
Class Policies

Disenrollment Policy

The Mathematics Department practices the College’s Disenrollment Policy. If you miss the first two days of your math class you will be automatically disenrolled from the course.

Attendance Policy

Class will begin promptly. Please be in your seat and ready to begin at starting time. Attendance every day is expected. If you must miss class, you are responsible for knowing any and all materials and announcements covered in class. You are expected to stay in the classroom until class is dismissed.

Add/Drop Policy

The last day to add a course is census date. Prior to census date you may drop the class for any reason and no grade will be recorded.

The college-wide (not just in the Mathematics Department) deadline to withdraw from a course is 4 p. m. the Friday after midterm grades are posted.

Class Code

Do not carry on conversations in class with your neighbors or make noise that disrupts the class. Also, the class is not a place to read newspapers, etc., do other assignments, or sleep. Unacceptable behavior may result in your being asked to leave or even receiving an “F” for the class. Please turn your cell phones off or do not bring them to class. Attending class under the influence of alcohol or other substances will not be tolerated. You should be aware of and abide by the Fort Lewis College student conduct code (Section 3 of the .)

No tobacco of any kind is permitted in the classroom. Also, please be aware that smoking is not permitted within 50 feet of any building on campus.


The College’s official means of communication is through your FLC e-mail account. You should check it regularly (at least once a week).


Cheating comes in many forms (copying information from your neighbor, using “crib” sheets, plagiarism, etc.) and will not be tolerated. If you are found cheating, you may expect an “F” for the class and be reported to the Academic Affairs Office. You should be aware of and abide by the Fort Lewis College Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty policies (in ).

Please do your own homework. Study groups are encouraged but do not merely copy another person’s paper.


You are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. The date and time for the final exam is scheduled by the FLC Records Office and cannot be changed. You are responsible for being aware of the final exam schedule.


Fort Lewis College is committed to providing all students a liberal arts education through a personalized learning environment. If you think you have or you do have a documented disability which will need reasonable academic accommodations, please call the Accessibility Resource Center at 970-247-7459, for an appointment as soon as possible.


The Mathematics Department enforces prerequisites on its courses. Prerequisites for Math classes must be satisfied with a grade of at least C-.