
Follow the roadmap to success for UGR

This checklist will help you succeed in your undergraduate research journey.

  Identify areas of interest

What are you curious about? What would you like to see be different in the world? Undergraduate research involves delving deeply into a topic…what would you like that topic to be? Scholarly work looks different in every field across campus, so find out what is possible by talking to faculty in your department.

  Connect with a mentor

FLC faculty have advanced degrees, allowing them to become experts in their fields. Do you have a professor who studies things you are interested in? If so, find out from them what research opportunities might be available to you.

  Attend UGR events

The Office of Undergraduate Research holds multiple events designed to connect you with others and to inspire! Join us for our Speaker Series to hear faculty, staff, and community members give research storytelling TED-like talks. In addition, all students are invited to attend the Fall Poster Symposium in December and the Spring Symposium & Awards Gala in April each year.

Find an event to attend

  Look into research options

Many faculty members carry out research projects during the school year and/or summer. Contact faculty in your department to find out what they are doing and whether there are student grants that could support your work.

  Find off-campus summer opportunities

You’d be amazed at the variety of summer educational opportunities for students. Follow our UGR Instagram to find out what is available.

  Present at the Fall Poster Symposium

Have you been delving into a subject area that you are passionate about? If so, please share your work with the campus community by creating a poster and presenting it at the Fall Poster Symposium, which takes place in December each year. Your poster can be in a typical format, or it can be more “out-of-the-box.” Maybe you want to share a photo of a creative project you did in a class…or perhaps your work is still “in progress.”  No problem…we want to hear what you’ve been thinking about!

Learn more about the Fall Poster Symposium

  Create a senior capstone project

All majors at FLC have a senior project where students get to delve deeply into their fields of study under the guidance of a faculty mentor. The Office of Undergraduate Research can provide students with grants to pay for supplies; these grants are available through a competitive process where applications are due twice a semester.

Apply for a Supply Grant

  Find out about graduate school options

Do you want to continue your education? If so, talk to faculty in your field about post-graduation options and contact our office to find out if we can host a Grad-Undergrad Meet & Greet in your field.

  Present your work to others in your field.

Communicate with experts who are also passionate about your field of interest. Attend a regional or national conference, present your completed work, and network with others. Remember, the Office of Undergraduate Research provides grants to support student travel to regional and national conferences. 

Apply for a Travel Grant

  Present at the Spring Symposium & Awards Gala

Share your work with a general audience by participating in the FLC Spring Symposium & Awards Gala. Students can give oral or poster presentations about their research and learn about other students' work. If you are interested in working on your public speaking skills, register for the 1-credit FLC 415 Communicating Your Research course.  

Learn more about the Spring Symposium & Gala

  Get a job or go to grad school!

Congratulations graduate! Now that you are armed with unique, in-depth learning experiences, you are ready to get a job or go to graduate school where you can continue to learn and hone your skills as an expert in your field.

Contact us

Christine Smith, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Phone: 970-852-5190