
Testing Center policies and procedures

Printable PDF of Policies and Procedures

All students using FLC Testing Center must follow the policies and procedures listed below:


  • All students must schedule their appointment at least four days prior to the exam date. To ensure a seat, appointments should be scheduled at least seven days in advance; schedule final exams at least two weeks prior. Walk-in appointments cannot be guaranteed.
    • The Student must schedule all appointments. If a Professor states he/she will handle the appointment scheduling, the student must contact the Center to confirm the date, time and that the student will attend.
  • A student requesting to use the center for testing accommodations must be registered with and approved for testing accommodations by the Accessibility Resource Center. A current Letter of Accommodations must be on file or the student must have written approval from the Director of the Accessibility Resource Center for temporary testing accommodations.
    • Testing accommodations are provided to allow students with disabilities an equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic abilities.
    • The student must meet with his/her instructors to discuss testing accommodations.
    • The student must schedule a testing appointment a minimum four days prior to the exam date. To ensure a seat and/or specific accommodations, it is recommended to set appointments at least seven days in advance; schedule final exams at least two weeks prior. It is strongly encouraged to schedule all exams published in a syllabus at the beginning of the semester.
    • If approved to use special resources like a software application, a reader and/or a scribe, the request for these services must be made when scheduling your appointment to provide adequate time to secure the additional services. The center will provide reasonable accommodations.
    • Testing appointments must be scheduled as close as possible to the in-class test time. Exceptions may include back-to-back courses or other time conflicts that are discussed and resolved with the professor.
    • If the student is unable to take the exams at the scheduled time, the student must contact the professor to discuss rescheduling. FLC Testing Center staff will not reschedule an exam without written consent from the professor.
  • All students must arrive on time for a scheduled appointment. Students who come late will have the “late time” subtracted from the allotted testing time. Exams will be collected and submitted “as is” once the overall allotted time has expired from the scheduled start time.
  • All exams must be completed in one seating and during the hours of operation.
  • Because leaving the center may compromise exam security, a short restroom break will be permitted only after one hour into a test session or if deemed an emergency
  • Personal technology use in the testing center is NOT permitted unless prior approval is granted based on a special need or by the professor. The student should seek personal technology approval one week prior to the exam date. Approval is issued by the Director of the Accessibility Resource Center, or the Testing Center Coordinator and the professor.
  • Approved use of notes, formula sheets, etc. must have the professor’s signature/initials clearly marked on the page in order to be used during an exam.
  • Cell phones cannot be stored with you or accessed during an exam. If you are monitoring a personal situation via a cell phone (family member care), you may leave your cell phone with the proctor who will notify you of an incoming alert. Cell phones must be turned off and stored on the black table during an exam.
  • No discussions, conversations, or questions regarding exam content can be held with other students/staff/faculty during an active exam session.
  • Students must not leave the testing center without approval. Once you leave the room without permission, you will not be able to return. Your exam will be submitted to the professor as is.
  • Due to the COVID pandemic, no food or drinks are permitted in the Testing Center.
  • For the comfort of all students and staff, please refrain from wearing strong scented lotions, perfumes, deodorant, residual cigarette scent or other like items. Strong odors can trigger allergic reactions or create a distracting environment.
  • FLC Testing Center will adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and the Academic Integrity and Dishonesty policies set forth in the FLC Faculty Handbook. All cases of suspected academic dishonesty will be immediately addressed and turned over to the professor for further action.


  • Schedule appointments at the front desk or via email at: at least four days prior to your test date. Seven days advance scheduling is recommended to secure specific services. Request all specific services and/or resources needed when scheduling your appointment.
  • The testing center door will remain locked. Do not enter the center without permission. Stand at the window and wait for the proctor to open the door.
  • Store all items such as backpacks, book bags, electronic devices, oversized hoods/hats, jackets, books, notes, tools and/or any items not approved for use during the exam prior to entering the testing center. You may leave items at your own risk in the front lobby area of the Accessibility Resource Center. If necessary, one book bag/purse can be stored on the black table inside the Testing Center. Skate boards should be stored outside the testing center.
  • Cell phones and other personal technology must be turned off and stored on the black table if bought into the center.
  • Prepare approved testing aids outside the center. Enter the center with items removed from your bag, as removing items from your bag once in the center may disturb students who are testing.
  • Complete sign-in forms if applicable
  • Present a current photo ID. Your ID must be current and have a signature included to take a CLEP or Scantron exam.
  • Pay applicable fee.
  • The testing proctor will assign a seat, issue the exam and review the professor’s requirements, exam details and/or restrictions with you prior to beginning the exam.
  • Speak to the proctor prior to leaving the testing room.
  • Return all test materials to the proctor prior to leaving the center and at the completion of the exam. Scratch paper will be submitted with exam if the professor requests. Exams may not leave the center without professor approval.
  • Clear calculators.
  • Clean your work space (seat, desk, and floor) before leaving the testing center.
  • Schedule your next appointment at the front desk in the lobby if applicable.

FLC Testing Center will strongly adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and the Academic Integrity and Dishonesty policies set forth in the Faculty Handbook. All cases of suspected academic dishonesty will be immediately addressed to the fullest extent of the policy.