
Financing your study abroad experience

  • Students selecting USAC cannot use their tuition waiver, merit scholarships, or other tuition-based financial aid. All loans and Pell Grants apply.
  • Students selecting ISEP exchange or Partner exchange can use all their financial aid, including tuition waivers, grants, scholarships, and loans.

Check with Skyhawk Station advisors for specific information about your aid.

Recommended FAFSA submission dates

Terms Submission Dates
For Fall & Winter Trimesters February 15
For Winter only September 15
For Summer only February 1
VA benefits
Fort Lewis College Study Abroad Scholarship
Additional scholarships
Resources for Study Abroad scholarships/grants

Contact us

130 Skyhawk Station

Scott Miller
SEVIS Officer
International Student Advisor
Phone: 970-986-6898

Yuriko Miller
Study Abroad Advisor
Phone: 970-986-6922