
Cody Jividen and class from Bagamoyo, Tanzania

“I’m currently in Bagamoyo, Tanzania teaching computer class at the Nianjema primary school for 4th, 5th and 6th graders and it has been a wonderful, exhausting, and radically eye-opening experience. Africa is overly ripe with wonderful opportunities for teachers, and I’d gladly share my experiences with those thinking of going abroad.”

Cody Jividen (Teacher Education, '14)

“My first two weeks at Bayfield Elementary have been incredible! I love my classroom and my little second graders are wonderful. My team has been extremely supportive and we are having so much fun together. It is such a great feeling doing something with my degree and knowing that I am exactly where I want to be. I couldn't be happier!”

Matilda Tredway (Teacher Education, '12)
2nd Grade Teacher, Bayfield Elementary

Kayt Curry“I am happy to say I currently have my Master's Degree in Special Education!!! I am currently teaching at McCormick Elementary School here in Farmington. I am in love with this school. I am teaching an Emotional Disturbed Special Education classroom K-3, using the Crane Reynolds system. Last year I had a special education mentor but this year I am flying solo in my own classroom! I often think of my awesome FLC profs and keep my HUGE binders nearby. You guys definitely trained me well and I am becoming the star teacher I always wanted to be.”

Elisa Yazzie (Teacher Education, '11)
Special Education, McCormick Elementary School

“There were many times when the FLC Teacher Ed staff asked me to do things that I thought were impossible; but when I completed them I felt so good about myself.

“On Thursday, the Glenwood Springs High School teacher who mentored my student teaching contacted me. She said their long-time Wood shop teacher had just become extremely ill and could not teach this year. They needed help immediately. I spoke to the principal, and on Friday I learned that I would start teaching there on Monday.

“Over the weekend, I had to go through the old teacher’s desk, find all of his old safety tests and lesson plans, and set up my classroom. It has been extremely intense starting out this way, but I wanted to thank you, because I was able to walk into this position with confidence. “

Kayt Curry (Teacher Education, '11)
Glenwood Springs High School

Aaron Hartsfield“The FLC Teacher Education Department has built a close-knit relationship with the local school system. This let me get to know potential employers and coworkers on a deeper level than is possible in a typical Teacher training program, which led to a full time position right out of school.”

Dreher Robertson (Teacher Education, '11)
Advisor, Durango Big Picture High School

“I want every single one of you to know how thankful I am to have been your student. I have learned so much and been so inspired. Because of what you have passed on to me, I am the new English Language Arts Teacher at Bloomfield High School. There aren't enough words to express my excitement.

“I will teach four sections of tenth grade and two sections of eleventh grade AP. I will also have a mentoring period and a 'hobby' course. The 'hobby' course is a very informal elective. Since I can choose what to teach, I'm thinking 'Personal Expression,' with the students designing their own projects, like writing songs, poetry, stories, articles, etc. Shoot! If they want to fold a giant origami James Joyce I'm all about it.”

Aaron Hartsfield (Teacher Education, '12)

“I am a 5th grade teacher at Kemper Elementary in Cortez. I have been working hard in my classroom. It has such a relaxing, engaging and calming atmosphere, filled with plants, globes, maps, and so much more. I work with the most amazing team. We rotate subjects, and I GET to teach writing and social studies combined! I feel so grown up and professional and I owe a lot of that to you. Thank you for everything you do. You truly make a difference in people's lives, especially mine.”

Brittany Lang (Teacher Education, '12)
Kemper Elementary in Cortez

“I had multiple interviews at the end of the academic year, and I had the privilege of turning down a few jobs (it's nerve-wracking and empowering encompassed into a case of jitters: "Am I making the right decision?") Luckily I was offered, to my giddiness and glee, a position at Overland High School.

“It's incredibly diverse: 37 spoken languages, 40% black, 30% white, 22% Hispanic, 8% other. My department has welcomed me as one of their own. I feel really good as the first day approaches. I'm teaching freshmen and senior English. This summer we re-created the curriculum; we looked at our demographics and adopted a new set of texts from authors of color. The district has prioritized equitable education, and we have taken the message to heart. Thank you for your guidance!”

Jake Baur (Teacher Education, '12)

“I am the new Middle School Special Education teacher in Moab, Utah! I have a Severe Needs classroom with 10 students and 2 teacher's aides. It is a brand-new program this year that I had the opportunity to help write, create, and start. It is a transitional program and we will be creating a high school program in 2 years.

“I am working on my masters in Special Education--Severe Disabilities through a Skype program through the University of Utah. I attend twice a week after school online. It is a grant funded masters program for Special Education teachers in rural Utah. This new chapter of my life is an exciting, unique opportunity!

“Fort Lewis provided me with fun, enriching classroom experiences that encouraged me to chase my educational dreams! My professors at Fort Lewis enthusiastically got me to where I am today--I couldn't be more grateful!”

Iris Frye (Teacher Education, '11)

“I have the honor of teaching physics, AP physics, and geology to 9-12th graders at Piedra Vista High School in Farmington, New Mexico. The education department at Fort Lewis College provided me with the resources and opportunities to really fine-tune and polish my skills not only as an educator, but also as an individual. I value my time with the professors at the education department at FLC and will always recommend the program to future educators.”

Dave Travieso, (Teacher Education, '11)
AP Physics/Geology
Piedra Vista High School

Samantha Lane"I am so thankful for my experience with the Education Department at Fort Lewis.  Not only was I inspired by my professors while I was attending classes, but I continually think back to discussions and lectures that gave lasting impressions.  Having completed my first year teaching, I absolutely feel that my journey at "The Fort" was essential in shaping who I am as a teacher today."

Annie Breitenbach, Teacher Education, '10
Teaching on the Navajo Reservation in Pi帽on, AZ