
Please review the following grant approval process. If you are awarded the grant, please review the Managing Your Award page.

6-4 weeks
  1. Find a Federal or non-Federal grant opportunity
  2. Contact us for proposal preparation advice
  3. Develop proposal
  4. If needed:
    1. File IRB Application
    2. Solicit letters of support
4-2 weeks
  • Create your budget
  • Write proposal narrative
  • Write budget justification
  • Get support letters
  • Complete other supporting documents as specified by the sponsor (ask us for guidance)
2-1 week prior
  1. Enter your proposal into the Cayuse Grant Approval Portal (all proposals regardless of amount)
  2. Use Cayuse routing system to get internal FLC approvals
  3. Resolve any issues that emerge
  4. Finalize proposal per sponsor requirements
1 week prior

Once approved via Cayuse:

  • Federal - We submit Federal proposals for you (allow 3 days before deadline)
  • Non-Federal - You submit non-Federal proposals as per sponsor requirements