
Exercise Science equipment checkout

Equipment checkout statement

Please allow TWO FULL WORK DAYS, not including weekends, to process your request.

Lab equipment being checked out for this course is the property of FLC Health & Human Performance department. Any equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged will be solely your responsibility. It is your responsibility to report the incident to the course instructor. Likewise, you are responsible for replacing OR refunding the total monetary value of that item. You will not receive a grade in the course until the equipment is received, repaired or replaced.

The piece of equipment is due back in SEVEN DAYS maximum from the checkout date. You will not receive a grade in the course until the equipment in returned. You are the responsible person for repairing or replacing any damaged equipment, even in case of other person’s equipment use (such as part of a student group work). If you do not agree to these conditions you will not be allowed to check out the equipment. 


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