

A North American Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Metamorphasis Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative ActivityMetamorphosis is an ongoing opportunity to PUBLISH FLC STUDENT WORK. Each semester, we select two outstanding student papers to submit for online publication in Metamorphosis, A North American Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity.

Because of the due dates, we always work one semester behind. In other words, you can submit excellent student work from Spring/Summer for consideration in the Fall edition of Metamorphosis and excellent student work from Fall for consideration in the Spring edition.

Brian Burke, chair of FLC's committee for the undergraduate research journal, Metamorphosis
Brian Burke
FLC's Metamorphosis Committee Chair

How can FLC students get published?

  •  Student proposals (shorter versions of final papers, listing a faculty sponsor) will be due via our EasyChair electronic submissions site by week four of each semester.
  •  Our review committee will select the two most outstanding proposals or full papers.
  •  The winning authors and their faculty sponsors have about three weeks to produce and submit a final 10-20 page paper before the journal submission deadline.
  •  The final paper will appear in the online journal Metamorphosis.

The Metamorphosis Committee at FLC