
Dr. Lorien Chambers Schuldt

Dr. Lorien Chambers Schuldt
Chair and Associate Professor of Teacher Education


  • Elementary literacy development
  • Reading and writing instruction
  • Multilingual learners
  • Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching
  • Classroom discourse
  • Feedback and formative assessment


  • Ph.D., Curriculum and Teacher Education, Stanford University, 2014 
  • B.A., American Studies, Wellesley College, 1999 


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About Dr. Lorien Chambers Schuldt

Dr. Lorien Chambers Schuldt joined Fort Lewis College in 2014. She teaches and advises on topics related to literacy instruction, language development, and teacher preparation for culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Chambers Schuldt’s research focuses on fostering rich literacy instruction in classrooms, particularly for multilingual learnersShe is also interested in teacher education and professional development, focusing on critical, humanizing, and multilingual practices and ideologies. She has published her work in Teaching and Teacher Education, Reading Research Quarterly, and the Harvard Educational Review. Before joining Fort Lewis College faculty, Chambers Schuldt was an elementary school teacher in California and Colorado. She also spent time in Mexico and New Zealand exploring family and teacher expectations in Indigenous communities and ways schools can support literacy development for emergent bilinguals.
Chambers Schuldt serves as the Culturally Linguistically Diverse (CLD) coordinator at Fort Lewis College. In the community, she is a co-founder of the Culturally, Linguistically, and Economically Diverse Working group and an active collaborator with community and school-based organizations that support literacy and language development. She is a Co-TESOL board member, a member of the Editorial Review Board of Literacy, Research, and Instruction, and a reviewer for Language Arts Journal, Teaching, and Teacher Education and Assessing Writing. Chambers Schuldt is a member of several professional associations, including the Literacy Research Association, Higher Educators in Linguistically Diverse Education, the National Council for Teachers of English, and the Colorado Association of Bilingual Education.

Selected publications and presentations

Aukerman, M., & Chambers Schuldt, L. (2021). What Matters Most? Toward a Robust and Socially Just Science of Reading. Reading Research Quarterly56, S85-S103.

Chambers Schuldt, L. & von Stroh, K. (2021).  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this:” Pre-service teachers as remote tutors for emergent bilingual students” in “Challenges and affordances of remote field-based teacher education to support culturally and linguistically responsive teachers in a COVID-19 world” Symposium. Paper presented at the 2021 Literacy Research Association Conference; Atlanta, GA.

Chambers Schuldt, L., Bedah, U., Brown, R. Pacheco, L., (2021). Organizer and panel facilitator for Fort Lewis College Graduate Students: “Teaching in Native American Communities during COVID-19.” Presented at 2021 CO-TESOL Spring Convention: Virtual.

Chambers Schuldt, L. (2020). “Learning from first graders: Pre-service Teachers’ Views of Students, Reading, and Authenticity” in “Authentic Purposes in Language Arts” Symposium. Presented at the 2020 Literacy Research Association Conference; Virtual.

Chambers Schuldt, L. (2019) Feedback in action: Examining teachers’ oral feedback to elementary writers. Teaching and Teacher Education83, 64-76.

Aukerman, M., Chambers Schuldt, L., Aiello, L. & Martin, P. (2017) “What meaning-making means among us:  The textual intercomprehending of emergent bilinguals in small-group text discussions.”  Harvard Education Review, 87(4), 482-511.

Aukerman, M., Johnson, E.M., & Chambers Schuldt, L. (2017) “Reciprocity of student and teacher discourse practices in monologically and dialogically organized text discussion.” Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 13(2), 1-52.

Cohen, J., Chambers Schuldt, L., Brown, L., & Grossman, P. (2016). “Uptake of ambitious instructional practices: Exploring variability in the appropriation of PLATO practices.”  Teachers College Record, 118(11), 1-36.

William Camp
Coordinator of Field Experiences

Jonathan Smith
Coordinator of Teacher Licensure & Dual Enrollment


Berlinda Begay
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education

Penelope Frost
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education

Elanor Meeker
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education

Judith Reed
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education

Kelly von Stroh
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education

Gretchen Willis
Adjunct Instructor for Teacher Education