

  • 9/16: Peter McCormick, "What Time Is It on the Sun?"
  • 9/30: Justin McBrayer, "The Importance of Intellectual Diversity"
  • 10/14: Jon Burmeister, Experimental Philosophy: A Potential Alternative to Doing Philosophy from the Armchair
  • 10/28: Ethics Bowl practice
  • 11/11: Student led discussion, topic TBA
  • 12/9: Fred Elbert, title TBA


  • Mon, Jan 21: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady: "Who's the Boss of You? The Justification of Political Authority"
  • Mon, Jan 28: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB Dr. Peter McCormick: "Do Ax Murderers Deserve the Death Penalty?"
  • Feb 11: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB FLC President Tom Stritikus: "Perspectives on Leadership: Understanding Student Voice"
  • Mon, Feb 25: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB Tristan Kraatz: "Do You Know Knowledge When You See It?"
  • Mon, Mar 18: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB Mark Mastalski, Director of FLC Leadership Center: " (Hate) Speech: A Moral Exploration and Discussion"
  • Mon, Apr 1: 7:00 p.m. - Senate Chambers, SUB Student led discussion, "What’s the Right Thing to Do? An examination
  • Thur, Apr 11: 3:30-5 p.m. Vallecito Room, SUB, Dr. Peter Vallentyne, University of Missouri, "Left-Libertarianism as a Promising Form of Liberal Egalitarianism"


  • Monday, September 25: Guest Adam Hamilton on CRISPR and the Ethics of Designer Babies: The talk is at 7:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers, SU. All those interested in the ethics of genetic engineering are welcome!
  • Monday, October 09: "Can We Use Art as a Method of Learning?"
  • Monday, October 23: Dr. Jon Mandle is our keynote speaker of the year. The talk will be at 4:30 p.m. in the Vallecito Room, SU. There will be a reception at 6:30 at the home of Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady, and transportation will be arranged after the talk. Welcome to everyone who wants to learn about contemporary political thought!
  • Monday, November 06: Ethics Bowl Debate. Watch and interact with collegiate ethicists talking about modern ethical dilemmas. The talk is at 7:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers, SU. Welcome to everyone who wishes to learn about the contemporary ethical problems and their solutions!
  • Monday, December 04: Dr. Michael Dichio brings us a discussion whether or not we should have an Electoral College. The talk is at 7:00 p.m. in the Senate Chambers, SU. Welcome to everyone who is wondering how the United States should be electing our officials!
  • Monday, January 15: Guest Owen Spalding will talk about the role of both nature and nurture in the development of moral sense. "Nature, Nurture, and the Moral Sense".
  • Monday, January 29: "How Ought We Go About Education?" Dr. Lee Frazier ask us the question, how should we move forward with education?
  • Monday, February 12: TBA
  • Monday, February 26: "Vaccines: Unpacking the Scientific and Ethical Issues." Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady and Dr. David Blake share the stage for presentations on vaccines. Dr. Blake will give us the scientific facts about them, and Dr. Roberts-Cady will lead the ensuing discussion on the consequences for public policy of these facts. Everyone is welcome!
  • Monday, March 19: "Should Government Guide Behavior?" FLC's Dr. Justin McBrayer and Dr. Dugald Owen will be debating the role that government should have in guiding the behavior of its constituents.
  • Monday, April 02: "Israel and Palestine; The Facts and Their Philosophical Implications." Join us as we hear Dr. Ruth Alminas describe the current conflict between Israel and Palestine, and question what we ought to do about it.
  • Monday, April 16: Topic "Is it Ethically Justifiable to Have Children?" Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady will be discussing the moral implications of having children.


  • Monday, September 12: Join us for a student-led discussion of Plato's Critique of Democracy
  • Monday, September 26: Dr. Chad Colby, presents on 'The Interpretation of Art. (This meeting will take place in the Art Building Gallery)
  • Monday, October 10: "Can We Own Ideas" Club members lead this debate on Intellectual Property rights.
  • Monday, October 17: Dr. Fred Elbert joins us for
  • Monday, October 24: The topic of "Environmental Justice" with FLC Anthropology professor, Dr. Rebecca Austin.
  • Monday, November 06: Debate Team warm-ups and practice discussions—to prepare for upcoming competitions. Two topics from a list of 15 subjects will be selected, and will not be known by team members until the start of the session!
  • Monday, January 23: Dr. Dugald Owen, discusses "Skepticism Rejected".
  • Monday, February 06: Join Dr. Cory Pillen. The topic is "Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics".
  • Monday, February 20: Topic "Theories of Truth" with FLC's Dr. Devin Frank.
  • Monday, March 27: Our guest is Dr. Sarah Wright, Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Georgia, and she discusses 'Why We Need Humility to Avoid Testimonial Injustice'.


  • Monday, September 7: "Do We Have a Right to Privacy?" This discussion is led by Club President, Sean Conte. Everyone is welcome!
  • Thursday, October 8: Special Guest Dr. Elizabeth Brake, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Arizona State University will give a talk on "Just Care: Love and The Law". While the U.S. Supreme Court has extended equal treatment to same-sex marriage, other forms of relationship still face legal and social discrimination. Dr. Brake offers her thoughts on those injustices, and discusses solutions.
  • Monday, October 19: Philosophy Club VP, Weston Ellis will lead our discussion on "The Value of Diversity".
  • Monday, November 02: Dr. Justin McBrayer has a question for us: "Should Blackmail Be Legal?" If you think not, be prepared to say why...
  • Monday, November 16: Find out what the future will bring, and what it will mean to you! A discussion of Futurology: "3D Printing, Space Exploration, and Artificial Intelligence". Presented by Club President, Sean Conte.
  • Monday, February 1: Come hear Dr. Kip Boyd, an MD and administrator at Mercy Medical Center, and a member of the hospital's ethics committee, talk on 'The Ethics of Opiates: Is the Treatment Worse Than the Pain?"
  • Monday, February 15: Come join us tonight to discuss Environmental Ethics: "Environmental Ethics From the Political Science Perspective." Presentation is with Dr. Bradley Clark, Associate Professor of Political Science at Fort Lewis College.
  • Monday, February 29: "Genetically Modified Organisms and Patents" Join Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady for this discussion on GMOs and patents on living organisms.
  • Monday, March 28: What if the Constitution contradicts itself? Can you amend the Constitution without following the constitutionally specified amendment process? That's been done. maybe we'll get some insight into the current presidential election cycle!? For fun and profit, join Dr. Michael Dichio, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Fort Lewis College for his talk, "Paradoxes in Constitutional Theory".
  • Monday, April 04: "A Defense of Corporate Personhood" Dr. Justin McBrayer wants to share his thoughts on whether corporations are 'people' too.
  • Monday, April 20: The Philosophy Club featured speaker is Dr. Elizabeth Tropman, who is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Colorado State University. She brings us the ethics topic "Formulating Moral Objectivity".


  • Monday, September 22: Dr. Ryan Shriver, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at FLC, 'What are the differences between Eastern and Western philosophy?'
  • Monday, September 29: , Professor of Philosophy at CU-Boulder, 'The Illusion of Authority.' Join us to find out if Authority is necessary!
  • Monday, October 20: Debate on the merits of democracy. "Should the Ignorant Vote?". Guest Caleb Ontiveros, Graduate student in Philosophy at Notre Dame University and a formidable team of FLC Philosophy Students!
  • Monday, November 10: Ethics Bowl debate. Another lively debate between members of the FLC Ethics Debate Team!
  • Monday, November 17: Dr. William Mangrum, Visiting Professor in Writing, and Religious Studies at FLC offers this discussion: "Does Truth Have a Future?"
  • Monday, December 1: "Feminism Beyond Women's Rights: The Limits of Liberal Political Philosophy". A discussion with Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady, Professor of Philosophy at FLC.
  • Monday, January 26: 'An Introduction to Metaphysics,' Sean Conte, FLC Philosophy Major.
  • Monday, February 9: Ethics Bowl Scrimmage, FLC Ethics Bowl Team and the Department of Philosophy are "Debating Morality"
  • Monday, March 2: Left-Libertarianism: The Good, the Bad, and the Owen; Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady, Dr. Justin McBrayer, and Dr. Dugald Owen, all of the FLC Philosophy Department.
  • Monday, March 16: 'An Introduction to Phenomenology,' Mr. Ryan Shriver, FLC Philosophy Department.
  • Monday, April 6: 'Problems in the Philosophy of Mind,' discussion led by the Philosophy Club Officers
  • Monday, April 13: 'The Mystery of the Mystery of Consciousness,' , Washington University.


  • Monday, September 9: “Living Deeper with God,” Dr. Justin P. McBrayer
  • Thursday, September 19: “Skeptical Religion: What it Means and Why it Matters,” , Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada
  • Sunday, September 29: Peripatetic Philosophy (a hike with philosophers)
  • Thursday, October 10: 'If quantum mechanics were true, we wouldn't be able to tell that it was right (and other problems for scientific realism)' Dr. Laura Ruetsche, University of Michigan
  • Monday, October 21: Ethics Bowl Debate
  • Monday, November 4: Getting into Graduate School or Law School: Professor’s Perspective
  • Monday, December 9: “Do we have moral obligations to nonhuman animals?” Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady, FLC Department of Philosophy
  • Monday, January 20: 'Is the Pope a Marxist?' Dr. Perry Solheim, FLC School of Business
  • Monday, February 3: 'What's wrong with skepticism? What's right about simplicity?' Dr. Dugald Owen, FLC Department of Philosophy, discusses the importance of being simple.
  • Monday, February 17: 'A Consideration of Language, Ontology, and Silence in Zen Philosophy,' Mr. Ryan Shriver, PhD candidate University of Hawaii and adjunct professor of philosophy at FLC
  • Monday, March 3: 'Do We Have Souls?' What ARE we? , University of Sheffield, UK shares his thoughts.
  • Monday, March 17: 'Effective Altruism,' How to effectively help others! Our guest is Mr. Caleb Ontiveros, FLC Philosophy major
  • Monday, April 14: "Getting into Graduate School or Law School: Students’ Perspective." Alumni lead this discussion on tips and tricks from recent students who have applied to graduate school in Philosophy or related fields! Sure to be a very helpful meeting.


  • Monday, September 3: “Skeptical Religion,” Caleb Ontiveros, FLC Philosophy Major
  • Thursday, September 20: “Defusing the Darwinian Dilemma: Adaptive Antirealism and Adequate Explanations,” , Calvin College
  • Monday, October 8: 'On Pridelessness,' , University of Calgary
  • Thursday, October 18: 'The Meaning of Life,' Dr. George Backen, Adams State College
  • Monday, October 29: “Courage as an Environmental Virtue,” Dr. Rachel Fredericks, FLC Department of Philosophy
  • Monday, November 5: FLC Ethics Bowl Scrimmage featuring four FLC philosophy students! Audience members wanted!
  • Monday, December 3: 'Do We Justly Own What We Legally Have?' , FLC Department of Philosophy
  • Monday, January 14: 'The F-Word in Academia: Clearing Faith's Bad Rap,' Mr. Nate Herbst, Connect Campus Ministry
  • Monday, January 28: “Critical Reflections on John Rawls’ Theory of Justice,” Dr. Sarah Roberts-Cady, FLC Department of Philosophy
  • Monday, February 11: 'Reflections On Caring in the Academy,' Dr. Bill Mangrum, FLC Religious Studies
  • Monday, February 18: 'Living Deeper without God,' Dr. Dugald Owen, FLC Department of Philosophy
  • Monday, February 25: TBA, A Student-Led Discussion
  • Monday, March 18: “Can a Life Be Redeemed?” Mr. Ed Cash, Durango High School
  • Monday, April 1: 'What Makes Something Possible? A Survey of the Metaphysics of Modality,' FLC Philosophy students


  • October 10: 'WTF is Postmodernism?' a student-led discussion, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • October 20 (Thursday): 'Is Epistemic Self-Reliance an Ideal?' Dr. Linda Zagzebski, University of Oklahoma, 3:30 Vallecito Room, Student Union
  • November 7: 'How is Virtue Relevant for Medical Ethics?' Dr. Kip Boyd, Chief Medical Officer, Mercy Hospital, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • December 5: 'Prediction & Truth: At What does Science Aim?' Doug Moore, FLC student, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • January 23: 'The crystal, the equation, and the metaphor walk into a bar: what do Michael Polanyi and Kurt Godel have to say to a writer?' Dr. David Clark, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • February 6: “Knowledge and Incentives: Doing Good While Doing Well,” , Economist with FLC School of Business, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • February 20: 'Continental Philosophy,'Dr. Nathan Guss, FLC Department of Modern Languages, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • March 19: 'What is Art?' Steve Meyers, FLC Department of English, 7 p.m., Senate Chambers of Student Union
  • April 19 (Thursday): , Department of Philosophy, Colorado State University, 3:30 p.m., Noble Hall 130 (topic TBA)