
Why Study Chemistry & Biochemistry

Our Students Come First

  • Our department is devoted to providing students with the best possible education, through a combination of quality teaching, involvement with the scientific community through research, and focus on students.
  • Our students receive personalized instruction and mentoring from our outstanding faculty. We are proud of our open door policy, and students can stop by our offices for personalized instruction or advising most hours of the day. We try our best to help our students achieve their future career or graduate program goals, whatever they may be.

Our Graduates are Well Prepared

  • Graduates of the Department of Chemistry are well-prepared for the day they leave Fort Lewis College. They are successful entrants to medical, graduate and professional schools, as well directly into the workforce. Learn where our graduates go when they leave Fort Lewis.
  • Our department has over one million dollars of modern scientific instrumentation, better equipment than most schools our size and more accessible to undergraduates than at larger research-focused universities.
  • ALL students receive hands-on research experience in the laboratory under the mentorship of one of our PhD faculty members. Interested students also have the opportunity to pursue paid research opportunities over the summers, either here at Fort Lewis or at larger research-focused universities as a part of the National Science Foundation’s REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program.

Our Graduates Learn from Outstanding Faculty

  • Our faculty has been repeatedly recognized as outstanding teachers both locally and statewide. Dr. Kenny Miller was awarded the Alice Admire Outstanding Teaching award in 2014, and Emeritus Prof. Ron Estler was awarded the Carnegie Colorado Teacher of the Year award in 2009.
  • All of our faculty have a PhD in a sub discipline of Chemistry, and conduct innovative cutting edge research right here at Fort Lewis College.
  • Our department has a fantastic reputation with graduate schools. Professors from top-tier research universities visit our department every year to give seminars and meet and recruit students.

Did you know? Unlike many graduate school fields, chemistry graduate programs offer free tuition, and all graduate students are paid a full-time salary to conduct research and teach undergraduates?