving animals conducted by FLC students or personnel are subject to IACUC review.

Types of Projects that are Exempt from IACUC Review

  • Use of tissues, organs or other parts of dead animals if the animals were not euthanized for the collection of these tissues.
  • Observation of wild animals in their natural habitat without any capture or handling of the animals nor any manipulation of their habitat.