
Quarterly progress reports

Summer 2024

  • The Digital Accessibility Committee (DAC) worked with the Colorado Attorney General's Office to understand the impacts and path forward given the Colorado HB24-1454 Grace Period Noncompliance Digital Accessibility.
  • DAC developed a digital accessibility statement. The College President approved the statement. The statement is in process of being added to footers of Fort Lewis College websites and apps.
  • DAC began drafting a new digital accessibility policy and plan.

Timeline of Digital Accessibility Committee 

2022 through 2023

  • Further Digital Accessibility Campaign work 
  • Sent member to CSUN conference 
  • Implemented and launched ReadSpeaker in Canvas and updated 
  • PDF outreach and remediation for faculty 
  • Professional Development Trainings around Assistive Technology and Accessibility Tips 
  • Developed and Implemented 2nd training in Canvas for ADA and Accessibility  

2021 -2022

  • Work and planning around an Accessibility Campaign 
  • Surveyed faculty about Digital Accessibility, posters for remediation and accessibility, brainstormed around trainings for faculty and staff 
  • Purchased equipment and software to help students utilize more technologies  
    • Review of ReadSpeaker as it compares to Ally Alternative Formats and Read&Write 
    • Purchased licenses for Dragon Naturally Speaking 

2020 - 2021

  • Image accessibility research and implementation 
  • Re-vamp of ADA 2.0 training on Canvas 
  • Reviewed and created standards for accessibility of information and communication technologies policy 
  • Sharing of newsletters and best practices 

2019 through 2020

  • WCAG Guidelines   
  • Training and Awareness building upon Global Accessibility Awareness  
    • Tabling in Union to discuss Word checker, PDF checker, screen reader tutorial, Outlook accessibility checker, color contrast, accessibility symbols (low vision, audio description, assistive listening, accessible print, visually impaired, closed captioning) 
  • Blackboard Ally integration with Canvas completed 
  • Online ADA training (2.0) 
  • Dissemination of digital accessibility newsletters and infographics 
  • Campus-wide poll around accessibility 
  • Digital accessibility syllabus statement 
  • Further review of accessibility report from 2015 

2018 through 2019

  • Formed subcommittee meetings to review metrics, Monsido, digital accessibility website, budget, and spread awareness 
  • State of Captioning (reviewed report by 3Play Media) for overview of video compliance and captioning tools  
    • Planning around video accessibility compliance 
  • Posters disseminated around digital accessibility Information (created infographic) 
  • Launched Digital Accessibility Committee webpage 
  • Reviewed committee reports, accessibility resources and software, VPATS 
  • Purchased Ally for Canvas 

2017 through 2018

  • Quote from Panopto regarding educational videos and accessibility 
  • Finalized and approved the Standards for the Accessibility of Information and Communication Technology 
  • Worked on ADA Course development within Canvas 
  • Developing best practices for digital content 
  • VPAT reviewing 
  • Development of digital accessibility webpage 

2016 through 2017

  • Digital Accessibility policies and procedures development  
  • Ongoing research and communication with other colleges to research policies around digital accessibility 
  • Development of FLC Digital Media Accessibility Policy 
  • Digital signage for policy and ADA recommendations (created and distributed across campus) 

2015 through 2016  

  • Outsourced Accessibility Audit and received report  
    • Report helped to review existing policy, draft new digital accessibility policies and procedures, look at web accessibility, review of select FLC webpages, and review of select vendor-provided solutions 
  • Continued planning and development around Digital Content and policy